Chapter 897 Qiao Yun is cold and fierce: No, touch him
Everyone in the Jiang family looked a little anxious.

Huo Lin's attitude is really intriguing.

What's the point of recognizing Fu Yun as a godmother? The most important thing is Huo Lin's opinion. Judging from the current situation, Huo Lin doesn't value her as much as Jiang Jing said.

Xu Qiao couldn't bear the scrutiny from others, and said, "Young Master Huo, you're here, I'll wait until the ceremony is over before leaving..."

"I'm in a hurry." Huo Lin's voice was lukewarm, even a little gentle, but his eyes were quite oppressive.

He pressured everyone to get the position of Patriarch of the Huo family, which proved that he is a person with ability and vision.

It's not that he doesn't know what the Jiang family thinks, as long as Jiang Jing can make his mother happy, he doesn't want to take care of it, but it doesn't mean that he will love the Jiang family himself.

The surrounding atmosphere was a little awkward.

How rushed this time is, it is actually more important than admitting to be a younger sister.

Seeing that Huo Lin was really going to leave.

Jiang Jing's mind was blank, she only knew that Huo Lin could not leave, if he left, she would be the subject of discussion again.

She suppressed the anger, unwillingness, and resentment in her heart, restrained her emotions, and said naturally: "Brother, wait a moment, there may be some misunderstanding."

Huo Lin paused and looked sideways at Jiang Jing.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jiang Jing seemed to see a flash of ridicule in Huo Lin's eyes, as if saying that you deserve to be called my brother.

Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment, and her throat seemed to be blocked for a moment.

At this moment, Jiang Jing realized very clearly that Huo Lin probably knew the little Jiujiu in her heart.

She feels like a clown.

On the other hand, Xu Qiao reacted quickly, and quickly said: "That's right, we did have a little misunderstanding with Master Li because of some things before, but relatives don't have an overnight feud."

She said and gave Jiang Shaocheng a hand, "Hurry up and invite Master Li over, he might be waiting for you to step down the steps."

If it weren't for the concern about Huo Lin's presence, Jiang Shaocheng's face would have been stretched a lot. He had never been so embarrassing in his life.

Fu Yun knew that it was because of her that Huo Lin wanted to meet Li Hanzhou and Qiao Yun, so he said immediately after hearing the words: "Since there is a misunderstanding, let's talk about it quickly, don't spoil the relationship."

She thought of Fu Yao again.

At the beginning, Fu Yao misunderstood her starting point too deeply, so she was so heartless. She regretted that she didn't analyze the stakes with Fu Yao properly.

Jiang Jing's beautiful eyes were full of grievances, and she looked at Jiang Shaocheng quietly.

Jiang Shaocheng sighed in his heart, and followed their wishes: "Mrs. Huo, Young Master Huo, then I will excuse you first."

If he could, he didn't want to break up with the relatives of the Li family. Maybe if he said a few good words, there would be room for things to turn around.

"I will go with you."

Xu Qiao was worried that Jiang Shaocheng would not be able to speak and would make things worse.

Huo Rin smiled inexplicably, for the sake of his mother, he just waited and it was nothing.


in the box.

José was talking to Qiao Yun with his head tilted: "Come back this time, are you still planning to leave?"

As soon as the words came out, both the Su family and the Lu family looked at Qiao Yun nervously, fearing that she would not be able to leave after saying this.

Qiao Yun hummed and said, "Let's go."

Su Mian breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Mr. Qiao, we will definitely take good care of Qiao Qiao."

Qiaoser deliberately said: "If Qiaoqiao is in my house, I can take good care of her. Besides, I watched Qiaoqiao grow up. No one knows her better than me."

"This..." Su Mian was bluffed by Qiao Se's seriousness, and thought that he really wanted to persuade Qiao Yun to leave. She was so anxious that she quickly thought about the countermeasures, thinking about what to say to make Qiao Yun give up. .

Li Hanzhou laughed softly: "Old Qiao, just give up, Qiao Qiao can't bear to leave me."

José glared at Li Hanzhou, and said bluntly, "Did you talk?"

He still doesn't admit that this person is his grandson-in-law.

Li Hanzhou showed Qiao Yun that I was wronged.

Qiao Yun glanced at Qiao Se helplessly, and said in a soft voice, "Don't be scary."

Joseph: "..."

It's over, and the elbows are turned out.

Qiao Xun picked up a chopstick dish for Qiao Se, "Dad, you are enough."

"Grandpa Qiao, at your age, why do you still like to scare people?" Pei Yao said speechlessly.

José glared at him: "It's all because you are so useless."

Pei Yao:? ? ?What does it matter to me?

Qiao Se snorted, and said to Qiao Yun with a smile: "I'm relieved to see that they are so afraid of me taking you away."

Lu Zhanxing said sweetly, "My sister is so nice and cute, no one would want her to leave."

