Chapter 129
"Brother Yan, what's the matter with you? Don't you like it? I remember that you like Qingsong the most, but at that time I only wanted your safety. Don't worry, you are back, and I will sew your favorite purse for you."

As the girl spoke, she raised a pair of big wet eyes and looked at him, full of grievance and worry.

This is his sister Xiuyu. In the next life, she still hasn't changed, she is still her.

Gu Yunyan's heart fluttered slightly, and he squeezed his purse tightly: "No, sister Xiuyu took the trouble, I like it very much."

After finishing speaking, he fixed his eyes firmly on her bright eyes: "Sister Xiuyu, wait for me, wait for me, I will definitely marry you."

Hearing his words, Lu Xiuyu knew that he had been taken down, and she immediately showed a shy expression on her face: "Brother Yan, I will wait for you."

Seeing her like this, Gu Yunyan was very moved, but after glancing at the sky and thinking of the reactions of his uncle, aunt, and younger siblings just now, he still smiled and said to the girl in front of him:
"Sister Xiuyu, wait for me to get home and deal with the mess, wait for me."

They still have endless time to get along, and he will bring all the life she wants to her in front of her one by one, and he will never let her become what she was in her previous life.

Hearing what Gu Yunyan said, Lu Xiuyu felt a little disappointed, but she was relieved thinking that they would still have a lot of time to spend together.

Although her reputation is not good, she will be a talented lady in the future. Of course she wants such an honor.

Why should that poor girl Yin Ziying take all the benefits?Why is she?
She just wants to take away all her things, including the workshop, and one day the name on the workshop will become hers.

She nodded with a smile: "Brother Yan, you go back! I'll wait for you, and I will always wait for you."

Looking at the back of Gu Yunyan striding away, she called out again: "Brother Yan..."

Gu Yunyan stopped in his tracks and turned around, seeing her hesitant to speak. Seeing her like this, he frowned and worried:
"What's the matter? Are you worried about your reputation? Don't worry, I will take care of it during this time."

Lu Xiuyu shook her head, she shook her lips and said: "No, brother Yan, I mean, I heard everything you and your parents said in it just now, and it was too difficult. Brother Yan, if you If I can’t do it, I’m willing to.”

Hearing what she said, Gu Yunyan smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, these are small things, just wait for me."

After speaking, he turned around and strode back.

Seeing Gu Yunyan's back disappear at the end of the path, Lu Xiuyu walked briskly into the room. Seeing her coming in, Lu's father and mother suddenly smiled.

"Xiuyu, I'm really lucky today, and I'm going to be a lady of talent from now on."

Mrs. Lu also smiled and said: "That's right! Our Xiuyu will be a talented lady in the future, which is really great. Brother Yan of the Gu family, I thought he would not come back, but I didn't expect him to come back.

This time, it's a pity that Xiuyu's reputation is a pity. If Brother Yan came back one day sooner, how could Xiuyu need to bear this reputation? "

Father Lu waved his hand:

"What do you mean, Xiuyu has nothing to lose? Isn't it because of a bad reputation? Then what you get is real benefits. Anyway, no one can blame Xiuyu for this matter. If you want to blame it, you can blame Brother Yan That's all."

Mrs. Lu glared at him, then hummed:
"You men are good. You obviously caused the incident by yourself, and we women have to bear the infamy. Once this reputation is spread, how can we, Xiuyu, marry?"

Seeing her father and mother arguing about her own affairs, Lu Xiuyu pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't worry, father and mother, he said he would settle this matter, and leave the rest alone, left and right are just not going out for a while That's all."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Lu's complexion immediately turned ugly: "Speaking of this, don't you have to blame that lady Yin? Just now I think you should tell Brother Yan about the wronged you last time, so that Yan Brother is venting his anger for you."

"Mother, it's all over, why are you talking about this! You can't let me or you tell him about these things, he has to find out by himself."

Father Lu nodded immediately when he heard it: "It's still Xiuyu who understands the truth, you old lady doesn't understand anything."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lu Xiuyu worriedly:
"Xiuyu, although Brother Yan said he has a deep affection for you and is now a scholar, I'm afraid you will have a hard time in the future! That lady Yin is not easy to provoke.

This Gu Yunyan follows Yan Changshou in the town, you can be more sure about Yan Changshou on the left or right. "

Lu Xiuyu smiled and shook her head:

"Father, this statement is wrong. When we lost Gu Yunyan before, the reason why we went to the Yan family was because we were short and tall.

Now that Gu Yunyan is back, he has always had that kind of thought for me. I must have suffered such grievances, so he must feel even more pity in his heart. Then how could he treat me the same as Yin Ziying? "

"That's what I said, but no matter how powerful Gu Yunyan is, can he get the workshop? If he really leaves the house by then, then we can't get anything?"

Hearing this, Lu Xiuyu frowned.

"Probably not. After all, it belongs to the old Gu's family. Besides, even if the workshop has no share, the fields that Yin Ziying bought a while ago belonged to the Gu family. Yin Ziying couldn't take those things away."

Hearing Father Lu's words, Mrs. Lu and Lu Xiuyu finally felt relieved. Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Lu said again:

"By the way, Xiuyu, did you give him the purse that I asked you to sew before? If you want to give this thing, you have to give it early, and he won't think so much when it's too late."

Lu Xiuyu nodded: "Mother, don't worry, I just gave it to you. Fortunately, you told me to sew this purse before. Even if it is not useful for marriage, it is still useful now."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Lu had a smile on her face: "Of course, who am I, your mother? In that mansion back then, these things were all the tricks taught to my daughter by those aunts."

When Mrs. Lu was young, she used to work as a maid for a wealthy family in the county. Later, she married Mrs. Lu and then she took care of her husband and raised her children at home.

But all these years, she has never forgotten what she learned in that big family's house before, and she has taught her daughter Lu Xiuyu all of it.

Seeing that the two of them started chatting, Father Lu stood up with his hands behind his back: "Go ahead, I'll go and see where Mingyu is."

Seeing the back of Father Lu going out, Lu Xiuyu and Mrs. Lu looked at each other and smiled. Mrs. Lu stretched out her hand and patted her daughter's hand before saying, "Xiuyu, don't worry about your father, he loves you too!"

Lu Xiuyu shook her head: "Mom, what are you thinking! Do I still want to be jealous with my younger brother? I understand."

"That's good, mother told you, brother Yan, you have to say that in the future..."

The mother and daughter discussed in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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