Chapter 850 What?Who are you! ?

Qiao Yun tapped on the screen: [Okay, here we go. 】

After replying to Lu Shiran, she said to Li Hanzhou, "Go to eat?"

Li Hanzhou naturally followed Qiao Yun.


"My sister agreed, let's go to the cafeteria." Lu Shiran called Li Miao to go to the cafeteria together.

Shen Qi stood up in an instant, grabbed Xu Fang and said, "Let's go, let's go there together."

"You go, I'll go find my brother." Xu Fang was very anxious, wanting to know if his brother had passed the first round of assessment.

"That's fine." Shen Qi waved to him, making him kneel down.

Li Miao squinted her eyes, stared at Shen Qi, and said quietly: "Brother Shen, this is not good."

"What's wrong?" Shen Qi didn't hear Li Miao's defense against him at all.

"Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Ah? Why should I feel embarrassed? I know people. What's so embarrassing?"

"No, people eat together as a family, and you are not a family."

Shen Qi was at a loss: "Have you forgotten, and neither have you."

Li Miao: "..."

Li Miao said confidently: "Not now, but in the future."

Shen Qi smiled and said, "You yourself said it's the future, not the present."

Li Miao widened her eyes speechlessly.

She certainly guessed right.

Brother Shen paid so much attention to Qiao Yun, he must have a crush on his sister-in-law, and also suffered from being preempted by the Great Demon King, so he dared not to speak in his heart.

Thinking about it this way, it seems quite pitiful.

Li Miao sighed and comforted: "Brother Shen, what is not yours is not yours after all, you have to look away."

Shen Qi:? ? ?What are you talking about?

Lu Shiran frowned: "Let's go?"

"Let's go." Li Miao's attention was drawn back, and she happily followed Lu Shiran away.

Shen Qi spared his head, didn't understand Li Miao's inexplicable words just now, shook his head and followed.

A group of people meet in a cafeteria.

Lu Shiran was very curious and asked a lot about the assessment.

Qiao Yun answered him obediently.

The cafeteria is very big, but there are not many people who come to eat, so it is sparse, so there is no need to worry about being heard what they are talking about.

Lu Shiran exclaimed: "Only ten people will be left in the first round? Will it be too strict?"

Qiao Yun explained: "There are not many talents, and those who can stay are geniuses."

Lu Shiran had a bitter face, "Apocalypse is too strict, is there no hope for me in the future?"

"No, brother is very smart." Qiao Yun told Lu Shiran not to worry.

Lu Shiran chuckled: "Sister, do you consider opening a back door?"

Qiao Yun had a serious face: "I don't think about it."

Lu Shiran snorted, "I have a big brother and sister but I can't hug her,'s too miserable.

Li Miao wondered: "You want to enter Tianqi, why do you ask Qiao Qiao to open the back door, she can't make the decision."

Without waiting for others to answer, Shen Qi took the lead and said, "Because she is Professor Qiao, of course she can make the decision."

Li Miao: "? What?"

Li Miao looked at the innocent and well-behaved Qiao Yun in astonishment, and raised her voice: "What? Who are you!?"

Qiao Yun replied calmly: "Professor Qiao."

She has always wanted to find a chance to talk to Miaomiao, but she always missed the opportunity to speak by mistake, and now she was caught off guard.

Holding the chopsticks, Li Miao was petrified.

Lu Shiran was more surprised than Li Miao: "You don't know?"

Li Miao turned to look at Lu Shiran: "You also know?"

Lu Shiran told her: "Our whole family knows about it."

Li Miao said aggrievedly: "Why, I don't know, didn't I agree that I lived in the country before, and I have prepared a lot of good things to donate when I come here this time."

"Hahaha, you are a genius who wants to donate to the people of the Apocalypse Research Institute." Lu Shiran sneered ruthlessly.

Li Miao pursed her lips, she was surprised that her good sister suddenly became Professor Qiao, but she accepted it quickly. After all, she is the eldest lady of the Li family and has seen many important people, but she has not recovered.

"No, Qiao Qiao, you are so good, what are you going to learn?"

Qiao Yun explained: "I want to be a human being."

Li Miao:? ?So you are not human?
Qiao Yun apologized: "I want to tell you, but there is no chance, so don't be angry."

Li Miao groaned and said, "I'm not angry, my good sister is a big shot, but I'm actually quite happy."

Seeing that her attitude remained unchanged, Qiao Yun was relieved. If Li Miao alienated her because of this status, it would still make her feel sad.

Li Miao's heart was big, shock was nothing but shock, it was impossible for her to be unfamiliar with Qiao Yun.

Instead, she suddenly thought of something, turned her head to Shen Qi and said, "So brother Shen, you pay so much attention to Qiao Qiao, it's not because you like her..."

Li Han, who had been courteously serving Qiao Yun with food, said with a half-smile, "Do you like my girlfriend?"

Shen Qi had a frightened face.

Although he likes Professor Qiao, he doesn't like this! !

Is it because I like idols?

"I'm not, I'm not, impossible."

Li Hanzhou smiled: "What's wrong with my girlfriend, why isn't it worthy of your liking?"

Shen Qi: "..."

You are enough, don't make trouble for no reason!
Fortunately, Qiao Yun stopped him: "Don't scare him."

Only then did Li Hanzhou give up.

Li Miao looked at the well-behaved Qiao Yun, and thought belatedly, her good sister is Professor Qiao, so will she be able to enjoy the products developed by Tianqi in advance?

Wow, that's exciting.



Jiang Jing and Xu Qiao joined together.

Xu Qiao didn't notice Jiang Jing's distraught look, she grabbed her arm and asked anxiously, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Jing pursed her lips tightly, her expression collapsed, and she closed her eyes: "I lost."

"Losing?" Xu Qiao's voice was sharp, "Are you kidding your mother? How could you lose!"

Her daughter is so outstanding, she will lose the election!
Jiang Jing bit her lips tightly, she also wanted to know why she lost.

Xu Qiao said anxiously: "I have arranged the celebration banquet and even notified everyone, how should it end now?"

Jiang Jing's eyes turned black: "Mom, why don't you ask my opinion, do you want me to be laughed to death by everyone? You let me live in Yuncheng in the future, I have no face to go out."

"I didn't know you would lose the election." Xu Qiao couldn't believe it: "According to your ability, how can you not be worthy of Tianqi? If they can get you, they should die of laughter."

Jiang Jing said bitterly: "You don't know anything, but Qiao Yun is actually the specially invited examiner for this assessment! If it wasn't for her appearance, I wouldn't have messed up my senses."

Xu Qiaoru was struck by lightning, she never expected that Qiao Yun would have this ability.

She said unconvinced: "I understand, you must have lost because of her tricks. You can't just let it go, this assessment is unfair!"

Jiang Jing was stunned.

On the one hand, he felt that Qiao Yun would not do this.

On the one hand, she hoped that Qiao Yun would really tamper with the assessment, so that her reputation could be preserved.

Xu Qiao patted Jiang Jing's hand and comforted her: "Don't be sad, mom will help you get justice. The Jiang family is the richest man in one party, so people can bully them at will."

(End of this chapter)

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