"Okay." José smiled and said sadly, "We won't be able to see each other often in the future."

Qiao Yun couldn't help but raised the corner of her lips, "It's not like I won't come back."

José's expression returned to normal, and he said, "Go back to the old house when you have time to take a look. The little ones in the house are afraid of you, but they actually like you very much. You have been away for so long, but they still talk about you in their hearts. .”

Qiao Yun responded: "Okay."

The Su family watched with emotion in their hearts, the Qiao family really valued Qiao Yun.

At this time, the box door was knocked.

Everyone's attention was attracted, and then the box door was pushed open.

When Xu Qiao and Jiang Shaocheng walked in, they were surprised not only Li Hanzhou and Qiao Yun, but also the Su family, Qiao family, and Lu family were there.

Xu Qiao couldn't help thinking, the Jiang family held an important banquet here today, and this group of people gathered here, was it on purpose?

Her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Su Fan was the first to speak: "Hey, Lao Jiang, why are you here? Aren't you holding a banquet next door? Why did you leave?"

Jiang Shaocheng gritted his teeth in his heart, ignored Su Fan's cynicism, and said to Li Hanzhou with a smile: "Master Li, you are here, why don't you come over for a drink? If I did something wrong before, I apologize to you. "

He kept his posture low.

The corners of Li Hanzhou's lips curled into a half-smile, and he said calmly, "It seems that what I said was not clear enough, do I need to say it again?"

Jiang Shaocheng's face turned red, he was ashamed.

Xu Qiao said with a smile: "They are all relatives, there is no need to make such an ugly scene."

Li Hanzhou played with Qiao Yun's little hands boredly, without even looking at them: "The ones who came here after work are also considered relatives?"

The smile on the corner of Xu Qiao's mouth froze. Doesn't this mean that the Jiang family is shameless?

Li Hanzhou's attitude was obvious enough, he just didn't want to recognize the relatives of the Jiang family.

Xu Qiao was obviously not convinced, and wanted to say something, but was held back by Jiang Shaocheng. He still wanted to face, and said with a fake smile: "We interrupted."

As she said that, regardless of Xu Qiao's struggle, she forcefully pulled her away.

Li Hanzhou scratched Qiao Yun's nose helplessly, "Little trouble."

Qiao Yun muttered, "I'm not a scourge."

Li Hanzhou squeezed Qiao Yun's hand: "They came here in person to curry favor with Huo Lin, after all, it wasn't for you."

"Oh." Qiao Yun didn't even lift her eyelids.

Li Hanzhou said: "If he knew that Mr. Qiao was there, he would probably come over in person."

Huo Lin obviously didn't know what he missed.

José also remembered Huo Lin, and snorted, "If you want to find me, you can find me, what do you want to do with Xiao Qiao."

Qiao Xun reminded: "Dad, didn't you refuse his medical treatment?"

Joseph coughed lightly: "Who made him the Huo family."

Qiao Yun knew that Qiao Se was unhappy with the Huo family because of her, so she didn't persuade him.

The second grandfather has the right to decide his own patients.


Jiang Shaocheng turned dark and left Xu Qiao behind.

Xu Qiao stepped up quickly, dissatisfied: "What's the matter with you, I didn't finish my sentence, you left in a hurry, how do you explain to Huo Shao now? You still can't see, who is his purpose this time? Is it? I think you don't care about Jing Jing at all."

Jiang Shaocheng stopped, looked back at her, and said angrily, "Don't tell me you're smart."

Xu Qiao defended: "I didn't want the Li family to come and support Jingjing. How did I know they were so unfeeling, and they wouldn't come if they couldn't say it. Bah, it's heartless to waste the gifts I give to the Li family every Chinese New Year. white-eyed wolf."

Jiang Shaocheng really didn't know what to say.

Is it her gift?
Didn't the Li family return the gift?
The gift back was much more valuable than what she gave.

"What should we do now?" Xu Qiao was distressed, "Young Master Huo is still waiting for us to bring her over."

Jiang Shaocheng frowned, thought for a while and said: "As long as Mrs. Huo pays attention to Jiang Jing, the scene will not become ugly."

Xu Qiao thought about it too.

Although Huo Lin's attitude is embarrassing, as long as Fu Yun's attitude towards Jiang Jing remains unchanged.


After returning to the banquet, Huo Lin didn't see that Jiang Shaocheng invited Li Hanzhou and Qiao Yun, so he left without interest.

Jiang Jing bit her lip and clenched her hands tightly, but she still stood her back strong. She didn't want to be laughed at.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Huo Lin's attitude towards Jiang Jing is dispensable.

He has no interest in this god-sister.

But there were still people who didn't wink, and came up to Jiang Jing and asked, "Cousin, why did Young Master Huo leave? The recognition ceremony hasn't started yet."

Jiang Jing said irritably, "Didn't you hear that he's busy?"

Xu Lu was stunned, her face was a little ugly.

