Chapter 898 Because Lu Jingzhi is Like This

Fortunately, Jiang Shaocheng responded quickly and quickly asked someone to take Fu Yun to the lounge.

No matter how people fainted, it is better to call the doctor to come over to take a look, in case something happens, no one can bear the responsibility.

When the doctor was examining Fu Yun, Xu Qiao pulled the gloomy Jiang Jing aside, and stammered, "Hey, what's going on here? Why did such a good-looking person faint?"

Jiang Jing's mind was in chaos, her breathing was a little short, and her voice was even more impatient: "I don't know, she suddenly fainted."

Xu Qiao frowned, her head began to ache, she pinched her eyebrows and said anxiously: "What is this? I fainted before the ceremony started. What should I do now..."

Jiang Jing's dark eyes couldn't see any emotion. She suddenly thought of Fu Yun's words before she fainted, and a burst of anger burned in her heart. She almost gritted her teeth and said, "It's Qiao Yun!"

Xu Qiao was taken aback: "What happened to her?"

"The last person my godmother saw was Qiao Yun, and she passed out after that!" Jiang Jing bit her lips tightly and said bitterly, "It must be Qiao Yun's fault! She just can't see me! She deliberately embarrasses me .”

Xu Qiao said in disgust, "How can there be such a bad person."

Jiang Jing only felt extremely humiliated, today is her great day, now that this is happening, she is completely ashamed.

At this time Jiang Shaocheng came over, Xu Qiao hurriedly grabbed him and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Jiang Shaocheng's face was not very good: "It seems to be an old problem, and I probably won't wake up for a while, so let's call Huo's family to come and pick him up."

Xu Qiao wiped the sweat from her forehead, "What about the banquet? The ceremony hasn't started yet, so what's the matter if you leave now."

Jiang Shaocheng shook off Xu Qiao's hand, "Then go and wake up Mrs. Huo."

Xu Qiao was speechless.

Jiang Shaocheng was actually very annoyed. He didn't agree with Jiang Jing's recognition of Fu Yun as a godmother from the beginning, and he always felt that the Huo family's trip was too muddy.

Well now, a party has gone awry.

Jiang Shaocheng sighed, and said to Jiang Jing: "Jingjing, you go out with me and talk to the guests first."

Jiang Jing is one of the protagonists, so it's impossible not to show up.

Jiang Jing knew that there was no way to undo the matter, so she twitched her lips: "Okay."

A good word that made her almost vomit blood.

"You stay here to take care of Mrs. Huo."

After Jiang Shaocheng ordered Xu Qiao, he led Jiang Jing back to the banquet with a sullen face and explained the reason to the guests.

When they found out that Fu Yun had fainted and the ceremony was cancelled, the guests present expressed regret on their faces, but they saw the Jiang family's joke in their hearts.

It's fine for Huo Lin to leave halfway, but Fu Yun fainted. This banquet is really exciting.

Some people even thought that the so-called fainting was fake. In fact, Mrs. Huo had already left, and the Jiang family lied because of face.

Now it seems that Jiang Jing didn't receive much attention from the Huo family. Didn't this godmother admit that she was lonely?

Jiang Jing smiled apologetically at the guests, feeling uncomfortable being looked at all over by them, her cheeks were burning hot and painful.

Even if her nails were about to rip her palm apart, she couldn't get angry.

Seeing the half-smiles in everyone's eyes at her, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in, and hated Qiao Yun even more in her heart.

Why spoil her good deeds.

Why do you have to have trouble with yourself!

Jiang Jing admitted that she really looked down on Qiao Yun before, and she also meant to target Qiao Yun on purpose, but she has also been taught a lesson, and now Qiao Yun is holding on to her.

Jiang Jing's eyes darkened. If she had the chance, she would definitely make Qiao Yun pay for today's matter!

Qiao Yun didn't know that Jiang Jing's banquet had become a mess, so she asked Pei Yao worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Pei Yao's expression was quite normal, he patted his head when he heard this, and said blankly, "I'm fine, although I was surprised to meet her, but I'm not a child, so I wouldn't lose my sense of self for a relative I don't want to recognize."

He didn't lie, after the initial accident passed, his heart was as calm as water.

"Boss, thank you."

Pei Yao was a little embarrassed and said, "To be honest, I'm more surprised that you said those words than when I met Fu Yun."

Knock out or something.

It's really not like Professor Qiao's style.

Qiao Yun blinked and said truthfully, "You are my family, and I want to protect you."

From the day she picked up Pei Yao, she had put him in the protection circle.

Professor Qiao is a very protective person.

Pei Yao laughed a few times, looking a little silly.

If outsiders saw Chairman Sheng Qiao's current appearance, their jaws would probably drop.

Thinking of Fu Yungang's appearance, Pei Yao sighed and said, "I used to wonder that Huo Lin asked Grandpa Qiao to control Fu Yun for no reason, but seeing her like this today... Tsk, why does she feel a little crazy."

In his only memory, Fu Yun has always been gentle and virtuous, and today's appearance really opened his eyes.

Qiao Yun was a little puzzled and said, "She cares about you very much, why?"

Pei Yao frowned: "It seems a little bit, I never saw her like me so much when I was young."

As a child, because of his physical disability, although Fu Yun behaved very well, he could still feel Fu Yun's dislike for him, so he and Huo Lin only met a few times.

Probably because Fu Yun didn't want Huo Lin to play with a burden, because he was afraid that he would drag Huo Lin down.

With Fu Yun's heart-piercing appearance just now, those who didn't know him thought he was her long-lost son.

So weird.

Qiao Yun thought about it, and said bluntly: "A person who cares about you either likes you or wants to make up for you because of guilt."

Pei Yao was stunned.

He's not Fu Yun's own son, how could he like this appearance after liking him?


Why compensate yourself?

Pei Yao fell into confusion.

Although Fu Yun came to be a lobbyist back then, this little thing wouldn't make her feel guilty like this, right?
What is it that I don't know about?

Pei Yao was inexplicably annoyed, could there be something hidden about what happened back then?

He shook his head, temporarily throwing this thought out, and then, as if remembering something, he looked at Qiao Yun unexpectedly.

"Boss, do you actually understand this truth?"

Qiao Yun said without emotion: "Because Lu Jingzhi is like this, uh...he wants to make it up to me."

Pei Yao was surprised: "So you know."

"Ah?" Qiao Yun gave Pei Yao a disgusted look, "I'm not stupid."

"Oh, you are so smart, you are the most smart in the world."


Why does this sound a bit ironic?
Qiao Yun decided not to talk to Pei Yao, until she sent Pei Yao to the door of the hotel, she raised her chin: "Go back."

Before getting into the car, Pei Yao said worriedly: "She sees you with me, maybe she will find you, if she really finds you, tell me, and I will take care of it."

He didn't want to annoy Professor Qiao because of such a trivial matter.

Qiao Yun didn't say anything, just oh, then turned and left.

Too late to write today, I will update it tomorrow, please count the votes by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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