Chapter 125 The Twisted Melon
Upon hearing this, Uncle Gu knew that his nephew had gotten some news from the village these days, so he sighed and said:
"Ziying also saw through life and death after dancing that time, so she stayed. Look how kind she is to us now? How kind is she to Brother Xian and Sister Xuan?
Everyone in the village can tell you whether Ziying is a good wife, but you absolutely shouldn't be acting like this today. "

As soon as Uncle Gu finished speaking, the villagers said one after another, "Ziying is such a wonderful child. If it weren't for her, I would still be at home and I don't know what to do now!"

"That's right! Ziying is such a good wife! If my son marries such a capable wife in the future, I will wake up laughing even if I'm dreaming."

"Isn't it! If there is no Ziying, we people don't know what we are doing now! How can we live such a good life?"

Every word and every word from the villagers poured into Gu Yunyan's ears, shaking him into a trance.

what happened?Isn't that woman dead?How is it still alive?And listening to the words of the villagers, it seems that they get along well with the villagers, and even treat them well?
He thought so, and looked at everyone carefully, but was suddenly pushed by another force. It was his sister Gu Yunxuan. He reached out and grabbed her hands. It was at this time that he realized that his sister was the same as the one he saw when he came back from the previous life. Arrived is not the same.

In the previous life, when he came back, although his uncle and aunt took good care of his younger brothers and sisters, they never went hungry.

But after all, all the family money was brought to him to study, so it would be nice to make them afford food, but they never bought new clothes.

Now my sister is wearing new clothes, looking at her blushing face, she can see that the food she usually eats at home is also very good. Could all this be due to that woman?
Gu Yunxuan's arms were grabbed by her elder brother. She had no choice but to stretch out her feet and kick him, crying out:

"Big brother is a bad guy, big brother is a bad guy, sister Xuan doesn't want big brother anymore, don't want big brother anymore."

Doubts flashed across Gu Yunyan's heart, and then he knelt down and hugged the crying little man into his arms: "Miss Xuan, be good, brother is..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a familiar voice: "Brother, Sister Xuan is right, if you insist on keeping Sister Lu's family here today, then the rest of us will live with my sister-in-law."

Gu Yunyan looked up in disbelief, the person who spoke was none other than Gu Yunxian, his younger brother who had always admired him since childhood.

"Brother Xian, you..."

Gu Yunxian's face was a bit struggling, and then he nodded heavily: "Brother, let me tell you, if you really want to stop sister Lu from getting married, then you can live with sister Lu by yourself! We live with sister-in-law !"

Gu Yunxian's words can be said to shock everyone present, what does this mean?What did Brother Xian just say?

If Brother Yan wanted to stop the girl from the Lu family, would they really have to follow Ziying?This is really eye-opening, this is the first time!

Look at how lively this matter is, I'm afraid it will be a big deal if it spreads all over the world!

Outside the crowd, Yin Ziying was also a little shocked after hearing what Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunxuan brother and sister said. After all, the love for these children was not in vain.

Yin Jingjing on the side was also a little surprised. She turned her head to see what her elder sister was about to say, when she saw her elder sister push through the crowd and walk in, she also hurriedly followed.

"I heard that something big and lively happened today, so I came to see it."

Knowing that the person speaking was Yin Ziying, Uncle Gu and the others were a little flustered, Yu Shi hurriedly said: "Ziying, it's not like this, it's not like this."

Gu Yunxuan, who was hugged by Gu Yunyan, struggled desperately: "Bad brother, let me go, let me go, you are not my brother, I want to find my sister-in-law."

Yin Ziying opened her hands: "Sister Xuan, come here, come here."

At this moment, Gu Yunyan raised his head, and the eyes of the two collided, and both of them could see the deep meaning and inquiry in their eyes.

Taking advantage of the moment when Gu Yunyan was absent-minded, Gu Yunxuan broke free from his embrace and rushed towards Yin Ziying, who also took advantage of the opportunity to catch her.

Everyone looked at the family in the field and looked at each other. This brother Yan from the old Gu family came back. This is really a strange thing. Whose lost son Lang came back to meet his family for the first time?
Looking at the man, Yin Ziying said lightly:

"I heard that you are still in love with the girl from the Lu family. I, Yin Ziying, am not the kind of person who likes to eat hard things. Today, you will keep the girl from the Lu family. I, Yin Ziying, will take Brother Xian and the others alone." Pass."

Her voice was neither hasty nor impetuous, neither humble nor overbearing, she didn't give in at all because Gu Yunyan is now a talented master, nor did she look sad and dissatisfied because Gu Yunyan had another love, which made Gu Yunyan and the people around him stunned.

Seeing that Gu Yunyan was silent, Yin Ziying turned her head to look at the ugly man standing beside the sedan chair and said:
"You have also seen that your fiancée obviously has more love with Gu Yunyan, how much money did your family spend on marrying the girl from the Lu family?
How much did you spend on the banquet and other things? You should calculate the accounts carefully here. Gu Yunyan is a scholar now, and he will definitely not rely on your money. "

She turned her head to look at Gu Yunyan and joked, "Are you right? Gu Yunyan."

Gu Yunyan was taken aback for a moment, and Yan Changshoujiu had already said: "The dowry plus the banquet and all the expenses for the ceremony and ceremony, ten taels of silver."

Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and even Lu Xiuyu's parents, who had been shrinking behind and did not come out to say anything, jumped out:
"Xiaoyan, you can't talk nonsense about the price, how can there be ten taels here? You are a real businessman with a good abacus..."

Yan Changshou looked coldly at the old couple of the Lu family, and said stiffly: "It's this price, our shop is closed today, and the loss is quite a lot."

He has already seen it, how is this fiancée as pure and pure as the matchmaker said before?It seems that he has had something to do with Gu Yunyan a long time ago.

Moreover, the couple of the Lu family did not object to this matter. He knew this attitude when the talented master named Gu Yunyan came back just now.

Cooperating with him and his mother, they believed the matchmaker's gaudy mouth, this marriage could be regarded as a knot that disgusted him, and lost all face.

Fortunately, now that the original wife of the talented master has said these words, no matter whether it is true or not, in short, even if he owes the money, he has nothing to lose.

As for the matter of reputation, Yan Changshou was not worried at all, and he didn't make any mistakes in this matter, at most he was just being laughed at.

If this Gu Yunyan is really a scholar, he must be famous. If he wants to be famous, this matter will not be spread.

It's just a pity that the old lady at home has been thinking about him marrying a wife, and I'm afraid I won't be able to look forward to it today.

(End of this chapter)

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