Chapter 132 See Tricks and Tricks
Gu Yunyan was talking about it, but he was thinking about the things in his previous life. Unfortunately, he searched all the memories in his mind, but he didn't find these things in his previous life.

That is to say, this Yin Ziying was not reborn like him?Or to be more precise, she is not someone else's soul attached to her?

This little wife who died early in the previous life is actually so powerful?Can someone who has died once see these things?

What a joke, this is simply nonsense, who has never died once, isn't he, Gu Yunyan, a person who has resurrected his life?

"Brother? What's wrong with you?"

Gu Yunyan, who was called back to God again, shook her head: "It's nothing, I just feel a little surprised that she can understand so much."

Speaking of this, Gu Yunli's face is also positive: "Yes, brother, sister-in-law has really done a lot for the family during this time! Not to mention anything else, the life of the family is so good now, all All thanks to my sister-in-law.

Also, the sister-in-law bought a field a few days ago, and the name was recorded in Brother Xian's name. After the spring of next year, Brother Xian and Brother Rui will also go to school. "

Gu Yunyan raised his eyebrows: "Bought a field? Put it in Brother Xian's name? Send them to a private school next year? That workshop earns so much money?"

"Of course, we don't know how much the workshop earns every month. Anyway, the money my sister-in-law earns is used to buy things at home. Brother, it's a bit inappropriate for you to be true this time. I'm so sorry for my sister-in-law. "

Gu Yunyan's mind was not at all on what Gu Yunli said later, what he was thinking at the moment was about the work in the workshop that the Lu family wanted him to do.

Co-authored, the Lu family let him make it because they knew that Yin Ziying had a share in the Raoshizi Workshop?

"Do you recruit people in the workshop? One for each household?"

As soon as he heard him mention this, Gu Yunjie said nonchalantly: "Of course not, this job is easy and easy, but also difficult. Brother, hehe, you see, my second brother and I go to the workshop every day, and every month the workshop also sends us wages."

Gu Yunli on the side reached out and tapped his head, then smiled and said to Gu Yunyan:

"Brother, the recruitment of the workshop is to recruit those who are more able to work. This matter is usually discussed by my mother and the village chief's grandfather. As for me and Brother Jie, I am not fooling around. We are also working hard!"

"Well, so that's the case, did the aunt come to pick someone?"

Seeing Gu Yunyan's expression, Gu Yunli added another sentence:
"My sister-in-law said that in the future, I will not give priority to recruiting people from the village. I will give priority to recruiting people from difficult families in each village. Therefore, this time the new workshop in the village will come out, and there are very few people in our village who can be included in the list."

Hearing Gu Yunli's words, Gu Yunyan raised his head and glanced at his younger brother who hadn't seen him in a few months, then curled his lips and said nothing.

It seems that his little wife, Yin Ziying, has really tidied up the whole family after not coming back for several months.

It doesn't matter if the younger brothers and sisters are still young, and it's okay for the eldest uncle and aunt to be reasonable because they are concerned about her reputation, even the younger brothers who have always admired him since childhood.

It's just that they turned to Yin Ziying, but it didn't affect him at all.

After all, he, Gu Yunyan, never cared about these things. As for what Gu Yunli said just now, he was sorry about Yin Ziying.

In fact, this time, he didn't do it on purpose. You know, he came back with the memory of his previous life. In the previous life, his little wife, Yin Ziying, had died long ago.

It's just that this time, what he did like this really made the situation not very good. Earlier, he was thinking about waiting for him to be admitted to Juren and Jinshi later.

Now it seems that it can only be resolved in advance.It's just that the woman doesn't look easy to get along with. Can she coexist peacefully with sister Xiuyu?
These thoughts in Gu Yunyan's heart are thanks to his own thoughts, and others don't know.

If Yin Ziying knew about these thoughts, she would have spat at him a long time ago. What kind of big dream is there, what kind of beautiful thing is she thinking about?
It is impossible for her to think of herself as the emperor, even if she has no power or ability, she will definitely give this person a hard lesson.

And the old Gu family, at this moment.

Yin Ziying looked at eating while holding the bowl, but she still looked at her helplessly and amusedly from time to time.

She put down the bowl and said to several people:
"Uncle, Aunt, Brother Xian, Brother Rui, you don't need to do this at all. I don't think there is any problem with what I just said. I don't even worry about it. Why are you worried?"

When Uncle Gu and Shi Yu saw it, they immediately lowered their heads to plan the rice together. Although today's matter was considered resolved, it was obvious that the elder nephew had accepted the softness.

But after all, his nephew grew up under their knees, don't they still know his temperament?
Now on the surface, it seems that he has been subdued, maybe he is thinking about other things in his heart!This matter must not end.

It's just that, after all, this matter didn't come out right now, and Ziying's mood was not so uncomfortable when she saw it so rarely, so they didn't need to provoke her any more.

When the time comes, they will just see what they are doing. No matter what, they all know in their hearts that what the eldest nephew did this time is indeed unreasonable.

How can there be such a thing?After all, Ziying has hard work without credit at home, and Ziying not only has hard work, the credit is huge.

Not only for their old Gu's family, but also for Baijia Village.If they can't handle this matter alone, there may be countless people in the village chewing their tongues behind their backs and poking their spines, saying that they only care about their nephews.

Their old Gu family's reputation may still be preserved a little bit with their eldest nephew's behavior today, but if they help the eldest nephew and treat Ziying like this, they will really be stabbed in the back by the whole village.

Gu Yunxian also put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, and he solemnly said to Yin Ziying: "Sister-in-law, do you still remember what I said before? Don't worry, if the eldest brother is not good, I will definitely do this in the future."

A few months ago, not long after Yin Ziying married, Gu Yunxian was touched by Yin Ziying's devotion, and he said it at that time.

If they grow up in the future, or they don't need Yin Ziying's care anymore, he will write an instruction manual for Yin Ziying, so that they can leave their old Gu family and marry someone else after going to Yin Ziying.

In this dynasty, such a document has legal effect. Even if Gu Yunyan is back now, as long as Gu Yunxian changes the signing date to the time when he said this, then this document can also take effect .

Even if Gu Yunyan knew about this and wanted to refuse, it would be impossible.After all, when Gu Yunyan disappeared, Gu Yunxian was the head of the family, so what he said was also useful.

What's more, the relationship between the old village head and Yin Ziying is very good now, if she really wants to do this, the old village head will surely cooperate with her.

(End of this chapter)

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