Chapter 835 Are you an examiner?Tsk, are you okay?
Qiao Yun gave a knowing blow: "It's not good for you, do you need me to inform your elder brother for you?"

Looking at Qiao Yun's clear and innocent eyes, Li Hanzhou couldn't help laughing softly.

He understood Qiao Yun's character, she didn't say these words to annoy people, but she really thought so.

But often her non-malicious words are the most irritating. It is estimated that Huo Chi on the other side will think that Qiao Yun is deliberately irritating him.

Huo Chi really thought that Qiao Yun said this on purpose, and his face turned cold instantly.

Every sentence Qiao Yun said hit his Achilles heel precisely, making him so angry that his heart, liver and lungs ached.

Very well, it's been a long time since he had this feeling of being pissed off. The last time he felt this way was when Huo Lin seized power and became the head of the Huo family.

He wanted to get angry, but when he thought of his current situation, he could bear it again.

Forbearance for a while, the future is bright.

Huo Chi forced a smile on his handsome face, "You don't need to worry about these, you just need to give me an answer, and I will arrange the rest. Since I will invite you, I will definitely not let you suffer."

He said to Qiao Yun plainly: "The Apocalypse Research Institute is indeed a holy place that people like you yearn for. Have you ever thought about how much attention you will get even if you pass the assessment of Apocalypse? It's different, if you come to Huo's, you will definitely not be short of funds, and I can even promise you to let you do projects independently."

Qiao Yun didn't listen to what he said very carefully, she just felt that he was too noisy, she said without the slightest hesitation: "You are not qualified enough."

Qiao Yun didn't know what to say to dig into the wall and come to her side.

Huo Chi thought that Qiao Yun's words meant that he was not qualified.

Very good, stepped on his thunder point again!

Huo Chi tried his best to suppress the anger in his voice, and said coldly, "Are you sure you don't think about it?"

Qiao Yun replied simply: "No."

Huo Chi's face suddenly turned cold, and he almost said through gritted teeth: "I invite you sincerely, don't be shameless, there are many capable people in the world, and our Huo family does not lack you."

Qiao Yun's attitude was neutral: "Oh."

Huo Chi: "..."

Huo Chi has never met anyone like Qiao Yun. He said so much, but only one? ?
He felt powerless as if he had punched cotton.

Huo Chi paused and said: "Remember your choice now, you will regret it."

The expression on Qiao Yun's face gradually became impatient, and he said truthfully: "I have heard this many times, but I have never regretted it."

Huo Chi was taken aback. If Qiao Yun dared to speak to him like this, wouldn't he be afraid of his revenge?

Qiao Yun seemed to think of something, and reacted slowly: "You said I want to participate in the apocalypse assessment?"

"Is not it."

Qiao Yun said seriously: "Of course not, I'm an examiner."

Huo Chi was quiet for a while, and then laughed hahaha: "You are an examiner? Tsk, are you okay?"

Qiao Yun thought to herself, look, every time she tells the truth, no one will believe her.

This person is too stupid, Qiao Yun said bluntly: "Don't talk to idiots."

Huo Chi still wanted to say something, but Qiao Yun didn't want to listen to his nonsense at all, so he hung up the phone and blocked it with one click.

Li Hanzhou clicked his tongue at this moment.

Qiao Yun looked up at him, inexplicably seeing a little grievance on his handsome face.

Qiao Yun: Are you okay?
Li Hanzhou said with no emotion on his face, "Professor Qiao, you are so welcome."

Qiao Yun nodded, indicating that he thought so too.

Li Hanzhou laughed uncontrollably: "What should I do, I'm jealous."

Qiao Yun: "..."

If it was before, she might have taken it seriously, but now she knows that Li Hanzhou likes to put on a show in front of her.

So she decided to pretend she didn't see it, and ate the sandwich with her head down.

Li Hanzhou didn't get a reply, so he suppressed the playful smile on his face and asked her: "It was Huo Chi just now? Want to win you over?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yun frowned: "He may be sick, oh, I forgot to remind him to see a doctor."

Qiao Yun took out her phone again, pulled Huo Chi's number out of the whitelist, and sent him a message.

[If you are sick, you should see a doctor. Don't shy away from medical treatment, it's not good. 】

Li Hanzhou watched Qiao Yun operate the whole time, if others would misunderstand that Qiao Yun was cursing.

But obviously, Qiao Yun really felt that Huo Chi was seriously ill.

Qiao Yun dragged Huo Chi into the blacklist again, and said strangely: "I sabotaged his plan, so it stands to reason that I am his enemy, and he still wants to poach me, so I must be sick."

