Chapter 124 Rebirth
Seeing her elder sister asking about it, Yin Jingjing was a little puzzled, but soon, Yin Ziying added:

"For example, why did Gu Yunyan come here just after returning home? Who told him that Lu Xiuyu was getting married today?"

It turned out that she was asking this, Yin Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a somewhat ugly face when she mentioned this:

"Big sister, it's like this. I heard that this time the eldest brother-in-law was brought back by a special carriage. It seems that the eldest brother-in-law hasn't returned home yet! He went straight to this old Lu's house."

Speaking of this, she was also a little surprised: "Huh? Could it be that the news of the Lu family marrying a daughter has already spread outside the village? How did the eldest brother-in-law know about it from outside?"

Yin Ziying's pupils darkened, she blinked to conceal the deep meaning in her eyes just now, then raised the corners of her lips and said:

"It's okay, just see how he ends up! Let's just watch the show here."

Yin Jingjing looked at Yin Ziying with some resentment: "Eldest sister, how can you do this? If the eldest brother-in-law really stops Lu Xiuyu today, why don't you make room for her? You are the real wife!"

My eldest sister worked so hard, thinking about this and that every day for the children of the Gu family, and now the eldest brother-in-law came to try to snatch the marriage as soon as he came back. Isn't this obviously putting the eldest sister's face on the ground?

Yin Ziying shook her head and did not respond to Yin Jingjing. In fact, she had a guess in her heart, but she couldn't confirm it yet.

Gu Yunyan said just now that he gave the tablet to keep his filial piety. Could it be the tablet for her?

If she hadn't crossed over at the beginning, the original owner must have died, so what if it wasn't a memorial tablet?
Also, Gu Yunyan was sent back by a carriage, and once he entered the village, he didn't even go back to the old Gu's family, so how did he know that Lu Xiuyu was married today?
Logically speaking, Gu Yunyan has been outside for half a year, shouldn't he go home to see his younger siblings after such a long time?Why did you come to see Lu Xiuyu first?
How did he know that Lu Xiuyu was married today?And what he just said about thanking Uncle Gu for taking care of the brothers and sisters Gu Yunxian, why is he so sure that Uncle Gu must have taken care of the brothers and sisters Gu Yunxian?
Is it because of inertia, trusting Uncle Gu and the others?

But Uncle Gu even borrowed the five taels of silver that he gave to her family. I heard that the big house of the Gu family had already paid out all the silver when Gu Yunyan went to take the imperial examination. Why is Gu Yunyan so confident that Gu Yunxian and his sister did not show up? any surprises?
Is there a possibility that Gu Yunyan is not a local?In other words, is it possible that Gu Yunyan's soul was reborn?

After all, she, a time traveler, already exists, and she even has a spiritual spring space in her hand. It seems that it is not impossible to have one more reborn person?
What's more, listening to Gu Yunyan's tone just now, it seems that he is a scholar now, and he will definitely be able to flourish in the future.

How did he have such confidence?
No matter what, Gu Yunyan is very dangerous, Yin Ziying silently made this conclusion in her heart.

But at this time, the crowd had already started a commotion, and Uncle Gu couldn't care about his love and longing for his nephew, so he stretched out his hand and slapped him:

"Brother Yan, your parents are gone. As an uncle, I have to step up and educate you for your parents. Listen to what you are saying? How can a scholar dare to do this?
Don't say you are a scholar, even if your father who is underground finds out about what you did today, he will jump up and slap you twice. How can you act like this? "

The old village chief also pointed at him and said, "Brother Yan! Scholars always talk about reputation the most. Why don't you even care about this? Also, what's wrong with Ziying? Why do you humiliate her like this?"

Gu Yunrui, who was watching his elder brother and others making a fuss, looked complicated.

When they first heard that the eldest brother was back, they were naturally very happy, but after coming, when they knew what the eldest brother was going to do, they couldn't be happier in their hearts.

If Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui were a little older, they could still control it, but Gu Yunxuan, who was the youngest and always clinging to Yin Ziying, couldn't control it.

She rushed over from Gu Yunxian's side and pushed Gu Yunyan who was standing in the middle: "Big brother is bad, big brother is bad, sister Xuan doesn't want big brother, big brother, let's go! Big brother is not good to sister-in-law, big brother is a big villain!"

Uncle Gu and the others were caught off guard by Gu Yunxuan's sudden rush out, let alone Gu Yunyan who had been avoiding Uncle Gu just now.

Although Gu Yunxuan is young, she is still five years old. She tried her best and her strength was not small. He was pushed back a step. He took a step back, glanced at Gu Yunxuan, then shook his head and said:

"Sister Xuan, you don't understand, brother is just looking for a sister-in-law for you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Uncle Gu. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Gu Yunxuan's sharp voice:

"My sister-in-law, what kind of sister-in-law are you looking for me? Big brother, you have changed. You are not my big brother anymore. Big brother is a big villain. Sister Xuan ignores you!"

Hearing Gu Yunxuan's words, Gu Yunyan was stunned. At this time, even the people around couldn't help but say:

"That's right, brother Yan, although we are not scholars, we also know that a wife of filth cannot be bullied. Although you have gained a reputation as a scholar now, why do you treat Ziying like this?"

"Brother Yan, don't blame your aunt for talking about you. Although you have won the honor of being a scholar, you may not be able to become a high-ranking official in the future! You put such a good girl like Ziying and don't want you to spoil the good things of Girl Lu. Do you think you Is that all right?"

Even the old village chief couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Brother Yan, if you continue to be so obsessed with obsession, we will not obey you if you ask us to write a joint certificate for you in the future."

What's going on with this brother Yan?What a clever child before, but now he has become like this?

Such a robbery, not to mention whether she is worthy of the poor wife in the family, even if she has a bad reputation!

Gu Yunyan was stunned for a moment, and finally extracted an important piece of information from the discussion among the crowd. In his memory, the little wife who came back with only the plaque left was not dead, and was even alive. That's why everyone objected so much. ?
He said to Uncle Gu: "Uncle, what are you talking about? You married me a wife?"

Seeing that he finally listened to it, Uncle Gu patted his thigh and said: "Brother Yan, you have listened to it, haven't you! I haven't found you at the beginning, and I was thinking that Brother Xian and the others can't be left alone to take care of you." , went to Yinjia Village to marry Ziying back.

Brother Yan!Although you are not husband and wife, Ziying is a good child and a good sister-in-law. I will not allow you to let her down. "

Gu Yunyan understood Uncle Gu's words, co-authored, that Yin Ziying, his little wife, is really still alive?

But how could it be!In his previous life, he clearly remembered that she died when he came back, and she jumped into the river to die. I heard that she jumped into the river because of despair when he heard the news of his disappearance.

What's going on now?Could it be that because he was reborn, everything was messed up?
He tentatively said, "Uncle, I heard that she jumped into the river at that time, didn't she?"

(End of this chapter)

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