Chapter 149
Yin Ziying nodded: "Yes, Grandpa Village Chief, what I'm talking about is this green vegetable, to be precise, it's the greenhouse technology in winter.

These green vegetables are all grown by me in the greenhouse. Think about it, if these things are sold in the restaurant, what will happen to the restaurant's business?How many people will buy it if it is sold in the town? "

These green vegetables are sold in the town, and the old village chief can guess that they must be as popular as the previous sweet potato vermicelli.

In particular, although this vegetable is common, but now that the ice and snow are under the snow, who doesn't want to have a fresh green vegetable to eat and eat?
If he, an old-fashioned person who has been dealing with the land all the year round, thinks this way, what will others think?Don't those rich and noble families want to eat this green vegetable even more?
Although the old village chief didn't go out to see the world very much, he knew about it after the sweet potato workshop in the village was opened.

Scarcity is the most expensive thing, just like sweet potato vermicelli. Although they sell it to restaurants for tens of pennies a catty, he heard what the guys who came to buy goods said.

After these sweet potato vermicelli went to their restaurant, there were several taels of silver a dish, even ten taels of silver a dish, what is this?This is what is rare!
Now that there is this green vegetable in the winter, those restaurants will be so happy when they know about it?The point is, Ziying actually said that she would take them to make this thing together.

Think about it, it's all exciting things, what is this, a great opportunity to make money!

There are still several months left before spring. During the period of planting, at least they can produce another batch, right?How much silver would that be?

Thinking of this, he looked at Yin Ziying with brighter eyes: "Ziying, are you really willing to teach us how to make this thing together? This is a lot of money!"

Yin Ziying nodded, but she pointed outside the door again: "Of course, I, Yin Ziying, never lie, but the village chief grandpa, these greenhouses should be able to earn a lot of money, and this investment also requires a lot of money."

The raincloth used in this greenhouse is more expensive than fine cotton cloth, plus the charcoal that is burned inside it every day, it really costs a lot of money to pull it down like this.

But the advantage is that it costs a lot for the first time. The rain cloth in a greenhouse can be used for at least a few years, and it is relatively sun-resistant, wind-resistant and rain-resistant. Otherwise, if a batch of vegetables needs to be replaced once, the cost will not be worthwhile.

As for charcoal, although it is said to be burned every day, it is much more cost-effective compared to the cost of raincloths.

The old village head nodded repeatedly, and then asked cautiously: "Ziying, how much money will it cost to get these things like this? How much is the rain cloth?"

Yin Ziying made some calculations in her heart, and then she said to the old village chief: "The rain cloth I got in the field for two acres and the charcoal burned in it every day have already cost six taels of silver."

"What! Six taels of silver? So much?"

Even though he had already prepared himself mentally, the old village head was still taken aback. You must know how many acres of land Yin Ziying's greenhouse has encircled?

That's only two acres of land, and it costs so much. How much money would it cost if the whole village worked together?That's definitely a huge outlay.

Seeing the old village chief's reaction, Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Grandpa village chief, although he said so, but think about it, these raincloths can be used for at least two or three years in the future, which is equivalent to the cost of raincloths and only used once.

Although charcoal is used more frequently, charcoal determines the temperature in the greenhouse. Vegetables will grow faster when the temperature is high. At that time, three or four crops of vegetables can be harvested in one winter. Do you think it is very cost-effective? "

There are three or four crops of vegetables in one winter. Upon hearing this, the old village chief's eyes lit up again.

Yin Ziying nodded, and then said: "Grandpa, the village chief, I estimated, how much money do you think I can sell for the vegetables in my big shed?"

"How many?"

"If you count Chinese cabbage, it should be about [-] catties."


The old village head looked at Yin Ziying excitedly: "Ziying, you said, there is a production of [-]? Is it true?"

Yin Ziying shook her head: "I just estimated it casually. After all, the most important things I planted were mustard greens, but I think it shouldn't be too bad when added up!"

"What! So many!"

The old village chief also knew Yin Ziying well. This little girl may not look small, but she is very accurate in doing things, especially in planning and estimating.

Therefore, although what Yin Ziying said was right, the old village chief already believed in Yin Ziying's words.

He quickly estimated in his heart that if two acres of land produced more than 1 catties of vegetables, vegetables that usually cost a penny a catty could be sold for at least thirty pennies in this season. Isn't that ten taels of silver?

As Ziying said earlier, it cost six taels of silver to set up the greenhouse, but it was worth it, and she earned a total of four taels of silver!This is not a small amount.

In addition to what Ziying said, this greenhouse can produce three or four crops in one winter, so now that it is the twelfth lunar month, they can at least produce two crops, right?
Among other things, it is definitely possible to return to the book!
The more he thought about this, the more excited the old village head became, and when he saw Yin Ziying, he smiled more kindly:

"Ziying, don't worry, what you said, I will go to the town to take care of it tomorrow morning. In addition, I will reply to you about the greenhouse tomorrow. How about this?"

Yin Ziying knew that the old village head was willing to get it early tomorrow morning because she took out this powerful tool of greenhouse technology, she didn't poke it, but just nodded lightly.

"Also, let me tell you, Grandpa Village Chief, didn't the new workshop set up a small yard for the dormitory before?
Since the household registration can be completed tomorrow, I will lead my sisters to move to the small yard in the workshop tomorrow afternoon or the day after tomorrow.

But don't worry, I won't live for a long time. After I move in, I will immediately arrange to buy a homestead, and strive to live in a new house by the beginning of next spring. What do you think? "

"Ziying, there's no need to worry, I'll tell Brother Yan, since you've helped him so much, he won't dare to drive you out no matter what.

The yard in the workshop is so narrow, and there is nothing added inside, I'm afraid it will freeze you and Jingjing and the others. "

Yin Ziying waved her hands and said with a smile: "These are trivial things, just buy something when there is nothing left, I will go to Carpenter Geng to have a look in a while, first add something to the small yard and then live in it."

Now that she has been able to put aside the relationship with Gu Yunyan, she doesn't want to live in the old Gu's house and let others gossip.

Anyway, the small courtyard is new, and she has money in hand, so she might as well make it more comfortable, so that she can live happily.

(End of this chapter)

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