Someone beside him said bluntly: "I heard just now that he came for Qingqing's cousin, and if he didn't come, of course he left."

Jiang Jing's face turned pale, and whispers came from her ears.

"Why do I feel that Young Master Huo values ​​Qiao Yun more than Jiang Jing?"

"Jiang Jing didn't say it, but Huo Shao proposed to hold a banquet. What's the matter now?"

"Why does this banquet look more like it was held for Qiao Yun?"

Jiang Jing's eyes were so red that they were about to bleed.

She originally wanted to prove herself with this banquet, but somehow she was overwhelmed by Qiao Yun who didn't show up.

What's the point of this banquet!

the other side.

Pei Yao glanced at the time, stood up, and said goodbye to everyone: "I still have something to deal with at the research institute, you go ahead, I'm leaving."

Su Mian also stood up, "I'll see you off."

Pei Yao quickly waved his hand: "I'm such an old man, there's no need to send it away."

"The older ones are younger than me, they are my juniors." Su Mian was very enthusiastic, "Don't be polite to me."

The Su family was stunned. Wow, my aunt/sister treats Pei Yao as a junior. That's Chairman Sheng Qiao. Where did she have the courage?

Qiao Yun, who gave Su Mian the courage, said, "I'll come, mom sits."

Pei Yao was actually a little nervous when facing the Lu family. Now that Qiao Yun offered to send him off, he hurriedly dragged Qiao Yun away.

Li Hanzhou watched helplessly as his girlfriend was pulled away again: "..." His mood was really complicated.


Walking in the corridor, Pei Yao said with lingering fear on his face: "Boss, your family is too warm, I'm not used to it."

As soon as the words fell, I heard someone shout: "Jiu Jiu!"

Neither Pei Yao nor Qiao Yun could react, and a woman stood in front of them.

When Pei Yao saw clearly who was coming, his face changed slightly.

Fu Yun came out to answer the phone, and just as he hung up the phone and was about to go back to the banquet, he saw Pei Yao.

She was suddenly struck by lightning, her lifeless face turned white, her body trembled, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

This person is so similar!

Especially those eyes, exactly the same as Fu Yao's.

Their families seem to be hereditary, and the eyes of each generation are born the same.

Fu Yun stood there dumbly, his mood was ups and downs like a roller coaster ride.

She didn't step forward to block him until he was about to disappear in front of her eyes.

Surprise flashed across Pei Yao's face for a moment, but he quickly restrained himself, "Please get out of the way."

"Are you Jiujiu?" Accompanied by a headache, Fu Yun said emotionally: "I am your aunt, you don't know me anymore?"

"You've got the wrong person." Pei Yao bypassed her and wanted to leave.


Fu Yun suddenly screamed.

It scared Pei Yao enough.

"I can't be mistaken. Your eyes are exactly the same as your mother's. By the way, I remember you have a scar on your chest..."

As she said that, she wanted to pick up Pei Yao's clothes, but just as she stretched out her hand, she was caught by a white and tender hand.

Fu Yun looked over in a blink of an eye: "It's you?"

She didn't notice Qiao Yun just now, and her eyes showed surprise.

Qiao Yun looked at her casually, and parted her lips: "No, touch him."

His voice was cold and fierce.

With undisguised love for the calf.

Although Qiao Yun was fierce, Pei Yao was extremely moved.

Fu Yun's face turned pale, and he shouted hoarsely: "I'm his aunt, why can't I touch him, go away."

Qiao Yun looked at her deeply with black and white eyes: "Don't make noise, or I'll knock you out."

It was the first time Fu Yun was threatened by a junior, and she didn't react for a while, so she could only stare at Qiao Yun in a daze.

Pei Yao didn't want Professor Qiao to get his hands dirty, so he hurriedly said, "Let's go, leave this crazy woman alone."

Saying that, he dragged Qiao Yun away from Fu Yun.

"I'm not a crazy woman..." Fu Yun wanted to chase after her, but a sharp pain came from her temple. She could only support the wall and watch him leave.

"Godmother, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Jing came out to inform Fu Yun that the ceremony was about to start, but she was startled when she saw Fu Yun's painful face.

Supported by Jiang Jing, Fu Yun pointed to the two people in front with difficulty: "That's..."

Jiang Jing looked at Qiao Yun's back with malice in her eyes: "It's Qiao Yun, and Sheng Qiao's Pei Dong Pei Yao."

"Pei Yao, Pei Yao..."

Fu Yun muttered to himself.

In the end, I couldn't hold it anymore and fainted.

It took Jiang Jing a lot of strength to support Fu Yun, she was stupid.

Xu Qiao and Jiang Shaocheng who came out to see this scene after hearing the movement were also stunned.

and many more……

Everyone is dizzy, what about the banquet? ?


There will be no direct ending, what should be written will still be finished, and there will be a perfect ending.

(End of this chapter)

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