Chapter 139 Sisters Must Listen to Me

Hearing that Yin Yueshan and his wife really came for this matter, Uncle Gu hurriedly said:
"My father-in-law, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't teach Brother Yan well about this matter, we have already taught him a lesson."

"Have you taught him a lesson? How did you teach him a lesson? Father-in-law, you have to explain this to us. I was working hard in the field yesterday, and I just listened to people laughing!

I don't know if I don't inquire, but I only found out after inquiring that my good son-in-law has done such a big thing.Your Gu family can be regarded as a family that can read a few words anyway, and you are also a master of talent!
Even my son, a five-year-old baby boy, knows he can't do such things as door-to-door robbery. Tell me, what will Ziying's face be like when this happens?Isn't this putting the face of our old Yin family on the ground? "

Hearing Gao's crackling words, and receiving the expressions of Gao and her aunt Yu, Yin Ziying stretched out her hands and walked Yin Ruilin out of the room.

Although Yin Yueshan and Gao Shi came here today to support her, there are some things she really doesn't like to hear, so let their elders reason with each other!
Anyway, no matter whether it was Uncle Gu and Shi Yu or Yin Yueshan and Gao Shi, they all knew what she meant, and in the end they just did what she said after talking.

As soon as they left the door, they saw a person staring at them secretly at the door of the west wing opposite. Yin Ziying raised her head and glanced, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

It really was Gu Yunyan.

Seeing Yin Ziying looking over, Gu Yunyan on the opposite side sneered a bit, looking a little harsh for no reason.

Did this woman think that if she invited those greedy parents over, she would be able to control him?It's really whimsical, but it's just a village girl who wants to manipulate him.

And then, an accident that Yin Ziying didn't expect happened. Yin Ruilin, who had just followed Yin Ziying out, looked up and saw Gu Yunyan who was opposite.

He seemed to recognize Gu Yunyan's identity, then he ran over and pushed Gu Yunyan, and shouted: "Let you bully my eldest sister, let you bully my eldest sister!"

The child's sharp voice rang out in the room at once, Gu Yunyan was pushed and staggered back a step, while Yin Ziying was stunned.

She did not expect that Yin Ruilin would actually do such a thing. You must know that the relationship between the original owner and Yin Ruilin has always been the most estranged among the siblings.

What's more, after Yin Yueshan and others came here today, she has educated Yin Ruilin more than once.

Gu Yunyan was also stunned. He didn't expect to be treated like this, and this person was his brother-in-law Yin Ruilin.

He still remembered how the brother-in-law in his previous life lowered his eyebrows when he saw him.No matter how unscrupulous Yin Ruilin is at home, he is always submissive in front of him.

After being stunned, fury followed immediately, and just as he was about to push the kid in front of him away, a scent of grass and trees wafted over.

He saw the woman in plain clothes come up to him and said with a somewhat hypocritical apology:
"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of the child. Brother Lin, stop beating, let's go, I'll take you to see something good."

Is this an apology?It's clearly a mockery!

A nameless anger rose in Gu Yunyan's heart, this woman was simply too much, she repeatedly slapped him in the face, now even this incompetent brat dared to push him?

Seeing that Gu Yunyan's complexion became more and more ugly, Yin Ziying stretched out her hand and pulled Yin Ruilin, and comforted her, "Okay, okay, brother Lin, you can't hit anyone."

Although Yin Ruilin was held back by Yin Ziying, his little hands were still flapping forward: "Bad guy! You are a bad guy, you bully my elder sister, see if I don't hit you!"

The child's voice was sharp and immature. At this time, even Uncle Gu and the others in the room ran out. When he saw the situation in the yard, Uncle Gu waved his hands hastily:

"Okay, okay, it's just a little thing, Brother Yan, didn't you say you were going to visit your former husband? Hurry up! Ziying, it's rare for your brother to come to our village to play, so you take him to play Let's play!"

Seeing his uncle blindly favoring the other party regardless of his past, Gu Yunyan held his breath in his heart.

Seeing Gu Yunyan swinging his sleeves and walking out of the old Gu's courtyard, Yin Ziying beckoned Gu Yunxuan to come over: "Come on, sister Xuan, do you want to go to the field with sister-in-law?"

Gu Yunxuan who was in the corner hurried out when she heard this, "Yes, sister-in-law, take me with you!"

Not long after, Yin Ziying followed Yin Ruilin and Gu Yunxuan, who were of similar age, to the shed. During this period, Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin could be heard whispering from time to time.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Yin Ruilin, they all call me brother Lin, and you, my sister said your name is sister Xuan."

Gu Yunxuan nodded: "My full name is Gu Yunxuan, sister-in-law and they all call me Sister Xuan, you can also call me Sister Xuan."

Seeing Yin Ruilin lowered her head and said nothing, Gu Yunxuan said again: "Although you hit my elder brother just now, I don't blame you. You beat my elder brother because of your sister-in-law. You did the right thing."

Yin Ruilin raised his head in surprise: "I hit your elder brother, don't you blame me?"

This is the first time he has heard such an excuse. He hit his own brother, and she actually praised him for doing the right thing.

If this was in the village, let alone praise him for doing the right thing, he might have beaten him with her brother long ago, so he felt very surprised.

Gu Yunxuan nodded: "Of course, you beat my elder brother because of your sister-in-law. As a younger brother, you are a man. It is right for you to protect your sisters and sisters at home."

After she finished speaking, she curled her lips: "My elder brother is just wrong. He is sorry for his sister-in-law, so I don't blame you."

Seeing the two little radish heads biting their ears and muttering, Yin Ziying was both amused and helpless, she coughed lightly, and then said:
"Okay, okay, focus on watching the road, don't mutter."

It can be said that she did not expect the scene where Yin Ruilin stood up for her just now, and judging from the reactions of Uncle Gu and Shi Gao later, it was not their instigation either.

Therefore, Yin Ziying's heart, which was not too cold and hard, softened a little to Yin Ruilin, a naughty child.

After all, he is still a child, but he was used to it too much by the Gao family before, so it is still possible to educate him well in the future.

Gu Yunxuan at the front heard what Yin Ziying said, turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Yin Ziying, then nodded seriously: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, we are watching the road!"

On the other side, Yin Ruilin looked at Gu Yunxuan's scene and curled his lips: "Why do you listen to her in everything? My mother said that I am a man. I can't listen to women. My sisters must listen to me."

Yin Ziying who followed behind: ... still deserves a beating!
(End of this chapter)

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