Chapter 144 Everything is an arrangement of fate
"Why? There is no Ziying, but there is a workshop with farts? There are these things with farts? Brother Yan, I am really disappointed that you are like this now."

Uncle Gu pointed at Gu Yunyan with a trembling finger as he said, he almost poked a finger on his head.

Originally thought that the old Gu's family was just such a baby with a clever brain and a clever mind, so they tried their best to support him, but they didn't expect that he would become an idiot as he grew up.

Listen to what this is saying?How can this count?Without Ziying, where did they come from today, and where did they have a good day?
Gu Yunyan said: "Uncle, don't be angry, that's all I said, since she made these things when she was a daughter-in-law in the old Gu's family, it should naturally belong to our Gu family, which is a matter of course. "

"How dare you say that you are going to piss me off?"

Seeing Uncle Gu and Shi Yu's reaction so fiercely, Gu Yunyan also temporarily dismissed the idea, after all, this matter could not be accomplished by his own thinking.

Walking out of Uncle Gu's house, Gu Yunyan felt extremely depressed. He was reborn with the memories of his previous life, but it was useless.

In his previous life, he didn't know or understand what to do to make money. The only thing he knew was the next scientific examination questions and the next two years' big events in court.

Yin Ziying, how did this woman appear?Could it be that he, Gu Yunyan, really has to wait until next year's election to change the current situation?

It is true that if Gu Yunyan really wanted to do something, he would not be unable to do it, but if he really did something to that inexplicably extra little wife, Gu Yunyan knew that his uncle and aunt would be very angry when they found out.

In his previous life, his uncle and aunt had paid a lot for him. In this life, he doesn't want to make them angry. They are all his elders, and in their previous life, they risked their lives to provide for him to study.

How can he bear it?
Thinking of this in his heart, he walked towards Lu's house without slowing down. If the workshop was not done, he also needed to go to Lu's house to talk about it.

What's more important, I just angered my uncle at the uncle's house today, and even the auntie was obviously upset, and the family felt distressed after going back, so it's better to go to Lu's house to see her.

Thinking of the woman who pursed her lips and smiled like a spring breeze in March, he felt relieved and continued to walk forward.

In all fairness, he also asked himself these days, did he regret that he rushed to Lu's door too arbitrarily to stop the marriage when he came back? If he had known that Yin Ziying was still alive, would he have made such a choice?
Perhaps, he would still try every means to prevent sister Xiuyu from marrying, but he would not use such hasty methods again.

Thinking of this, Gu Yunyan sighed slightly in his heart, there was nothing to say that he would not regret it later, all of this was arranged by fate.

Lu's family, Mrs. Lu is talking to Father Lu at the moment.

"Father, have you heard that the new workshop in the village has already started to recruit people, and I don't know if everyone has entered now. Do you think that what we two talked about can be achieved?"

"Which thing? You said that brother Yan made it?"

Mrs. Lu nodded: "That's right! I've heard that since Brother Dayan went back, Gu Jingyun and the others have been picky about him, which is quite different from before.

I was worried that this matter would not work out. If we asked him to do it, we would not be selected. At that time, we might as well sign up by ourselves, and we would still have a chance. "

Father Lu waved his hand: "Okay, you can, why don't you recruit us two? Isn't it because Xiuyu quarreled with Yin Ziying by the river at the beginning?
At that time, it was just because we didn't let us go through this small matter. What kind of big event is this time?Think about it, this is Brother Yan who came here in public to stop Xiuyu's marriage.

Although we said that Xiuyu did nothing wrong, but in the eyes of that girl from the Yin family, she might think that Xiuyu was robbing her of a man!Why should we! "

When it comes to this, Mrs. Lu curled her lips:

"I think that girl from the Yin family is also a vengeful girl. There was nothing wrong at that time. Wasn't our Xiuyu wronged by the incident by the river? On the contrary, all the people in the village turned towards them. It's good to have power, look at her like that!"

As she said that, she became happy again: "Based on Brother Yan's dedication to our Xiuyu, no matter what you say, it is impossible for Xiuyu to suffer the grievances. When the time comes, we will sweep that girl Yin Ziying out of the house and get the workshop. At that time, we will see what she is crazy about.

Our Xiuyu girl will be a scholar lady in the future, what a happy event!No, I still have to write a letter to my mother's family about this, lest they don't know about it. "

As she said, she got up and was about to turn around and walk into the house, when Father Lu grabbed her hand:
"It's all right, why worry? There's no certainty in this matter, so don't ruin Xiuyu's reputation prematurely."

Mrs. Lu was about to say something when she heard her son's voice from the yard outside: "Brother Gu, you are here, are you here to find my sister?"

Mrs. Lu turned her head and winked her eyes at Father Lu: "Father, did you hear that brother Yan is here, do you think he has finished the work in the workshop and came here to tell us? "

There was a smile on her face that couldn't be concealed, this was a great thing, the work in the workshop, I heard that the work was not as hard as going to the ground, but the twenty cents a day was the real deal.

There are also those who have been working in the workshops for a long time. I heard that their wages have risen to thirty yuan a day. Thirty yuan, what is that amount?

If you work for a month, don't you have [-] Wen?That's almost a tael of silver. In this kind of winter, where can I find work for a tael of silver?
It's still close to home. I heard that they give out egg buns every now and then, and they say it's called employee benefits or something.

Just as he was thinking, he saw a tall figure walking in from outside, who else could it be if it wasn't Gu Yunyan?
Mrs. Lu turned around and smiled like a chrysanthemum:
"Brother Yan is here? Is it because of the work in that workshop? Your Uncle Lu and I can go to work in the workshop, right?"

Hearing Mrs. Lu's question, Gu Yunyan paused, then nodded: "Uncle and aunt, I came here today to tell you about this matter. The matter of entering the workshop may have to be delayed for some time."

Mrs. Lu's face was originally smiling, but when she heard Gu Yunyan's words, she suddenly stopped, and her expression was slightly distorted: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Will it be postponed? It just won't work?"

Seeing the way Gu Yunyan nodded, her complexion was even worse, and even Father Lu who was sitting on the seat looked a little stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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