Chapter 121 Something Big Has Happened

In this regard, the Yin Jingjing sisters will come to work in the workshop of Baijia Village from the next day, and it is settled that they will temporarily live in Lao Gu's house.

Because of this matter, and because Gu Yunxian is only 12 years old now, Yin Ziying also specifically asked Yu Shi if this matter was serious.

After all, the ancients were most likely to accept these men and women at different ages. Gu Yunxian is 12 years old this year, Gu Yunrui is 8 years old this year, Yin Jingjing is 13 years old, Yin Jiajia and Yin Sisi are also 12 years old.

This age is too close, and Yin Ziying is also afraid that someone will gossip because of this arrangement.

Mrs. Yu patted Yin Ziying's hand: "Don't worry, we are all relatives, we are equals, there are not so many things.

Besides, your younger sisters come to our village to work, and it is not good for your sister-in-law to not let them live if there is a vacant house in your house.This is also a long-term thing, not overnight, do you still expect Brother Xian and them to never meet? "

Yin Ziying also had the same reasoning when she thought about it. Originally, she was thinking that if it was not suitable, she would rent a small courtyard for her natal sisters alone in the village or let Gu Yunxian live at Uncle Gu's house.

Looking at it now, none of them are suitable.Forget it, she will expand the workshop as soon as possible. If it is possible then, it is also possible to make a few small rooms in the workshop and use it as a dormitory for them.

Time passed quickly, and the next morning, early in the morning, someone called at the door of Lao Gu's house.

Hearing the sound, Yin Ziying opened the door from the yard, and saw a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s. A slight smile appeared on his face when he saw her. He rubbed his hands and said:

"Ziying, I brought your younger sisters here today."

The person who came was none other than the original owner's own father, Yin Yueshan. Yin Ziying looked at his feet. There was a pannier at his feet, revealing a bit of fabric. It looked like a bag for rice noodles.

The three Yin Jingjing sisters on the side cleaned up very neatly today, and looked much more energetic without yesterday's ragged clothes.

Seeing Yin Ziying looking over, the sisters said together: "Big sister."

Yin Ziying nodded, then looked at Yin Yueshan and said, "Father, you guys are here so early, have you already had breakfast? Would you like to go in and have something?"

Yin Yueshan shook his head and said: "No, no, I'm still rushing back to work. Your girls are coming here for the second time, and they have to bring food. I just came here together."

After finishing speaking, he stared at Yin Ziying for a while, then grinned and said: "The face is rounder, and it looks better than before, okay, okay, you're doing well, dad feels relieved. "

For some reason, Yin Ziying suddenly had the urge to cry when she heard these words, she thought, maybe it was because the original owner still had some emotions in her heart.

Time flies like an arrow, time flies, in the blink of an eye, it has been half a year since Yin Ziying came to this different world.

It is Dongyue now, the workshop has been doing well during this period of time, and now another new workshop is being built in the village.

On the other side of the greenhouse, Yin Ziying has acquired two acres of land in the last month, and the materials are also very simple. After the pillars are placed around it, the ancient raincloth is put on it, and finally the raincloth is buried in the surrounding ground.

However, in ancient greenhouses, just a rain cloth is not enough.

Yin Ziying also asked someone to make a lot of curtains woven with hay, which are similar to modern blinds, and the curtains are automatically retracted when the rope is pulled.

During the day, when the weather is fine and the sun is shining, Yin Ziying will draw up the curtains, and when the sun sets at about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, she will pull down the curtains.

She also placed eight small iron stoves in the shed. These stoves are placed around the open space that was originally set up, and charcoal must be put in from time to time.

Of course, the cost of this charcoal is very high. Fortunately, not all the stoves have to be lit every day. Generally speaking, all the stoves need to be lit in the middle of the night.

I don't know if the vegetables in the greenhouse are blessed by the spiritual spring water in Yin Ziying's space or because the climate is warm enough, but the growth is very gratifying.

On this day, Yin Ziying had just returned from the greenhouse when she heard the sound of firecrackers and suona blowing from the village.

She didn't stop, and continued to walk towards her house. She knew that the sound was because someone was having a wedding in the village today. As for the protagonist of the wedding...

Not to mention, she really knew him, it was none other than Gu Yunyan's former little lover Lu Xiuyu.

Today happened to be the day when Lu Xiuyu got married, and Yin Ziying knew about it earlier, because the Lu family married their daughter very well this time, and she married her directly to the grocery store in the town.

Therefore, no matter what kind of firecrackers and suonas, eight lifts of the big sedan chair can be said to have given the Lu family enough face. I heard that the betrothal gift for Lu Xiuyu alone gave six taels of silver!This is calculated to be more than the five taels of silver that she claimed to be a high dowry at the time.

However, because of Lu Xiuyu's quarrel with her by the river before, even when the second workshop in the village was already recruiting workers, the old village head and others did not count Lu Xiuyu's family.

I don't know if I'm afraid Yin Ziying will be angry or what, actually Yin Ziying doesn't care about it.

After all, what she didn't like was Lu Xiuyu and her behavior, but after all, she was already a girl who was going to marry.

As for her family members, if they were capable, she wouldn't say anything if the old village head and others were to be recruited.But if the old village head and the others didn't recruit them, she wouldn't take the initiative to say anything.

Just thinking about it, she had already entered the range of the village, and as she walked, he and she noticed something unusual.

In the past, the villagers who would greet her talking and laughing when they saw her in the past actually averted their eyes and dared not look at her today, as if something happened but she didn't know about it.

Although Yin Ziying was slightly surprised in her heart, she continued to walk towards home, no matter what happened, she would know sooner or later.

It wasn't until she got close to the door of the house that she saw a person trotting towards her. It was none other than her second sister, Yin Jingjing.

Yin Ziying was a little surprised. Yin Jingjing and the sisters had just finished their holidays. Logically speaking, they should be going to work in the workshop today. Why didn't they go to the workshop at this hour?
Before she could speak, Yin Jingjing anxiously said to her: "Big sister, you are back, something big happened, something big happened."

Yin Ziying could hear the anxiety in her tone, as if something big happened, Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows and said to her:

"What? What's the big deal? Let me hear it. Could it be that the workshop has another difficult and haggling customer today?"

A few days ago, some people who claimed to be the person in charge of a well-known restaurant in Dayan Dynasty often came here, trying to sell her sweet potato starch and other things as a match.

How could he and Yin Ziying agree?She, Yin Ziying, who came and dared to speak like that came back one by one. As for those who accepted her price, she also sold them in a good manner.

What is it that makes Yin Jingjing so worried this time?
(End of this chapter)

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