Chapter 130 This is my house!
But at this moment, Gu Yunyan had already walked to his home, looking at the place where the smoke was rising, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Finally, he came back home again. Counting the time in his previous life, he hadn't been back to this old house for a long time. Counting it, it had been more than ten years.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw his younger sister Gu Yunxuan squatting at the door of the kitchen. He walked over with a smile on his face: "Sister Xuan..."

Hearing his voice, Gu Yunxuan looked up at him, and immediately turned around and shouted: "Sister-in-law, my elder brother is back."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yunyan only saw uncles, aunts, and two younger brothers coming out of the kitchen one after another.

Before he could speak, a soft voice rang out: "Are you back? The kitchen will be ready soon, come first, come first, line up!"

This is his little wife, Yin Ziying was talking, Gu Yunyan squinted his eyes, watched the girl come out with vegetables and put them in the hands of his younger brother Gu Yunxian and said with a smile:
"Brother Xian, take this over first, but be careful, and don't let anyone who doesn't open their eyes get on the table."

People who don't open their eyes?Is it him?Gu Yunyan thought it was a little funny, but also a little annoyed. This woman really thinks so highly of herself that she dared to do this to him. Did she think she was good at it?

Gu Yunxian glanced at his elder brother, then quickly walked towards the main room, covering the dishes with his hands like a guard, and finally walked out of the main room door to stare at him.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yunyan was even more angry, what does this mean?Could it be that he was afraid that he would not be able to eat?He, Gu Yunyan, was guarded like a thief in his own home?
Soon, Gu Yunyan knew what it means to guard against thieves. The fragrant dishes in the kitchen were brought out and sent to the main room. Gu Yunxian kept staring at him at the door of the main room.

Finally, the woman clapped her hands and came out, looking at him with a relaxed expression: "Okay, Gu Yunyan, I've run out of kitchens, so you can do whatever you want!"

After finishing speaking, she took Gu Yunxuan's little hand: "Come on, sister Xuan, let's go eat."

Seeing the aunt and sister-in-law walking towards the main room quickly, Gu Yunyan felt helpless and funny. Did that woman really think that if she didn't cook for him, he wouldn't be able to do it himself?
Mrs. Yu glanced at her eldest nephew, who was expressionless, and said, "Brother Yan, you can come home with me to eat later! Your two younger brothers are also at home!"

Gu Yunyan shook his head, and said to Yu Shi while walking towards the kitchen: "Don't worry, Auntie, it's not like I don't know how to make food, I'll just do it myself."

When he entered the kitchen, he immediately understood why his aunt looked at him so strangely just now. It turned out that there was nothing in the kitchen except pots and pans, empty pots and stoves, and firewood.

Even the simplest and most common oil and salt are not available, and in another corner of the kitchen, there is an extra large cabinet at some point.At this moment, there is a big lock hanging on the big cabinet.

Gu Yunyan's complexion twitched, that girl, did you leave him nothing?Anyway, there are things from his old Gu family, right?
He finally understood why his aunt's complexion was like this just now. The point is, the cooking had just been done in the kitchen, and there seemed to be a scent of food in the air.

He walked out of the kitchen door with a sullen face. Uncle Gu had disappeared, and Mrs. Yu was still standing there. Seeing Gu Yunyan coming out, Mrs. Yu said:

"Brother Yan, you also know that although you will be at home in the future, it will be different from before. Ziying said that all these things will be used separately first.

The rest is the residence. You used to live in the East Wing, but now you don’t live in the East Wing. Crowd with Brother Xian and live in the West Wing! "

Hearing this, Gu Yunyan frowned even tighter, what?He is obviously living in his house, but he is still bound by these rules?

Also, isn't the East Wing originally his place?Why should you give it to that woman?
"Auntie, how is this matter assigned? I don't agree, this is my home!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a stern voice came from the side: "Disagree? You have to agree if you don't agree! Brother Yan, don't forget, what did you do to sorry Ziying just now, the two of you It’s a nameless one, and I’ve already decided on this matter.”

Gu Yunyan frowned: "Uncle, I know she may have taken care of you a lot during this time, but we have to be reasonable! This is my home, why should I let her? Even these things are not allowed to me now , do you say that is plausible?"

"It's outrageous? What's so outrageous? How much money have you earned for the family? Let me tell you, all these things in the house were purchased with Ziying's money. It has nothing to do with you. You still Want to buy something with Ziying?
It is considered generous of Ziying to use well water for you now, what else do you want?Let me tell you, don't touch the vegetables in the backyard, you don't even want to touch a single one, they are reserved for money back then. "

Gu Yunyan: ...

Cooperating with him, he just went out for a trip, and all the family's thoughts were controlled by this woman?

What is the origin of this woman?He wanted to see what ecstasy soup she had fed them. Thinking of this, Gu Yunyan narrowed his eyes and thought deeply.

Mrs. Yu pulled Uncle Gu: "Okay, okay, brother Yan just came back, why are you talking about him like that?"

After speaking, she looked at Gu Yunyan again:
"Brother Yan, what, if you don't want to cook in the future, then go to my house to eat and come back. I just told your second and third brothers that they should have prepared your meals today. You go there!"

At the same time, the eldest son of the Gu family.

Gu Yunjie looked at his second brother and raised his eyebrows: "Second brother, do you think the eldest brother will come over later?"

Just now, my mother came back and said that they were eating at the sister-in-law's house at noon today, and she also told them to prepare an extra meal, and the elder brother would come over to eat with them.

They were very happy about the elder brother's return today, but they didn't expect that the elder brother actually snatched the marriage at the door of Lu's house. This is simply...

Don't talk about others, just say that he thinks that elder brother has gone too far, let alone for sister-in-law?
This is like slapping my sister-in-law in the face, and this is in front of the whole village, not only that, but also in front of those people in the town who came to welcome her.

When this matter got out, not only the elder brother and the girl from the Lu family had a bad reputation, but also the elder sister-in-law and Yan Changshou who was supposed to marry the girl from the Lu family would also be laughed at.

Although they are brothers and they are the same age, Gu Yunli is more mature than his younger brother Gu Yunjie. Hearing his younger brother asking about this matter, he shook his head helplessly:
"Put away your words and just wait. When the elder brother comes, let's talk to him. If you don't come, you won't be unable to eat these meals at night."

Gu Yunjie curled his lips: "Second brother, that's my eldest brother's house, so why not listen to my sister-in-law in everything? With my eldest brother's temperament, I may not be willing."

Although the eldest brother has always been gentle and refined, they are brothers who grew up together after all, so how could they not know the stubbornness in his bones?

If you really follow what mother just said when she came back, elder brother will definitely be unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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