Chapter 834
Huo Chi snorted, and motioned him to continue with his eyes.

Only then did Han Luo speak: "The first way is to win her over directly, and the other..."

Before he finished speaking, Huo Chi stood up immediately, and said with a smile: "Why didn't I think that this is okay, as long as I give her better conditions than Tianqi, don't believe she won't be tempted."

He has a habit of using bad tactics first in doing things. In the past, he couldn't do whatever he wanted in Port K. When he came to Yuncheng, no one cared about him, so he let himself go. He didn't expect to be able to poach the wall openly.

"Second Young Master, the second suggestion..."

Han Luo still wanted to finish speaking, but Huo Chi raised his hand to stop him from speaking, "I have something to say later."

He quickly picked up the phone again. Fortunately, the hotel room had a thick carpet and the phone was not broken.

Huo Chi called again and asked someone to check Qiao Yun's contact information.

It was hard to find Qiao Yun's phone number, but I finally found it from the materials of the admissions office who wanted to lure Qiao Yun to the school because of her good grades.

It was already the next day when Huo Chi got Qiao Yun's call.

As soon as he got it, he didn't think much about it, so he called directly.


This side of the hotel.

Qiao Yun got up at eight o'clock, and Li Miao was still sleeping. She didn't wake Li Miao up, put on her clothes lightly, opened the door of the room and went out after washing.

As soon as the door opened, Qiao Yun saw sandwiches and a stack of vegetable salads on the dining table.

Li Hanzhou was holding milk and putting it on the dining table. Seeing her get up, he said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm awake, come over for breakfast."

"You did it?" Qiao Yun walked over, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Li Hanzhou hummed, pulled away the chair opposite Qiao Yun and sat down, "There are few ingredients, so get some."

Qiao Yun was a little surprised. When Li Hanzhou first came back to Shangjing City, he cooked for her for the first time. He was still a master of dark cooking, the kind that people couldn't swallow.

Later she discovered that Li Hanzhou's cooking skills are getting better and better, not only is he good at grilling, he is also very good at cooking other dishes.

She took a bite of her sandwich and asked, "Do you like to cook?"

Li Hanzhou propped his chin, with a lazy and relaxed expression, and said casually: "I don't like to cook, I just like to cook for my wife."

Qiao Yun: "..."

She lowered her eyes and looked at the sandwich she took a bite out of, not knowing whether to put it down or continue to bite.

The man seemed not aware of what he said, and asked in a good mood: "How does it taste?"

Qiao Yun said slowly, "Very good."

Li Hanzhou asked: "Very good, why don't you continue to eat?"

Qiao Yun thought silently, it's not because of your nonsense.

She decided not to answer this question, picked up the cup expressionlessly, and took a sip of milk.

Li Hanzhou stared at Qiao Yun's glowing pink lips, his eyes dimmed slightly, and suddenly asked, "Professor Qiao, we've been together for a while, when can I become a regular?"

"Ah?" Qiao Yun put down the cup with a dazed expression.

Li Hanzhou raised his lips and asked again: "Can I become a regular?"

Qiao Yun didn't expect him to ask this suddenly, but it was a bit strange: "You have always been upright."

Li Hanzhou stared at Qiao Yun's bewildered look for a while, and finally smiled, not continuing the topic.

He just wanted to hear a heartfelt love from Qiao Yun's mouth.

But obviously, the current Professor Qiao is still unable to give him the answer.

Qiao Yun found that she knew how to read Li Hanzhou's face more and more. Although he was as lazy as before, he was actually a little depressed. She didn't know if it was because she said something wrong, but she didn't know where she said something wrong.

After thinking about it, she said sincerely, "You are the best experimental subject. I only have you as an experimental subject. There will be no one else. Well, there can be no one else."

Li Hanzhou was slightly stunned, and then the corners of his mouth curled up. The atmosphere is so good, it's really suitable to do something...

Then Qiao Yun's cell phone on the dining table rang inappropriately.

Li Hanzhou: "..."

Qiao Yun actually felt that the current atmosphere was quite strange. She obviously thought so from the bottom of her heart when she said what she said just now, but she didn't know why she felt weird when she said it.

Especially the way Li Hanzhou looked at her, she thought that the man was going to eat people in the next second.

The time of the phone call was just right, Qiao Yun would not answer strange calls normally, but this time she didn't think much, and answered it directly.

"Which one?"


Huo Chi on the other side of the phone didn't expect to be connected after calling once, and he was a little taken aback. Soon he came back to his senses and reported his family name: "It's me, Huo Chi."

Qiao Yun frowned subconsciously and didn't speak for a while.

Seeing that she was silent, Huo Chi restrained the young master's tone and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, so you don't know me anymore? I still remember how you tricked me on the cruise ship."

Qiao Yun then said slowly: "Are you here to seek revenge on me?"

When Li Hanzhou heard this, he looked sideways at Qiao Yun.

Qiao Yun gave Li Hanzhou a look and told him to wait.

Li Hanzhou hummed, ate breakfast slowly, and listened to Qiao Yun's conversation with the person on the phone.

"No, I'm here to talk to you about cooperation, a cooperation that will be of great benefit to you."

Huo Chi raised the corners of his mouth, deliberately holding Qiao Yun's appetite and waiting for her to ask, not wanting to lose the young master's style of being begged by others.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Yun said coldly: "Oh, I'm not interested."

Huo Chi's eyelids twitched, and he felt that Qiao Yun might hang up the phone in the next second. There was no such thing as a young master in his mind, and he raised his voice a few degrees: "Wait, I want to invite you to Huo's."

Qiao Yun really wanted to hang up, now that she heard this.

She couldn't help thinking.

Does Huo Chi have an interest in being abused?

Otherwise, she would have ruined his plan and wanted to invite her to Huo's.

Qiao Yun said concisely: "Not interested."

Huo Chi's expression was astonished. Someone is not interested in Huo's Research Institute?

He took a deep breath and continued: "You are not interested now, just because you don't know how much benefit you can get if you can come to Huo's."

Qiao Yun was neither salty nor light: "Oh."

Huo Chi pulled his mouth and couldn't hold his temper quickly: "Although because you and I are now burnt, I still appreciate your talents. As long as you come to Huo, I am willing to care about the previous suspicion, and the previous things have never happened. Naturally, the conditions I drive are also very generous. "

"What conditions?" Qiao Yun thought to herself, if Huo Chi knew that she was the person in charge of Tianqi, she wondered if she would be pissed to death, enthralled, and then pissed off?
Huo Chi said generously: "You can speak whatever you want, you can do whatever you want."

Qiao Yun was silent for a few seconds, and asked, "Huo, can you make the decision?"

"Are you just the second young master of the Huo family?"

"I heard that your family lost a lot of money, do you still have any money?"

"Oh, I see, you want to embezzle public funds."

"Does your elder brother know that you are so generous?"

Huo Chi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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