Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 120 Take care of those who should be taken care of

Chapter 120 Take care of those who should be taken care of
Yin Ziying curled her lips, pretending to be a little embarrassed:

"Mother, didn't I just say that? Uncle has the final say on these matters, and now sometimes we have to get some food from uncle's house! After all, there is not much money to buy food now.

But you want you to rest assured that if I am really capable in the future, then I will definitely send my younger brother to school, don't you think?If my younger brother can be admitted to a Tongsheng Juren after school, I will be honored too! "

She said this not only to make Gao happy, after all, she really planned to send Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui to a private school in the next year, and she would not mind if Yin Ruilin performed well at that time give him a hand.

After all, she has helped the younger sisters in this matter, at least giving them a chance to save their dowry in advance, so there is no reason for the youngest brother not to help her, right?

Besides, the saying that knowledge changes destiny is not only useful in modern times, but also in ancient times.

A bit of knowledge in ancient times can change the family. No matter how high his cheap brother can reach in the future, she doesn't care about his return. She only hopes that this cheap brother can understand some truths after going to school.

At least I can't boss my sisters around like before, and behave like a human being beforehand. Since I can't teach well in the old Yin Yinyueshan and Gao's, I will send it to a private school to teach.

To put it bluntly, even if his grades are not good, at least he can read and write, and then go out after he can write, whether it is writing letters for others or what, that is all right.

Hearing Yin Ziying's promise, Gao breathed a sigh of relief.

With Yin Ziying's promise, if her daughter-in-law really sends those two uncles to a private school in the next year, if she doesn't send her son there by then, she can come over and make a fuss.

Even if she couldn't find a chance to send her son to a private school, maybe she could find a job for the old couple in the workshop!
Even if it is only 15 Wen a day, it will be 450 Wen in a month, not to mention that she is Yin Ziying's biological mother, can you give me some money?
Until this time, Gao's attitude towards Yin Ziying was like that of a mother towards a married woman:
"Ziying, let me tell you too, with your current situation, don't be too kind to those sisters-in-law and uncles. If you really want the money, hold it in your own hands, and don't come here to be a boss in the future. My sister-in-law is really a mother.

Also, I saw that your uncles and sisters-in-law are all better dressed than you, and I said, are you stupid or what are you doing?You go to the workshop and earn money by yourself, won't you make your own clothes? "

When she said these words, she looked at Yin Ziying, who was taken aback for a moment, and then raised her head to look at Gao Shi. Her expression was full of disapproval, but there was also a hint of concern and concern.

Because of Gao Shi's words, Yin Ziying's heart suddenly felt a little loose. Perhaps, Gao Shi didn't love these daughters.

It's just that she likes her son more than her daughter.

However, Yin Ziying's emotion only lasted for a second, because the next moment, Gao shook her hands and looked around the room: "Let me see what delicious dishes you have here, and how many eggs? I Take two back to make up for your brother."

After a while, Yin Ziying was fascinated by the back of Gao Shi leading the Yin Jingjing sisters back.

She, Yin Ziying, is the only thing she can do now. It is impossible for her to support the family in this bottomless pit all the time, but since she used the original owner's body, she must take care of what should be taken care of.

If Yin Jingjing and the sisters do well in the future, she doesn't mind giving them a salary increase, and if Yin Ruilin studies well, she doesn't mind sending him to study all the time.

In the same way, if Yin Yueshan and Gao's attitude towards her and Yin Jingjing's sisters changed a little bit, then the next time she did something else, such as a greenhouse in winter, she would naturally not Be stingy and ask them to do it together.

It wasn't until Mrs. Gao had left the village that Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu brought Gu Yunxian and his siblings back. When they saw Yin Ziying, Mrs. Yu stepped forward and grabbed her hand: "Ziying, today's matter……"

Yin Ziying naturally knew what Mrs. Yu wanted to say, she shook her head and smiled, "Thank you auntie for today's bacon, otherwise the family wouldn't even have meat and vegetables to serve."

"What is that, isn't it just some bacon? We are all from our own family, so don't mention these."

Uncle Gu hesitated a bit: "Ziying, didn't you let your younger sisters go to work in the workshop then? Are you really going to pay 15 yuan for the wages? It's a little bit!"

Working in the workshop, even if Yin Jingjing and the sisters were given relatively light jobs, it would not be so light.

You know, the part of the packaging mentioned here is worth it for each restaurant to decide where to give gifts. The packaging staff in the entire workshop are just these sisters, so naturally there is a lot of work.

Yin Ziying shook her head and said: "How could that be? I just told her that on purpose. Uncle, you also know the situation in my family. I won't find more opportunities for them to save money. I'm afraid it will be difficult for them when they get married in the future." .”

According to Gao's behavior and style, even if she really has money, she must not give much to Yin Jingjing and the others. Don't marry her when she sees the money like she was married at that time. family conditions.

Don't talk about anything else, let's just talk about the old Gu's family. If the original owner hadn't jumped into the river and she hadn't crossed over, what would the old Gu's and the original owner's life be like now?
I'm afraid it's really impossible to dig or eat anything except wild vegetables. After all, before she came, the original owner didn't have the spirit spring space in his memory.

Hearing what Yin Ziying said, Mrs. Yu nodded: "That's right, Ziying, after all, they are your younger sisters. You have to take good care of them. People in our village won't say much if they know about it."

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Auntie, there's no need to do this, just treat them as you like, if it's too late, just treat them as ordinary people."

She didn't want the Yin Jingjing sisters to receive any special care in the workshop, not that she treated these sisters badly, but because of the long-term environment.

For example, Yin Jingjing and the others are still young now, if they keep doing this until they get married, it will not be very good for their future because the villagers have deliberately elevated or held them up in the past few years.

The real good is to let them see their own situation clearly, know what they want and what they don't want, and know how much they have.

Of course, as the original owner's own sister, she, Yin Ziying, couldn't really let them just let them go. If these younger sisters lived with her for a day, she would instill different ideas in them.

After all, the only way to do it is to stand up on your own. Yin Ziying really disagrees with the idea that the Gao family instilled in them every day.

Undoubtedly, if Yin Jingjing and her sisters really married with those ideas in the future, unless they met a good husband's family, they would really have to work hard for a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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