Chapter 148 The Opportunity to Get Rich

"Grandpa Village Chief, Gu Yunyan didn't know about my existence at the beginning, did he? You said that if Gu Yunyan knew about my existence at the beginning, would he still go to Lu's door so arbitrarily and hastily to stop the marriage?"

Don't look at Yin Ziying's persuasive and persuasive smile on her face, but in fact she is gnashing her teeth with hatred in her heart. She never thought that one day she would give Gu Yunyan such a scumbag back to such a nonsense.

God knows, she didn't want to whitewash Gu Yunyan at all, but there was no way to make this matter go on smoothly, and secondly, it was for Sister Xuan, Brother Rui and the others.

These days, although Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunxuan are all towards her, she can feel that they are still very concerned and worried about Gu Yunyan.

It's no wonder, after all, these are brothers and sisters who depend on each other for life. As the eldest brother, Gu Yunyan has been taking care of several people, and it is normal for Gu Yunxian and others to behave like this now.

Originally, the children from poor families have long been in charge of the family, let alone Gu Yunxian and the others, they are all exquisite and sweethearts.

The old village chief shook his head: "Ziying, you just need to figure it out. Indeed, the reason why Brother Yan went to Lu's house to stop his marriage at the beginning must be because he didn't know you existed when he didn't go home. .

I understand Brother Yan's temperament, I watched this kid grow up, if he knew of your existence, he would definitely not be like this, so Ziying, you are..."

The old village chief's fingers trembled while talking, his face was full of joy, he always felt that the matter was simple, what did Zi Ying mean by this, could it be that she also began to understand Brother Yan and was willing to live with him?

That's a really good thing.

As soon as Yin Ziying saw the old village chief's face, Yin Ziying knew that the old village chief was thinking wrong, so she hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop:

"Grandpa Village Chief, stop! What I want to say is different from what you want to say. It doesn't mean the same thing at all. Grandpa Village Chief, what I mean is that Gu Yunyan was worried about his reputation, so he didn't talk to me. ?

But you actually know that the two of us are not suitable at all, and both of us want to leave, so that's it.Let's release the news, saying that Gu Yunyan has never known my existence, and he didn't come home first after he came back, so that's why.

It was only after he came back that he discovered my existence. After a period of serious consideration, we both felt that the other party was not suitable, so we both proposed to make peace.

In this way, both of our goals have been achieved. In the eyes of outsiders, he is still pure and filial, and he only likes the girl from the Lu family. Grandpa the village chief, do you think this is good? "

Yin Ziying sighed as she spoke, in this way, Gu Yunyan was actually not affected, maybe some people think that he has a rare quality like this!

The only ones who were hurt were her "inappropriate" ex-wife and Lu Xiuyu from the Lu family. It was ridiculous to say so, but there is no way, this era is patriarchal.

"Ziying, what do you mean by that..."

Hearing these words, the old village chief was excited, and he raised his eyes excitedly to look at Yin Ziying, only then did he notice the flickering sparks in her eyes.

He swallowed the joy that had reached his throat at once, and then said to Yin Ziying with a bit of pity:

"Ziying, this is not good for you. If the news gets back to your village, I'm afraid your parents will come to find it."

Even though this matter has not been settled yet, the old village head can imagine that this matter is undoubtedly more aggrieved for Yin Ziying than the settlement and departure she had secretly prodded.

However, for everyone, especially Gu Yunyan, this is a great thing.

Seeing the way the old village chief forcibly changed his face, Yin Ziying was angry and funny:
"Grandpa Village Chief, let's settle it like this. How about it? Tell Gu Yunyan if it's okay. If he still thinks it's not okay, then don't blame me for being rude..."

As she said that, a cold light flashed in her eyes. It would be fine if Gu Yunyan agreed, but if Gu Yunyan wanted to get ahead and wanted to divorce, and she blamed her for everything, then don't blame her.

Hearing Yin Ziying's words, the old village chief nodded quickly: "Ziying, don't worry! You've considered this matter for Brother Yan. Okay, that's good. I'll make a decision for him now. It works."

"Grandpa Village Chief, is it really feasible? This time, I don't want to wait for more than a month without a certificate of settlement."

Hearing this, the old village chief blushed immediately:
"Ziying, I was indeed a little selfish before, which delayed your affairs. Don't worry, I will take care of this matter tomorrow morning."

Yin Ziying then pursed her lips and smiled: "Then I will wait for the good news from you, Grandpa Village Chief."

Although there was a smile in her words, the old village chief felt a little embarrassed in his heart. After all, he was the one who had promised Yin Ziying before but failed to do so, and even made Yin Ziying bump into Gu Yunyan's coming here.

After Yin Ziying finished speaking, she opened the basket on the side and removed the hay on top, and then she said to the old village chief:

"Grandpa, the village chief, look at what this is."

The old village chief originally thought that Yin Ziying had brought something to honor him, but when he saw it, he shook his head and smiled when he found out that it was fresh green vegetables:

"Ziying, why are you bringing these, your aunt is also kind..."

Having said that, his voice stopped abruptly, and then he stared at the basket in Yin Ziying's hand with wide eyes. Are the green things under the basket vegetables or something?

"Ziying! Ziying! That, is that a vegetable?"

Seeing Yin Ziying nodding with a smile, the old village chief rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked at the brazier at his feet, then stood up in shock:
"How did you do this? Isn't it the twelfth lunar month? Why did you grow green vegetables here? Ziying, did you grow them?"

Yin Ziying smiled and nodded: "Yeah, didn't I say before that I'm making new things in the field, I don't know if it will work! Now that it's done, I brought some for the village head grandpa to try something new!"

"Vegetables! These are green vegetables!" The old village chief walked over quickly, reached out and picked up a vegetable, rubbed it in his hand, and even put it on the tip of his nose to smell it.

After a while, he put the vegetables back into the basket and looked back at Yin Ziying: "Ziying, this green leafy vegetable can be sold for a lot of money in the town at this time! I can't take it, you can take it back and sell it!"

Yin Ziying waved her hand: "Grandpa Village Chief, I'm definitely going to sell the things in the town, but these are for you to taste, so you naturally have to accept them."

Seeing that the old village head still refused, she said:

"Grandpa the village chief, as I said before, if I have the ability, I will definitely lead the villagers to make a fortune together. Look, isn't the ready-made opportunity coming now?"

"Get rich, a ready-made opportunity?" The old village chief murmured, and then he looked at the green vegetables in his hand, and immediately he understood what Yin Ziying meant.

He said excitedly: "Ziying, you mean, you mean, this vegetable?"

(End of this chapter)

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