Chapter 127 Eight lifetimes of blood mold

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, Uncle Gu hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and said, "Stop talking, you two, Ziying, I promise you what you said, and I will make the decision."


Gu Yunyan looked at Uncle Gu in disbelief. Because of his talent for reading, the uncle always regarded him as his own son, especially after both his parents passed away.

Now the uncle actually agreed to these conditions for this woman?Isn't that just brushing his face?What did this woman do to make her family who had always been towards him like this?

Seeing Gu Yunyan's voice, Uncle Gu waved his hand. He turned his head to look at Gu Yunyan, then glanced at the sedan chair and the old couple of Lu's family beside the sedan chair, his complexion darkened.

"Brother Yan, you have grown up, we can't control you anymore, but Ziying is the daughter-in-law I married for you, she has been filial to us for so long, and is also good to your younger brothers and sisters, we have no reason to treat her like this .

The matter that Ziying mentioned today is up to me, and I will do it like this. As for the matter between you and the girl from the Lu family, your aunt and I will not admit it. "

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Yin Ziying, Gu Yunxuan and the others: "Let's go, Ziying, don't worry, your aunt and I are sensible, and we will protect you."

Hearing Uncle Gu's words, Yin Ziying's heart warmed up. It was a lie to say that she was not touched at all. After all, Gu Yunyan and them were relatives as uncles and nephews, but now they were willing to stand by her side.

But Gu Yunyan was stunned by Uncle Gu's speech, and then he laughed again:
"Uncle, what are you thinking? The reason why I don't let sister Xiuyu get married today is that I don't want to have anything to do with sister Xiuyu at this time. I just can't bear her hard life in the future..."

Yin Ziying rolled her eyes, what the hell, a scumbag with high eyes and low hands, is he starting to want to enjoy the blessings of everyone?
She took Gu Yunxuan's hand and said, "Sister Xuan, can you go home with sister-in-law? My sister-in-law will cook something delicious for you today."

Gu Yunxuan has just experienced such a situation. Although she is young, she also knows that what her sister-in-law said about reconciliation means leaving home. Now that Yin Ziying is still at home, how can she not want to?

As for whether sister-in-law is with elder brother or not, she doesn't care!Eldest brother likes sister Xiuyu from the Lu family, but she doesn't like it, sister-in-law is right, let elder brother and sister Xiuyu from the Lu family go there by themselves!

She nodded, and said to Yin Ziying with a smile on her face, "Okay! Let's go home!"

Seeing that Yin Ziying was leading Gu Yunxuan to go back, Yin Jingjing on the side also hurriedly followed. Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Yu took a look at her eldest nephew Gu Yunyan, and took Gu Yunrui and Gu Yunxian brothers away.

Uncle Gu glanced at his nephews, sighed, and said, "Brother Yan, I won't help you with this matter, just follow what you just decided!"

Gu Yunyan felt that he just came back a little earlier than in his previous life, and there was only one regret in his previous life, so what's going on in this life?

Variables, that woman, that Yin Ziying is a variable, she did not exist for too long in her previous life.

Before he could figure it out, the Lu family's parents over there had already started a fight, and the surrounding guests were talking about it, so he had no choice but to calm things down.


On the other side, Yin Jingjing managed to catch up with Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan, who were walking easily.

"Sister, why did you just..."

Yin Ziying slowed down and looked back at her, then smiled lightly and said, "Why, are you wondering why I wanted to make peace with him just now?"

Yin Jingjing nodded heavily: "Elder sister, elder brother-in-law is now a master of talent, that is master of talent."

"So what about Mr. Xiucai? Second sister, have you ever thought about whether it is better to be a husband who loves you but is just an ordinary person, or a Mr. Xiucai who has others in his heart and is even so blatant?"

Seeing Yin Jingjing's pensive look, she sighed: "Let's put it this way, think about it, Mr. Xiucai's name is not yours, and he has such a reputation, but everyone says you are high-ranking, don't you think so?" That's it? Did you get any benefits?"

Can it still be counted like this?From this point of view, even marrying a scholar is not good?Yin Jingjing felt a little shaken in her heart.

Seeing her pensive expression, Yin Ziying shook her head and continued to lead Gu Yunxuan's hand towards the house: "Let's go, Sister Xuan, let's go home and cook something delicious."

The reason why she followed Yin Jingjing like this was just to remind her not to just look at one side of everything.

Marrying a scholar is a blessing, but in her opinion, that is really not a blessing.

If she married a talented master like Gu Yunyan like her, it would be bad luck for eight lifetimes.

She led Gu Yunxuan all the way back home quickly, and then locked the east chamber.

Although she told Uncle Gu and others just now that she wanted to live separately from Gu Yunyan, but this is Gu Yunyan's home after all, and she has no reason to stop Gu Yunyan from coming back.

Therefore, she can only lock up the place where she, her sisters and others live. She plans to wait until the new workshop is completed, and then she will take them to live in the workshop.

Anyway, when the workshop was drawing pictures, a small yard was specially built, with a kitchen, so you could live in it directly.

Soon, Mrs. Yu and others came back. When she saw Yin Ziying who was cooking normally in the kitchen, Mrs. Yu rubbed her hands: "Ziying! This matter today is our old Gu's, right?" Stop you, let you be wronged."

Yin Ziying stopped what she was doing and looked at Mrs. Yu. She shook her head and smiled, "Auntie, what are you talking about? Gu Yunyan did this alone. What does it have to do with you?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Gu Yunxian and the two who were following Yu Shi and said, "Don't worry! I, Yin Ziying, have always had a clear sense of grievances and grievances. I know in my heart how you treat me. I will not do what Gu Yunyan did. Blame it on you."

As she said that, she smiled again: "Actually, it's not impossible to solve this matter. Anyway, he already has that Miss Lu in his heart. It's not appropriate for me, Yin Ziying, to push him any longer. It's better to recognize my position as soon as possible." Think for yourself."

"Ziying! We are sorry for this matter. We didn't expect Brother Yan to come back suddenly and go to the door of Lao Lu's house to make such a fuss. If I knew that he would be like this when he came back, I would tell you Your uncle must have gone to the entrance of the village long ago to catch him."

Regarding the nephew's return, Yu Shi, like Uncle Gu, was both surprised and angry in his heart. He was happy that Gu Yunyan was not dead and came back alive, but angry that Gu Yunyan was so inconsiderate after he came back.

"Auntie, I've already said that this matter is none of your business, and you haven't apologized to me or anything. I don't blame Gu Yunyan, but I won't forgive him either."

After finishing speaking, Yin Ziying paused, and then said to Yu Shi: "But auntie, you also know my character, and what will happen to me and him in the future, please help me with uncle.

Anyway, I absolutely cannot accept that he married me and Lu Xiuyu at the same time, so what about the scholar?I, Yin Ziying, don't need to rely on him. Why should I be picked and picked like a commodity? "

(End of this chapter)

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