Li Hanzhou was not surprised at all, and said meaningfully: "Little friend, you don't realize how popular you are."

Qiao Yun was puzzled: "Professor Qiao is in demand, not me."

She used the name Miss Lu on the cruise ship.

"Professor Qiao and you are equally popular." Li Hanzhou chuckled, staring at Qiao Yun with deep eyes and focus, his voice was hoarse and low: "If it were me, I would also want to win you over. If I could Owning you only makes money."

It takes a lot of time and energy to cultivate a technical talent. An innate genius like Qiao Yun is really rare, and anyone with a big picture will be moved.

Long-term investment will bring him a lot of benefits, so it's no wonder that Huo Chi is still tempted by Qiao Yun's sabotage of his plan.

Besides, after the cruise ship incident, Qiao Yun has become famous, and everyone knows that the lady of the Lu family is a computer expert.

If it weren't for Qiao Yun's closeness to him, those people were afraid of him, Huo Chi might not be the only one who poached the wall now.

Qiao Yun didn't know how hot she was right now. Hearing Li Hanzhou's words, especially the last sentence, she was slightly moved.

She blinked and said in a low voice, "I have money, so I don't need to work for others."

But she has so much money!

Li Hanzhou thought about it, and said: "When you get married in the future, plus my property, you will have more money. Is Professor Qiao not tempted?"

Qiao Yun is already used to the tiger-wolf words that Li Hanzhou pops out of her mouth from time to time, although she is indeed a little moved.

It takes a lot of money to do scientific research, and they are so good at spending money.

The head of the family, Professor Qiao, is often worried that he will go bankrupt, so he has been forcing Pei Yao to work hard to make money.

Qiao Yun pursed her lips, but still didn't answer his question, and instead asked, "Are you going in a few days?"

Li Hanzhou was stunned for a moment, realizing that Qiao Yun was talking about Tianqi's assessment of whether he wanted to visit, and said, "Well, I'll go with you."

Qiao Yun's beautiful eyes bent: "Okay."

"Kid..." Li Hanzhou smiled carelessly, "Did you just change the subject?"

Qiao Yun: "..."

Seeing Qiao Yun's erratic eyes, Li Hanzhou curled his mouth and took a sip of water in a good mood.

The first time he woke up, he could see his sweetheart. He enjoyed this rare getting along very much.

Unfortunately, it's only a few days.


After Qiao Yun hung up the phone, Huo Chi stared at Dan Feng's eyes for a long time.

Until Han Luo couldn't help but ask, "Second Young Master, what did she say?"

Only then did Huo Chi regain his senses, took a deep breath, raised his hand and wanted to throw the phone out, but in the end he put down his hand angrily, looked at Han Luo with cold eyes, "Your idea is bad!"

Seeing him like this, Han Luo still felt a little terrified in his heart. He suppressed this feeling and said, "She doesn't want to?"

"Oh..." Huo Chi sneered, his face gradually distorted: "Not only did he not want to, but he also mocked me, and my Huo family does not lack her. The young master has met countless people, but this is the first time I have seen her like this." People who don't eat oil and salt."

A malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "She managed to make the young master change his mind. It was originally a pity, but now even if she knelt on the ground and begged me to take her in, I wouldn't look at her again. I hope she won't regret it A decision made today!"

Huo Chi thought to himself.

A brat, how could he have the guts to treat him like this? He really doesn't know what to do.

He must give her something to eat.

It's not that he wants to enter the apocalypse, he just doesn't let her wish.

Although Huo Chi has no bottom line in doing things, he thinks that as a grown man and a little girl, he is too cheap.

Besides, Li Hanzhou was behind Qiao Yun, and even when he was confused, he knew how much he was.

It's different now.

It was Qiao Yun who rushed to make him care about it!
Han Luo saw Huo Chi's gloomy face and remained silent. He was quiet for a moment, and told him what he hadn't finished talking yesterday: "Second Young Master, you may not know that the Tianqi Institute is very strict, even in terms of time concept. .”

Huo Chi restrained his thoughts and looked at him coldly: "What do you mean?"

Han Luo explained: "Apocalypse assessment has a specified time, even if it is a second late, you are not allowed to enter. The time for scientific research is also very important, and there is absolutely no time error allowed."

Huo Chi was so angry that he didn't turn his head around, and said impatiently: "What do you want to say after talking so much?"

Han Luo said bluntly: "In case of a traffic jam or an accident, she can only blame herself. It has nothing to do with us, doesn't it?"

