Chapter 145 Greenhouse Vegetables
Seeing this, Gu Yunyan hurriedly said: "Uncle and aunt, my uncle and aunt told me that this workshop mainly recruits people from poor families in various villages, and we don't consider people in our village for the time being."

"What the hell? Your uncles and aunts are always good-hearted. At this time, they are even talking about recruiting poor families from various villages.

Do you see how my family is in good condition?Brother Yan, our old Lu's family can't compare to your old Gu's. I heard that your family often steams rice for eating. Tell me, how can this be the same?
Those of us from our own village don’t know how to come to patronize, but we know how to patronize those outsiders every day. Really, I don’t know how you set the rules. "

Regarding the fact that the old Gu's family cooks with white rice, Gu Yunyan has seen it several times.

Hearing Mrs. Lu say this, his expression changed slightly, and then he said to Auntie, this matter was not decided by my uncle and the others, but by the old village chief. "

"It's the old village chief's decision, you think I don't know! Brother Yan, let me tell you, the old village chief didn't mention this matter first!"

"No?" Gu Yunyan was slightly surprised.

Mrs. Lu patted her thigh and said:
"Of course not. I heard about it last time. That damn girl Yin Ziying brought up this matter in the first place, not the old village chief. If you don't believe me, go back and ask that damn girl."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Gu Yunyan again, a light flashed in her eyes, and then she glanced at Father Lu who was sitting at the top, and the two looked at each other, immediately knowing what the other was going to say.

Mrs. Lu returned to her seat angrily and sat down, and then Mrs. Lu knocked on the table:
"Let's just say, Brother Yan! It's fine if you didn't come back before, but now that you're back, you're the head of the old Gu family's second bedroom and family. Yin Ziying from the workshop has made great efforts. Things should also be transferred to your name."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yunyan's complexion changed slightly. He understood the truth, but how dare he tell his uncle and aunt about such a thing?
He still remembered how his uncle and aunt were so angry after what they said today.If he dared to say these words in front of his uncle and the others again, he might really be kicked out by his uncle.

Face is not the most important thing, it's just that the uncle's family has treated him so well no matter in the previous life or in this life, how could he bear to be so angry with them?
"Uncle Lu, I'm afraid this matter won't work. If I tell you, my uncle and aunt won't know how angry they will be!"

Upon hearing that he was unwilling to do this, Mrs. Lu became anxious immediately:

"What? Brother Yan, what do you mean? You don't want to? How can it be done? These are all belongings of your old Gu family. Besides, you will marry Xiuyu from our family in the future. Tell me, you What do you want to marry?

Are you really going to let that Yin Ziying dove take over the magpie's nest and let our family Xiuyu wait for you with this bad reputation?Let me tell you, if we, Xiuyu, were allowed to be young, we wouldn't even be willing to kill her, but it would be almost as good if Yin Ziying were made to be young. "

Listening to Mrs. Lu's words, Gu Yunyan also had a headache. He obviously talked about such a workshop, so why did he pull out such two big things all at once?
Regarding the matter of the workshop, it is naturally impossible for him to confront his uncle and the others in the short term, but in the long run, he will always find a way to solve it.

As for Yin Ziying's original wife, he originally thought of reconciling with her, but firstly he was concerned about his uncle and aunt, and secondly he was worried about his younger siblings.

And later on, it was because of Yin Ziying's look of wanting to part ways with him, although he, Gu Yunyan, didn't bother to be with her, an ordinary village woman.

But Yin Ziying had insulted his face in front of so many people after all, if he really made up with Yin Ziying at this time, who knows what kind of gossip will be spread by those idlers in the village!
How could he have fulfilled their wish?How could he, Gu Yunyan, the future upstart of the imperial court, allow himself to be stained with such stains?
"Auntie, don't worry, I've thought about it a long time ago, Xiuyu will never be inferior to her, I am sincere to Xiuyu, you should be clear about this."

After hearing Gu Yunyan's assurance, Mrs. Lu's anger, which was about to burst out, subsided a little.She snorted twice, and then said:

"Anyway, you should think about it clearly. The old Gu family's things are yours. My daughter is not only going to marry you, but those things are also indispensable. They are all your old Gu family's things, so they can't be distributed unfairly. "

Hearing Mrs. Lu's words, Gu Yunyan frowned, feeling a little worried.

He has been talking nicely, but they have never given him the respect he deserves. Do you really think he is a nice guy?

Although he did intend to marry Xiuyu, but now that Xiuyu hasn't married, isn't it inappropriate for them to think about things from their old Gu family like this?
All of a sudden, he thought of a possibility. Could it be that in his previous life, the second elder of the Lu family treated the Yan family in the town the same way?
Does Xiuyu's later life have anything to do with the elders of the Lu family?It's not the Yan family in this life, so what if it's him instead?

It is true that he, Gu Yunyan, absolutely cannot spoil them like the Yan family, but now, he only has the reputation of a scholar, and because of the previous blocking of the marriage, he is somewhat wronged.

Otherwise, the attitudes between them should be reversed, you know, he is a scholar.

At the same time, a graceful and graceful figure walked in from outside the door, it was none other than Lu Xiuyu who Gu Yunyan thought about day and night.

Lu Xiuyu had actually been watching behind the door for quite a while just now. She originally wanted to hear what Gu Yunyan would say to her parents, but she didn't expect to hear all the unpleasant things.

What's more, she saw Gu Yunyan frowned just now, so she rushed in to save the scene, and she couldn't let him think that their family was too much, otherwise it would be difficult to play the sympathy card in the future.

On this day, Yin Ziying was very satisfied looking at the lush green vegetables in the greenhouse. The weather was a bit cold a few days ago, so she insisted on coming every day to add charcoal and waited for this day.

The big shed with a width of two mu is now lush and green, and the vegetables that are common in summer are lush green in the shed, which is completely different from the snowy weather outside.

The three Yin Jingjing sisters who came to add charcoal next to her were also very surprised: "Big sister, big sister, that, that's food!"

At this moment, the three sisters were very shocked. They knew since they came to work in the workshop in Baijia Village that the eldest sister did not have the right to speak in the workshop as she told her mother.

On the contrary, even the old village chiefs in this village have to listen to the big sister. They thought that the big sister often makes these things, and it is already very powerful to receive the dividends from the head of the house every month without having to work.

Who knows, even the field where my eldest sister often comes to grow vegetables has grown a new thing.

This is a vegetable!This is green, where do you get green vegetables in this snowy winter?Isn't every household living on the Chinese cabbage and radish they have saved?
Who wouldn't want to cook a bowl of green vegetables on this snowy day?It would be terrible if others knew about these vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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