Chapter 134

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, just do it normally. By the way, you just reminded me of one thing. If Mom and Dad hear the news, they may come over tomorrow.

Put away the things you bought and the money you saved these days, otherwise they will be stolen by then, so don’t blame me for not reminding you. "

In the past few months, the Yin Jingjing sisters have been doing relatively light work in the workshop, and they have always been reported to Gao's side as wages of 15 Wen a day.

In fact, Yin Ziying's salary for this position has long been raised to 25 yuan a day, that is to say, the sisters can save 10 yuan a day.

Although not much, but combined with the year-end bonus Yin Ziying will give in the future and the hard work bonus, and if they have been doing here in the future, it will be a simple matter to save a few dozen taels of dowry for themselves when they get married.

After all, they are biological sisters. These days, apart from the daily work, Yin Ziying also teaches them arithmetic and other things in her spare time, and arranges their work without worrying about it.

Upon hearing this, the faces of Yin Jingjing and the others changed, and Yin Jiajia immediately said to Yin Ziying:
"Big sister, I'm afraid I can't hide those things! Then what should I do! Otherwise, you can keep them for me!"

During the previous two visits, my mother, Mrs. Gao, cleaned the beds of the three sisters inside and out, as if she was afraid of missing something.

But the mother of the big sister's room is afraid to go in now, and this matter can be left to the big sister now.

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile on her face: "Okay, take all the things you worry about not being able to hide and put them in my room. I will put them away for you in a while. Even if she sees them, I will tell you to buy them for Xuan." My sister's."

The three Yin Jingjing sisters all breathed a sigh of relief, so it couldn't be better.


As expected by Yin Ziying and the others, what happened in Baijia Village that night had spread to Yinjia Village.

When she learned that the protagonist in the lively incident was actually her son-in-law, the thing in Gao's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and she hurried forward and grabbed the man's sleeve and said:
"What are you talking about? From Dafu's family, what do you say is the name of the person who snatched the marriage in Baijia Village?"

The woman glanced at Mrs. Gao with a smile and said, "Sister-in-law Gao, what is the name of that person, Gu Yunyan? Isn't your eldest girl married to the old Gu's family? How many Gu's are there in Baijia Village? Probably not It belongs to the family, right?
I've heard that Gu Yunyan is a scholar!If it is really the family that your eldest daughter married, then you can be regarded as a relative who is a scholar, and you don't have to worry about writing letters in the future. "

Mrs. Gao loosened her hands when she heard the words. The people in the village didn't know that her eldest daughter married a scholar whose whereabouts were unknown, but she knew it.

And this is Gu Yunyan, if she remembers correctly, isn't that the name of that son-in-law?Is he really back?

"Sister-in-law Gao, what's the matter? Could it be that she really belongs to your daughter's family?
It's really good that your daughter is married!Tsk tsk, look, your daughters have all gone to work in that workshop to earn wages. At such a young age, they can do better than my men.

Now, if there is such a talented master as the head of the family, what school will your brother Lin go to?Studying directly with Master Xiucai will directly save a lot of private school money! "

Hearing what the woman said, Gao slapped his thigh: "You are right, Dafu's family. I will go to Yin's Village to see my daughter tomorrow. If this is true, that would be great."

Master Xiucai!That's a scholar, if her daughter married a scholar, wouldn't that girl Ziying be a scholar?What is she then?Master Xiucai's mother-in-law?

Hey, when I think about this, and then I think about how my son will be able to study with his son-in-law for free in the future, what a great thing it is!

Gao's heart was full of joy, and he couldn't wait to go home and tell the man in the family about it.

Seeing that Mrs. Gao turned her head and was about to run away, the woman hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law Gao, I have told you several times before, if the workshop in Baijia Village recruits people, remember to ask my niece to give me a chance! "

Gao Shi waved his hands as he walked, his voice came from afar: "It's easy to say, don't worry! I'll ask my eldest girl for you tomorrow."

Seeing Mrs. Gao go away, another woman came by: "The Dafu family, you just finished chatting with Mrs. Gao about the lively incident of robbing marriages in their Baijia Village, right?"

The woman turned her head and smiled slightly: "Isn't that right! I thought that the daughter of Mrs. Gao's family happened to marry the old Gu's family, so maybe that talented master is from my family!"

"Yo! From Dafu's family, what are you talking about with Mrs. Gao for no reason? You're thinking of letting her ask you if you can go to Baijia Village to work in the workshop?

You still don't know Mrs. Gao, she is full of lies, don't believe it, even if she agrees, she may not necessarily follow through. Look at how many people she has agreed to in such a long time?How many people from our village have gone now? "

The smile of Dafu's family faded when she heard this, and she stroked her fingers before nodding: "Oh, I always think about something good, my family hasn't cooked yet, so let's go home first!"

Seeing Dafu's family walk away, the woman spat lightly: "Hey, a person who is like a ghost knows how to fool people."

After she finished speaking, she held her heart with some regret: "If I had known that I heard the news today, I would have gone to tell her about it. I'm afraid this time the advantage will be taken by the Dafu family."


At the same time, Mrs. Gao had already entered the house quickly, and when she saw her son playing with mud on the courtyard wall, she was not in a hurry to kiss her son, but went straight into the house.

"Master, master, guess what news I heard?"

"What's worth your excitement? Could it be that Jingjing and the others are paying their wages again?" Yin Yueshan came out of the house with his hands behind his back.

Seeing him coming out, Gao stepped forward and grabbed him, then said:
"Oh, that's not it, but this matter may be more pleasing than Jingjing and the others' wages. If it's true, we can save Brother Lin's repair costs!"

"What? Save brother Lin's repair fee? Are you crazy? The repair fee can be ten taels a year. Who can save it?"

Mrs. Gao found a chair at the side and sat down, slapped her thigh and said: "Master, listen to me! I just heard from Dafu's family on the way back that something big happened in Baijia Village today. It's about our son-in-law."

Yin Yueshan frowned: "Son-in-law? Where did our son-in-law come from?"

There were four daughters in total, and the eldest daughter Yin Ziying was married, and she was still a widow.Although the son-in-law didn't say that he was dead, but he heard that he would not come back at the end of the year, so he had to set up a memorial tablet.

(End of this chapter)

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