Chapter 147 The Right Way
No, when she reached the door of the old village head's house, she just saw a familiar figure coming out of the old village head's house. That person was none other than her nominal husband Gu Yunyan.

Apparently noticing Yin Ziying who was parked in the open space in front of the old village chief's house, Gu Yunyan paused and glanced at her with a trace of coldness on his face.

Delusion to reconcile with him, and still use such a method?Didn't expect it, luckily he found out about this matter in advance, otherwise what would his face be?
Thinking of this in his heart, Gu Yunyan glanced at Yin Ziying, then turned and left.

No matter how dull Yin Ziying was, she could tell. After a long time, she hadn't waited for the old village head's settlement notice for so long. Is it because of Gu Yunyan's interference?

She would never have misread the provocation and complacency in Gu Yunyan's eyes just now, did he think that this would kill her and Li's thoughts?

An inexplicable anger rose in Yin Ziying's heart, not only because Gu Yunyan looked down on her so blatantly, but also because of the anger in her heart.

Ask yourself, is she, Yin Ziying, treating Baijia Village badly?Is it bad for the old village chief?Without her, Yin Ziying, would the lives of everyone in Baijia Village be like this?
Why, why did the old village chief lie to her?Although the old village head is just an old village head, Yin Ziying respects him as an elder.

But today she found out that she was the only fool. The old village chief obviously gave her a reassurance, first to stabilize her and then to make friends with Gu Yunyan, so he humiliated her like this.

Looking at the vegetable basket in hand, worried that the snow would fall, she even covered the basket with a layer of hay. Seeing a touch of greenery under the hay, she made up her mind, and then stepped forward to knock on the door of the old village head's house. door.

No matter what, since you are here today, you have to ask carefully. If the old village head is determined to stand by Gu Yunyan, then she, Yin Ziying, will not be nostalgic for this small village.

Inside the house, the old village chief frowned when he heard the knock on the door, and his daughter-in-law Li stood up beside him: "Father, I'll go see who's here."

"Well, go, go, see who it is, don't come if you don't have something important, it's a cold day."

The old village chief squeezed his brows. He is too busy with things these days, so forget it. Brother Yan didn’t know where he got the news these days. He knew that he was going to set up a single household for Yin Ziying, so he came up and said Several times.

It is true that he has been thinking about what Brother Yan said, otherwise it would be impossible for Yin Ziying to get a certificate of settlement for so long.

Just how long can something like this last?Whether it is Gu Yunyan or Yin Ziying, they are all smart people. He is a person who has half of his body buried in the soil. Now he can only try his best to fight for the best interests of the village.

well!Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart, both Gu Yunyan and Yin Ziying are smart, it's really a pity that these two are not together.

If there is such a young couple in their village, how good would it be for their Baijia Village?

Just as he was thinking this way, he heard the voice of his daughter-in-law from the front: "Ms. Yin is here? Come on, please come in, have you eaten yet? Oh, I brought something, come on, let me get it Bar!"

Lady Yin?Yin Ziying?Is that girl?When the old village head heard this, the sleepy bugs in front of him were chased away, and the middle-aged man beside him hurriedly said:
"Father, you said Mrs. Yin came here at this time, did he see Brother Yan just now! If she saw it, then..."

"Go, go, go, go and ask your wife to go to the kitchen to make tea. Let me see what Ziying is here for."

Seeing his son rubbing his nose and turning around to go out, he could still hear Yin Ziying's voice greeting him.

I don't know if it was his own illusion, but the old village chief felt that hearing Ziying's tone, he always felt that the other party was in a bad mood.

Did Ziying really see the moment Brother Yan went out?Just thinking about this, there was a sound from the door, it was Yin Ziying.

Yin Ziying stood by the door and looked at the panicked and helpless old village head sitting on the seat, and sighed again in her heart.

She suppressed the anger in her heart, and then said to the old village head as usual: "Grandpa, village head, I'm here. How have you been doing recently? How have you been doing in the workshop recently?"

Seeing Yin Ziying's appearance, the old village chief turned his face to her and said, "Ziying is here! Sit down, sit down, have you eaten, ask your aunt to cook more, and stay here today." eat!"

Yin Ziying waved her hand, with a smile on her face: "It's okay, Grandpa the village head, I have to go back to cook today, otherwise my sisters should be worried."

After finishing speaking, she said to the old village chief with a faint smile: "Grandpa village chief, guess who I saw just now outside?"

"Who did you see?"

The old village head was a little overwhelmed, and panicked in his heart, it seems that Ziying really saw Brother Yan just outside, how could this be good!
Yin Ziying hooked her lips and said with a smile: "Grandpa Village Chief, don't be sloppy with me. Did Gu Yunyan come to your place just now? What did you say?"

The old village chief was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Ziying, this...well, since you have seen it, I will talk about it."

After listening to what the old village chief said, Yin Ziying paused, and then said:

"So, what do you mean, Grandpa Village Chief, you can't do things we agreed on before? Grandpa Village Chief, you know that Gu Yunyan and I will never be together in this life."

"I also know what you're thinking, Ziying, but Brother Yan's worries are justified. After all, he is a scholar, and he also has to worry about his reputation. If others find out that he divorced you and married a girl from the Lu family, it will What is it like?
Ziying, you don't understand, fame is also difficult for scholars.I'm not partial to Brother Yan, it's just that Ziying, as you know, is a rare scholar, and there is only Brother Yan in our village who has a chance to be admitted to Master Juren..."

"Grandpa, the village chief, do you think that Gu Yunyan's reputation is good now? Who doesn't know about him now?"

Seeing that the old village chief was stunned for a moment, Yin Ziying struck while the iron was hot, and hurriedly said: "I think, since Gu Yunyan is like this, it's better for us to choose a suitable method."

"A suitable method? What method?"

Yin Ziying stepped forward to find a place to sit down, and then said with a smile: "Of course it's a stable person! Grandpa Village Chief, if you think about it, if you can not only prevent the reputation of the scholars from being damaged, but also solve this matter, Isn't that perfect?"

"Character design? What character design? Ziying, what do you mean by this?"

The old village chief couldn't figure it out, if there is really such a method as Ziying said, then there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, no matter whether it is Yin Ziying or Gu Yunyan, he hopes that the two of them can get what they want. It would be even better if both of them can not bear any grudges against the people in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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