Huo Chi suddenly realized when he heard the words, the depression in his heart eased a lot, and a smile appeared on his face: "That's right, she can only blame herself."

At this moment, he saw Han Luo pleasing to the eye a lot, and blamed him: "Why didn't you tell me that there is such a simple method before."

And it will not be discovered by others, because someone secretly manipulated it.

Han Luo said perfunctorily, "I only thought of it yesterday."

He sneered inwardly.

He also wanted to say that the key was that Huo Chi didn't give him a chance, he just made up his own mind, and he even tried to persuade him, but let it be if he didn't listen, and almost made things worse.

Now that Huo Chi gave up on trying to win over Qiao Yun, and still had a problem with Qiao Yun, it could relieve his anger and save him a competitor in the Huo family.

For him, there is no harm in this matter.

Han Luo met Qiao Yun only once, but he also knew that this kind of genius thought highly of himself, and it was not easy to win him over.

He knew from the beginning that Huo Chi's courtship would fail, and according to Huo Chi's character, Qiao Yun would definitely be blacklisted.

This is why he didn't say the second idea first, but let Huo Chi win over Qiao Yun directly.

Han Luo curled his lower lip calmly.

He didn't expect to get rid of a competitor so easily.

He knew very well how much threat Qiao Yun would pose to him if he was really drawn into the Huo family.

At this moment, he looked at Qiao Yun with admiration in his heart. Even after Huo Chi put such a big bait on her, she was still not moved. It should be said that she was short-sighted or arrogant.


After Qiao Yun finished breakfast, Li Hanzhou took the opportunity to talk to her about moving to live in his villa here.

Li Hanzhou's reasons are very good: "The villa is very big, no one else is there, the family lives together, and the independent space will be larger than the hotel. Besides, your family members know our relationship now, so you always give me a chance to show it. Right? ?”

Qiao Yun thought for a while and felt that it made sense, so she nodded and said, "Okay then, let's go live in the villa."

It was almost a month before she went to report to the university. During this period of time, it was indeed not very convenient for her to stay in a hotel, and she was not used to it.

So when Li Miao woke up, she was told to 'move'.

Li Miao asked Li Hanzhou in a daze: "Why didn't I know that our family bought a villa in Yuncheng?"

Li Hanzhou raised his eyebrows: "Do you usually pay attention to family affairs?"

"That's right." Li Miao complained: "Brother, why didn't you say it earlier, or you could have lived there earlier."

Naturally, Li Hanzhou would not tell her that the villa was purchased temporarily, and only said: "I didn't think of it before."

Li Miao had a big heart and didn't think much about it.

Qiao Yun didn't care too much about this kind of thing at all.

When he came to the villa, Qiao Yun found that it was very close to the Su family, and he was even more satisfied.

Qiao Yun was being dragged around the villa by Li Miao.

The phone rang.

She glanced at it and picked it up.

"Qiao Qiao, where have you been? Why did the hotel say that you checked out?"

Su Mian's voice was anxious.

They had just returned from the island when her eldest daughter disappeared.

Only then did Qiao Yun remember that he forgot to notify them, and apologized, "I'm at Congee's villa."

Su Mian didn't know what to say.

She and her precious daughter were separated for only three days, and then she was abducted by Li Hanzhou to her home!

Is it too much?
Fortunately, Qiao Yun's next sentence dispelled Su Mian's dissatisfaction.

"Congee Congee said that it is convenient for us to live together, and it is so close to my uncle's house, my mother can often go there to play."

Su Mian was taken aback for a moment, then her heart warmed slightly.

If she guessed right, the villa should be a temporary addition, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

She asked Qiao Yun for the address and hung up the phone.

Then tell everyone the news.

Su Qingqing sent them here and hadn't left yet. Hearing the good news, she immediately said: "Then let's go there quickly."

After that, she wanted to find her cousin to play with, which was not very convenient.

Lu Rui said displeased: "No matter what, you have to inform us first, Qiao Qiao is too dangerous to be alone in the same room."

Su Mian glanced at him: "Did you forget that Miaomiao was there, and Mr. Li's rare kindness you should thank him, otherwise you thought it would be such a coincidence that you happened to be next to my brother's house?"

Lu Rui was speechless, and for a long time spit out: "Honey, you turned your back so soon."

Su Mian already had a crush on Li Hanzhou, but now that he is so careful, she curled her lip at Lu Rui and said, "If you don't like it, you can go to the hotel by yourself, anyway, I'm going to go and hang out with my precious daughter."

Lu Rui suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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