Chapter 851 Did You Tell Her On Purpose?
Jiang Jing asked subconsciously: "Mom, what do you want to do?"

A calculating light flashed in Xu Qiao's eyes, and she said in a gentle voice: "Of course I want to tell everyone how unfair they are to you. My daughter is so good, it's impossible for her to lose the election. I don't believe that there is no smuggling in it. .”

When Jiang Jing heard this, her heartbeat suddenly became very fast, so fast that it seemed to jump out of her throat.

Reason told her that her mother's behavior should be stopped.

Qiao Yun is the future daughter-in-law valued by the Li family, and Li Hanzhou loves Qiao Yun so much.

Coupled with the Qiao family behind Qiao Yun, it may be because of the Qiao family that she was able to become Tianqi's special examiner this time.

After all, the Joseph Research Institute and the Apocalypse Research Institute are well known to have a close relationship.

Combining the pros and cons, if they are annoyed, it will be very detrimental to the development of the Jiang family.

Besides, with the credibility of the Apocalypse Research Institute here, it should be impossible to watch Qiao Yun carry private goods.

Maybe it was jealousy of Qiao Yun, or unwillingness in her heart, Jiang Jing swallowed her saliva, and said with a little panic: "This is not good, Qiao Yun can become Tianqi's special examiner, there must be something behind it."

Xu Qiao's point is: "It turns out that she herself also went through the back door, and Tianqi is not as fair and just as everyone said."

Jiang Jing bit her lip: "Probably not..."

"Why not."

Xu Qiao looked at the grievance of her precious daughter, and sighed: "Silly boy, you are too naive, do you think everyone is as upright as you? She is only so old, even if she is capable and skilled, is it possible that she is better than those old professors?" Great? Why did Tian Qi invite her to be a special examiner?

After a pause, he muttered again: "Mom remembers that you said that there was only one examiner in Tianqi's assessment in the past, why there is one more this time, after you bet with Qiao Yun, maybe it was for you Well, you are so foolish as to be bullied."

I have to say that Xu Qiao guessed half of it right.

It was indeed Jiang Jing who wanted to make a bet with Qiao Yun, which reminded her of the apocalypse assessment. It happened that she came to sit in the town when she was coming back to Yuncheng.

It's not like what Xu Qiao guessed, it's all for the sake of frightening Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing is not worthy of Professor Qiao's trouble.

However, Jiang Jing was already dazed, and after being analyzed by Xu Qiao, her mind became confused.

Luckily, she would lose the election. Maybe it wasn't because she was inferior in skills, but because Qiao Yun was deliberately targeting her?
Jiang Jing is used to going smoothly, but she suddenly failed once. No matter how she tried to improve her mental health, she still couldn't convince herself that she would fail.

Now that someone gave her a good reason, she naturally got into it.

Xu Qiaoxu said: "You are going to participate in the Tianqi assessment. Everyone in the circle knows that my mother had a party with people a while ago, and they praised our Jiang family for having you as a genius. Now that you are suddenly defeated, those people Maybe it’s going to make things worse, Jingjing, mom is always thinking about you, and doesn’t want you to be talked about.”

Jiang Jing didn't understand this truth.

"Don't worry about this matter, leave it to mom." Xu Qiao asked Jiang Jing not to worry about it. In short, she would not let Jiang Jing become the object of ridicule.

Jiang Jing's lips moved. Before she could speak, she suddenly saw Qiao Yun. Her pupils shrank and became colder. She couldn't look away from Qiao Yun for a while.


Qiao Yun also saw Jiang Jing, she wanted to ignore it, but she didn't know what to think of, so she paused, told Li Hanzhou and the others to wait, then turned her head and walked in Jiang Jing's direction.

Jiang Jing didn't expect Qiao Yun to come over. She looked alert and said in a bad tone: "What else do you want to do? Are you making fun of me?"

Qiao Yun raised her eyebrows. Compared with Jiang Jing's anger, she looked calm and said meaningfully: "Do you know why you failed?"

Jiang Jing was taken aback for a moment.

Xu Qiao frowned and said in disgust, "It's not because of you."


Jiang Jing came back to her senses, staring at Qiao Yun as if she wanted to eat her, and said through gritted teeth: "I could have succeeded, but it was because of you that I lost the election. Are you so afraid that I will be admitted by Tianqi? It took such a lot of trouble to become a special examiner."

Tianqi is the top research institute in the country, if she wants to become famous, entering Tianqi is the best choice.

Of course, even if she loses the election, she can also go to other research institutes.

But now as long as Qiao Yun is around, she can't calm down and study. No matter what she does, she will always think of Qiao Yun's suppression of her.

If this continues, she may have to go abroad in embarrassment.

Jiang Jing's breathing was a little short, and she stared at Qiao Yun's beautiful face with eyes full of anger. There was no emotion on her face, but she felt that Qiao Yun was watching her joke.


Jiang Jing paused.

Can't help but think, Qiao Yun will become Tianqi's special examiner, is it because he wants to destroy her?
Where did she provoke Qiao Yun?
The more Jiang Jing thought about it, the more it happened, her eyes turned black, her hands were tightly clenched, and she almost pinched the blood on her palms, but she couldn't suppress her anger towards Qiao Yun.

How can there be such a person in this world who wears an innocent skin but is so vicious inside.

Master Li is really blind.

Professor Xu is also foolish, and instead of accepting her as a student, he fell in love with Qiao Yun.

Jiang Jing took a deep breath, desperately suppressed the anger in her heart, and pretended to be calm: "Don't worry, I won't do what you want, maybe I have to thank you for making me more motivated, and in time I will definitely surpass you .”

Qiao Yun didn't even know what Jiang Jing was talking about, so she said in a calm tone, "Oh, then go for it."

Jiang Jing's face darkened even more.

Qiao Yun was too lazy to talk to her, and told her the reason for her visit in a calm voice: "You will fail because the software you carry has been implanted with a virus."

Jiang Jing was stunned and didn't react.

Qiao Yun admired Jiang Jing's ever-changing complexion, and took the time to say: "But you didn't realize that your skills are not as good as others."

Jiang Jing was shocked, and when she came back to her senses, she said emotionally, "You're lying to me! How could the software I made myself contain viruses."

Qiao Yun snorted, and said indifferently, "I have to ask myself."

She just wanted to talk about it with Jiang Jing, as for what Jiang Jing thought afterwards, she didn't care, and Qiao Yun returned to Li Hanzhou after she finished speaking.

Li Miao moved to Qiao Yun's side, but looked at Jiang Jing who was not far away with an ugly face: "Qiao Qiao, what did you say to her, you can see that she wants to eat you."

Qiao Yun replied casually: "Tell her the truth."

Li Miao savored Jiang Jing's expression, and said, "Why do I feel that your so-called truth is driving her to death. Qiao Qiao, did you tell her on purpose?"

Qiao Yun's innocent face: "I'm just telling the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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