Chapter 131 Is she also reborn?

Hearing this, Gu Yunli curled his lips and said nothing. The elder brother may not be willing, but this matter is not determined by the elder brother's willingness.

In the past, the elder brother was the baby lump in the family, and the parents felt sorry for the elder brother and they had no parents or relatives, but now, this baby lump has changed.

During the period when the sister-in-law got married, what kind of life the old Gu family and the two families have changed, and what kind of life the Baijia Village has changed, everyone has seen it in their hearts.

Even if the eldest brother is unwilling this time, it must be impossible. After all, compared with the eldest brother, the sister-in-law is now more important in the village.

With money and a good job, who cares if you are a scholar or not?In other words, at most, Master Xiucai said that he would gain a better reputation, but the villagers did not take advantage of this benefit at all!
From the point of view of sister-in-law, who can provide a good job for the fathers and villagers in the village, it is self-evident who is more popular.

This time, I'm afraid even the elder brother himself didn't expect that the elder sister-in-law is an iron plate.

But speaking of it, the elder brother was really hasty in this matter. Even if he once had a heart for that girl from the Lu family, since she is already going to marry, why bother to cling to her?

Just as he was thinking this way, footsteps suddenly came from outside. The two brothers looked at each other, and then heard the voice of the eldest brother Gu Yunyan from outside: "Second brother, third brother, are you there?"

"Yes, yes." Gu Yunjie promised while winking at his elder brother, and then went outside to open the door.

"Brother, you are here, come quickly! Eat first."

Gu Yunyan nodded and walked into the room. At this time, Gu Yunli had already poured a few glasses of wine. When he saw Gu Yunyan sitting down, he raised his hand and said to Gu Yunyan:

"Brother, congratulations on high school."

Hearing Gu Yunli's voice, Gu Yunyan's heart was a little touched, high school, high school, yes!He is a scholar now, but the treatment he received this time is far from the treatment he received in his previous life.

He still remembers that when he came back in his previous life, even though his family and his uncle's family had not had a good time, but because they heard that he was selected as a scholar, his uncle and aunt went to borrow money and happily cut his flesh.

Even a few wealthy households in the village and the grandfather of the village chief came to celebrate his high school.

This life is different, even though he knew that when he came back to intercept Lu's gate today, he would receive some strange looks from the villagers, but he didn't expect that everyone would even ignore the fact that he is now a scholar.

Gu Yunjie also followed suit and said: "Yes, brother, congratulations to high school, brother, you have been admitted to the scholar, really amazing!

Tell us quickly, what happened to you back then, we didn't find you back then, and Dad took some uncles from the village to the county to look for them, but they still couldn't find you. "

Speaking of this, Gu Yunli also had some worries on his face. It has been a long time since the elder brother disappeared.

It stands to reason that if the elder brother returned to the village early after being selected as a scholar, he would have been back for two months now.

And the matter of being selected as a scholar... If it was true that he was selected as a scholar, why didn't the official master come to the village to announce the good news in October?

How did the eldest brother win this talent?What happened during this period?
Hearing them ask this, Gu Yunyan blinked, and then said:
"Back when the carriage fell off the cliff, a family had been orphaned for many years. They recognized me as their son. At that time, I also suffered some injuries because of falling off the cliff, so I could only be at their mercy."

"The carriage fell off the cliff? How come?"

Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunli's expressions changed at the same time. At the beginning, they said that the elder brother disappeared in the town, but they didn't say exactly how he disappeared, nor did they say that the carriage fell.

Now the eldest brother actually said that the carriage fell off the cliff, what is going on?

Gu Yunyan nodded: "Yes, I went with the students over there at that time, and I was the only one left when I came back, so you didn't know what happened."

"Brother, you said that you were selected as a scholar, so what's the matter? There is no messenger in the village, otherwise we should have known that you were alive."

Speaking of this, Gu Yunyan's eyes flickered before he said: "Didn't you just say that? Among them, there is a couple."

Seeing the two people looking over, Gu Yunyan said after a pause: "That family's identity is not simple. In short, they arranged for me to go to the local area to participate in the hospital examination, so the person who reported the letter did not come to the village at that time."

Gu Yunli's pupils shrank: "Brother, you were taken away to other places at that time, and you just came back recently?"

Gu Yunyan nodded, with a relaxed expression on his face: "But you can rest assured that the orphaned couple are very kind. They listened to me after I woke up, and finally they found out the facts, so they let me back."

Speaking of this, his eyes narrowed. In fact, when he was just reborn this time, he also thought about whether he should directly take the place of that person.

After all, those two people have such prominent backgrounds. In all fairness, who wouldn't want the kind of power they were born with?
However, when he thought of the uncle, aunt, and old village chief who had devoted all their efforts to send him to study in his previous life, he extinguished the spark in his heart.

Now that he has been reborn, he can predict the future in advance. With these opportunities, does he still need these identities?

Can't rely on him, Gu Yunyan, to find a way out?
Moreover, with the help of the news he learned in later generations, he intentionally or unintentionally conveyed the matter to those two people. Presumably, after they found the rightful lord, they would not treat him lightly.

"Big brother? Big brother?" Gu Yunjie looked at him worriedly.

Gu Yunyan, who was called back to God by Gu Yunjie, smiled: "It's okay, I'm fine outside these times, don't worry, even this scholar's fame, you can go to the county to check it, it's solid. fame."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the two brothers: "A lot of things have happened these days, which one of you two will tell me?"

Gu Yunjie looked back at Gu Yunli, and then Gu Yunli said slowly: "Brother, what specific things do you want to know? Sister-in-law?"

"Well, let's start with her, what's going on, I've only heard a few rumors about this matter, and I don't know the truth."

Gu Yunli nodded, and then slowly began to tell the things of these days, Gu Yunyan's heart jumped when he heard it.

From this point of view, this Yin Ziying, his little wife, seems to have a lot of different temperament from before!Thinking of what happened to her, could it be that she was also reborn?

"What are those things made in the workshop? What kind of powder?"

Gu Yunjie interjected from the side: "Brother, it's sweet potato starch, sweet potato vermicelli and sweet potato vermicelli skin. By the way, there's also ice powder."

"Sweet potato starch, sweet potato vermicelli, sweet potato vermicelli skin and ice powder?"

(End of this chapter)

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