Chapter 135

"Head of the family, listen to me, is the name of our Ziying's former son-in-law Gu Yunyan? Think about it, is it such a name?"

Yin Yueshan frowned and thought about it, then nodded: "If you say that, I have some impressions, yes, it's called this name, and I told the second uncle that it sounds nice."

But it's not just that, he still remembers that the second uncle said at the time that the name doesn't need to be too good, just choose a cheap name, otherwise it will be difficult to support.

At that time, he was secretly surprised. After all, although the second uncle didn't know, he did know that his son-in-law had an accident because he didn't support him!

Later, because of this incident, he once thought about changing the name of his son Yin Ruilin. Why did he suddenly mention the name Gu Yunyan now?Could it be that there is a tablet to be erected over there?

Gao patted her thigh again, and then told Yin Yueshan what Dafu's family said just now, and she said:

"Head of the family, have you ever thought about it, if the person who came back here is really our son-in-law, how can our Brother Lin need Shu Xiu if he wants to study?
How good would it be to let his brother-in-law pay him directly?Maybe our brother Lin will be a master of talent from now on!At that time, our son-in-law will be a master of talent, and our son will also be a master of talent, and we will save money, how beautiful it will be! "

Unlike Gao, Yin Yueshan frowned tightly after knowing this:

"What are you talking about? What did you say Gu Yunyan came back for? Isn't this a robbery? Gu Yunyan went to the gate of Lu's house to prevent the girl from the Lu family from getting married. Even if that person is really your son-in-law, you let Ziying where?"

Gao frowned, and only then came back to his senses:

"That's right! Is the girl from the Lu family involved with our uncle? Oh, my mother! How can this matter be so troublesome? Is our Ziying comparable to the girl from the Lu family? That's a scholar! It won't happen this time." Is the talented son-in-law going to run away?"

Seeing Mrs. Gao like this, Yin Yueshan patted the table and said, "Listen, what are you talking about? What is it called a talented son-in-law running away? What is it called Ziying? Can she compare to that girl from the Lu family?

If that person is really our son-in-law, we Ziying would be the one who was wronged, and if Gu Yunyan did this, he would be slapping Ziying in the face!

Do you think that when the news spreads, everyone will envy Ziying if they know that Ziying is a scholar?I'm afraid they will secretly laugh at our family!It's really a woman who knows how to think about those money.

Haven't you ever thought about it, if he really passed the exam as a scholar, wouldn't you want to continue the exam?Doesn't it need money to continue the exam?Don't need time?Where did Kong Jiaolin come from? "

Gao was taken aback by Yin Yueshan's words, she patted her head and said: "Ziying is just a girl, what does this reputation have to do with us?"

"You still don't admit that you are stupid, think about it for yourself, if that Gu Yunyan is really Ziying's man, our son-in-law, will Ziying be laughed at?
Will our brother Lin be laughed at by others?After all, my sister was bullied like this. I have heard that scholars are most afraid of these things. These are all shameless things. "

Upon hearing that this matter might be related to his son, Gao immediately corrected his expression: "Then what do you mean, the head of the family? Now that we know the news, we must go and express it?"

"Show it? Shouldn't you show it! Tomorrow, the two of us will take Brother Lin to Baijia Village to see what's going on. If it's really him who comes back, we'll also go to the Gu family. Ask for an explanation."

"Oh my god! But the head of the family, if that person is really the son-in-law, wouldn't we offend him if we go over like this? I still count on him to be able to teach Brother Lin in the future..."

Yin Yueshan stood up and looked at Gao with a bad expression, then heaved a heavy sigh:

"You, you! You let me tell you what's good about you! I've said it all, money, money can make ghosts turn the mill, and who holds the old Gu's money now?
Let's go over and help Ziying out, and she will naturally be kind to brother Lin, so how can I not invite a good husband?As for that uncle, if he really did that kind of thing, do you think he has any good conduct? "

After saying this, Gao suddenly realized:

"It's up to you to think clearly about being in charge, right, right, if you have money, what a scholar, I'll spit on him when I go tomorrow. Dare to treat Ziying like this, it's definitely not a good thing."

Seeing this, Yin Yueshan sighed in his heart, the woman said she was not good, she was pretty good, all she could think about was how to get more money for the family.

Say her well!The girls beat and scolded one by one, and they didn't want to see her after they went to the eldest girl's place one by one. It seemed that they were all divorced.

What's more, although he has only been to the eldest daughter's side twice, he can also tell that the eldest daughter must have money in her hand, otherwise it would be impossible to live like that.

That is to say, this stupid woman in my family was fooled by a few words from the eldest daughter. Although he said that he was not after the daughter's money, he had to get along well.

After all, the son is still young, so he will have to rely on a few older sisters in the future, otherwise, what if the son is still useless after a hundred years?
It is true that although Yin Yueshan now knows that the girls are out of control, he doesn't want to control the girls back.

What can be done right now is to win over the girls well and let them remember that there is still a family with old parents who are willing to think about them.

In this way, Yin Yueshan and Gao made a decision to go to Baijia Village the next day.

Knowing that he was going to Baijia Village the next day, Yin Ruilin was very happy. Ever since his eldest sister got married, and later all his sisters went to work in the workshops of Baijia Village, he didn't have any playmates at home.

Originally, his temperament was raised by the Gao family. Usually, when his sisters are around, they either order this or that, and few people in the village are willing to play with him.

What's more, he had already heard that the big sister's Baijia Village was doing well, and he could earn money, and every time his mother came back from the big sister's house, she would bring him some delicious food.

This made him want to visit Baijia Village even more.


The next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Yin Yueshan and Gao went out with Yin Ruilin on their backs. They got up too early, and Yin Ruilin hadn't woken up yet!

The couple arrived at Baijia Village until dawn. When they saw the couple, some people at the entrance of the village watched silently, and some people stepped forward to say hello.

Although it is said that Yin Yueshan and the Gao family are not from this village, many people in Baijia Village know that this is the parents of Yin Ziying and the others.

After all, they have been to Baijia Village several times in the past few months. When everyone saw them, they all had speculations in their hearts.

Thinking about it, it must have been spread to the Yin's village because of the incident that Brother Yan of the Gu family made a fuss at the gate of Lao Lu's house yesterday, otherwise there was no need for the old Yin's couple to come over this early in the morning.

It seems that the couple of the old Yin family don't love their daughter, look, didn't they come here to support their daughter?

(End of this chapter)

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