Chapter 140
This morning, Yin Ziying looked at the greenhouse for a long time with two radish heads in her hands, and only walked back around noon.

Yin Ruilin, who was always mischievous, had been having fun with Gu Yunxuan, and there was no conflict all morning.

When I returned to Lao Gu's house, I saw Yin Yueshan and Gao Shi who were all ready to go. When I saw Yin Ruilin, Gao stood up hurriedly and stretched out my hand to Yin Ruilin:
"Oh, my mother's brother Lin is back, come and let my mother see, where have you all gone today, are you freezing?"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Yin Ziying with some dissatisfaction: "You said you, you said that your father and I have to go back to work today. After going out for so long and not bringing Brother Lin back, isn't this a job for us? !"

Faced with Gao's complaints, and hearing the sound of her aunt cooking from the kitchen, Yin Ziying rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, okay, it's cold winter, what kind of work can I do? Let's go back!"

"Hey, what are you talking about, girl? You don't need to remove the grass in the field, do you? Now you save a job except next spring? You girl who doesn't know how to live."

Even so, she did not refuse Yin Ziying's idea of ​​going back after eating, after all, she had stayed until this point.

Furthermore, the food at my daughter's house is indeed better than at home.

Yin Ziying rolled up her sleeves and walked into the kitchen, and she saw Mrs. Yu busy in front of the stove, she hurriedly said: "Auntie, why are you getting started, let me do it!"

Yu looked at her with a smile and said: "Your parents have been clamoring to leave, I said that's okay, I finally came here, how can I leave without eating lunch?

Let's open the dinner earlier today, you go out and ask Miss Xuan to go to the workshop and call Brother Xian and Jingjing back for dinner!When your parents came over, you didn't talk very well, how could this work. "

Yin Ziying responded, went out first and told Gu Yunxuan, and heard Uncle Gu talking with Yin Yueshan in the main room, turned around and went into the kitchen again:
"Auntie, how are you? My parents didn't make things difficult for you this morning, did they?"

Relying on her understanding of Yin Yueshan and the Gao family, especially the Gao family, even if she knew what was going on in her heart, she might not benefit the Gu family in terms of words.

Hearing Yin Ziying's question about this, Yu stayed for a while, then smiled again: "It's not easy for your parents, Ziying, don't look at what your parents usually look like, they are both parents, and they are all distressed Yours."

Yin Ziying couldn't deny it. It is true that Gao and Yin Yueshan did have some parental concern for each child, etc., it's just a matter of more or less.

But these things are also derived from their financial ability. The better they live, the more they will find that they care about them as parents.

But this is also human nature. Yin Ziying didn't think about changing Gao Shi and Yin Yueshan's opinion or anything. After all, as long as she has been living so well, these so-called "love" from her parents will naturally continue. have.

It is very unrealistic to use one's own power to change their cognitions and concepts that have been ingrained in them for most of their lives. At least she, Yin Ziying, will not naively think that it can be achieved.

When Gu Yunyan came back, what he saw was this scene. Everyone was eating in full swing, and no one called him in during the whole process, including even his own siblings.

Seeing Gu Yunyan's sudden return, Yu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and stood up: "Brother Yan is back? Well, go and eat with your second and third brothers. They also cooked your meal today."

He glanced at the people who were eating hotly on the table and snorted softly, then nodded: "You guys eat, I'll go there right away."

It's not that he is really willing to do so, it's just that his uncle and aunt are kind to him, so he has to think about them no matter what.

At the dinner table, the four sisters of Yin Ziying ate with unchanged expressions, but Gao on the other side couldn't help but glance at the tall man standing there several times.

good guy?That's Gu Yunyan?That master scholar?Her son-in-law?It's a pity, it's a pity, if he didn't show the big girl face like this as soon as he came back, maybe he would call her mother-in-law now!
Seeing Gao Shi's gaze, Yin Yueshan coughed, and then Gao Shi withdrew his gaze and took a piece of chopsticks for his son.

Today, Baijia Village is already one of the villages with a good life in the nearby ten miles and eight villages. This can be seen from the fact that only tofu was sold at the entrance of Baijia Village at the beginning, and now not only tofu is sold, but also meat or fish.

After seeing off Yin Yueshan and Gao's couple, Yin Ziying's life passed as usual for a few days.But what she didn't expect was that not long after, the old village head came to her because of this matter.

Since entering Dongyue, Yin Ziying seldom went to the workshop, and now she has reached long-term cooperation with Xiangcuixianlou, Feixianlou, Zhuangyuanlou and other fixed restaurants.

They have a certain number of fixed orders every month. If their demand is greater, it is usually the one that is notified by letter in advance.Therefore, basically there is no need to go to Yin Ziying to discuss business.

In addition, the workers in the workshop are all familiar with it. Even if the new workshop is completed soon, Yin Ziying basically doesn't have to do anything except go to arrange people at the beginning.

Therefore, when the old village chief came to the door today, Yin Ziying immediately understood the meaning of the old village chief's visit, and it was most likely because of her and Gu Yunyan's affairs.

Sure enough, as soon as she brought tea to the old village chief, she saw the old village chief rubbing the rim of the teacup and said to Yin Ziying, "Ziying, I heard from your uncle that you are determined to make peace with Brother Yan." ?”

Seeing that Yin Ziying was silent, the old village chief also knew Yin Ziying's temperament, and knew that she was tacitly implying this, so he couldn't help saying:

"Ziying, listen to me, even if brother Yan had such an old relationship with the girl of the Lu family before, it was only in the past.

The day he returned to the village, he didn't even know about your existence, so he did such a stupid thing. If he knew, he would never do it. "

Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows. If she followed her guess, Gu Yunyan didn't understand anything.It's just that maybe he thought she was dead, that's why he went to Lu's house so recklessly to stop her.

Seeing her raised eyebrows, the old village chief hurriedly said again: "Ziying, think about it, Brother Yan, what he did this time is so wrong, so he is also your husband, right? After all, he has a The name of a scholar, this is a bit to you..."

Before he could say anything, Yin Ziying interrupted: "Grandpa Village Chief, if you are here today to persuade me and Gu Yunyan, then you can go back! I, Yin Ziying, don't bother to be with such people.

Besides, so what if he has a reputation as a scholar?What does it have to do with me?I, Yin Ziying, bear the name of that talented lady, can I sell my things twice as much?Wasn't I fine when he didn't come back? "

Not to mention whether Gu Yunyan was reborn or not, if not, then she, Yin Ziying, would fulfill the love between him and Lu Xiuyu.

If he was reborn, it would be even more terrifying. He has already lived a whole life, but he is still so impulsive and brainless. This is simply stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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