Chapter 126
Hearing Yin Ziying's words, Uncle Gu, Yu Shi and the others became impatient: "Ziying, this is not allowed! Brother Yan is not obedient and we will tame him right now, don't..."

Just as they were talking, they heard Gu Yunyan say: "Okay, ten taels of silver, put it in my account."

After hearing this, the corners of Yin Ziying's lips curled into a sneer, this Gu Yunyan is really a big lover!
She just wanted to see what kind of life he could live. She turned her head and waved her hand at Mrs. Yu: "Don't talk about it, Auntie. Anyway, Gu Yunyan agreed, and this is the deal."

It doesn't matter to her whether Gu Yunyan is with the little white flower Lu Xiuyu or not. She only knows that as long as she helps Gu Yunyan keep the little white flower Lu Xiuyu, she will not be far away from her freedom.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, don't miss it!
Gu Yunyan looked at the woman who was holding his younger sister. This woman was his wife in name. He had never seen her before in his previous life, but now it was the first time he saw her.

This woman is far from what he imagined, and also from ordinary peasant daughters, but she is very assertive and aura.

Realizing that Gu Yunyan was looking at her, Yin Ziying raised her head and glanced at him, her lips curled up into a slight smile, but the temperature didn't reach her eyes: "You made the mess yourself, you should clean up and pay for it yourself, don't expect me to help you with anything."

After finishing speaking, she looked bullishly at Mrs. Yu, Uncle Gu and the others again and said, "Uncle, Auntie, you have also seen that Gu Yunyan has betrayed me so much, I ask myself to make peace with him, do you have any objections?"

Upon hearing this, Uncle Gu, Shi Yu and the others changed their complexions. Even Gu Yunxuan and Gu Yunxian, who had just firmly stood by Yin Ziying's side, couldn't help but yelled, "Sister-in-law!"

"Good boy!" Yin Ziying reached out and touched Gu Yunxuan's head, then said:

"Even if sister-in-law has reconciled with your big brother, she is still your sister-in-law. As for your big brother bullying me like this, I really can't bear it."

Gu Yunxuan looked at Yin Ziying eagerly: "Sister-in-law, but..."

"Nothing but."

Yin Ziying responded, then turned her head to Uncle Gu and the others, and said firmly, "Uncle, Aunt."

Uncle Gu gave her a complicated look, and then heaved a heavy sigh.

Although Yin Ziying was not emotional or why, but as Uncle Gu who had been with Yin Ziying for so long and often worked with Yin Ziying in his daily work, he already knew what this nephew and daughter-in-law meant.

This is what he is determined to do. Even if he doesn't agree, depending on the wrist of this nephew and daughter-in-law, she will achieve this goal sooner or later.

He nodded, and Yu Shi who was on the side saw it, and immediately jumped up to fight Gu Yunyan, who was standing on the side looking at Yin Ziying with a complicated expression, and cursed while beating her:

"Good you Yan brother, good you Yan brother, you know how to do things now, don't you? You know how to do things like this now, right? How can you be worthy of Ziying's dedication for so long? You are heartless thing!"

Facing Mrs. Yu's beating and scolding, although Gu Yunyan turned slightly sideways, he did not dare to hide too much. Facing Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu, he regarded them as elders who were as important as his parents in his heart.

However, this wife in name surprised him a little. What she begged for was actually He Li?
You know, he, Gu Yunyan, is now a master scholar, so even knowing his status, is she still making a fuss about reconciling with him?
She was just a little girl from a farmer's family. He had seen the poverty of the old Yin's family in his previous life. When he was in a high position later, the husband and wife of the old Yin's family would come to the door from time to time!
If it weren't for the soft-heartedness of the uncle and aunt, how could he let them do this?

However, this woman wants to reconcile with him?Thinking that this woman is a person who did not survive the previous life, Gu Yunyan's heart tightened, this woman, is there any change?

He said coldly: "Reconcile? Parents' order, matchmaker's words, this is what you want to reconcile? No, I don't agree!"

After saying this, he successfully saw the complexion of the woman opposite him change, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his lips, a variable, trying to escape his control?


Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows, and looked at Uncle Gu and Shi Yu beside her: "Uncle, Auntie, you can figure it out. Anyway, he is like this, I can't be with him, I feel disgusting."

After successfully seeing the immediately changed expression on Gu Yunyan's face, she then turned to Yan Changshou who was beside her:
"Why, you're just looking at Master Xiucai stopping your daughter-in-law here. The money hasn't been paid yet, and the note hasn't been written yet!"

Seeing the woman's indifferent look, for some reason, Gu Yunyan's teeth itch with hatred, touched his bosom, took out a few pieces of silver and said to Yan Changshou:
"Now I only have so much, I will write a note later, and I will pay you back within three months."

Yin Ziying watched Yan Changshou take the money, and she clicked her tongue twice: "Didn't you think that the dignified and talented master also needs to pay in installments? This is not a one-time payment. Aren't you afraid that this talented master will renege on his debts in the future?"

After saying that, she turned her head and glanced at Gu Yunyan provocatively, then turned her head and said to Uncle Gu with a smile:

"Uncle, I don't have to reconcile with Gu Yunyan, but the premise is that we must live separately, and his life and death have nothing to do with me. To live with a person like him, it is better for me to continue to be a widow!"

It is true that what she said was very serious, not only Uncle Gu and others, but even the crowd in the village gasped when they heard Yin Ziying's words.

Yin Ziying is amazing, but didn't this brother Yan of the Gu family say that he just passed the scholar exam?

This master scholar is truly amazing. Could it be that Yin Ziying doesn't even want to be a lady of talent?How can there be such a rush to push her husband out?
No matter how you look at it, she is also a talented woman, so she can be regarded as a high-class person, right?

Seeing that Gu Yunyan was about to open his mouth again, Yin Ziying reached out to stop him:

"Don't tell me if there are any, and don't think about threatening me lightly. I don't think I'm sorry for your old Gu family these days. If you push me into a hurry, I don't guarantee what will happen to your reputation as a scholar, Gu Yunyan."

Gu Yunyan's face changed slightly, is this woman threatening him?Ah!It's very courageous!
He, Gu Yunyan, has never been so angry in his past and present lives. How dare this woman dare to do this, how dare he!

In an instant, Gu Yunyan's aura changed a bit, as if frost was exuding all over his body, but Yin Ziying was secretly surprised.

It seems that what she is guessing in her heart is almost the same, what is it called?This aura looks like that of a superior person.

Could it be that Gu Yunyan climbed to a high place in his last life, that's why it's like this now?And in his previous life, he failed to marry Lu Xiuyu, so why did he come back in such a hurry to snatch her?
Yin Ziying didn't know that the wild thoughts in her mind had already guessed most of the truth, and if Gu Yunyan knew that she had guessed it, she would be surprised too.

(End of this chapter)

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