Chapter 155 Greater Benefits

Next, the notarized documents were made in quadruplicate, the town government kept one copy, the old village head had one copy, Uncle Gu had one copy, and Gu Yunxian, brother and sister had one copy each.

In the future, Gu Yunxian and the others will come to pick it up when they are old enough. At that time, they need to have all three documents in hand before they can go to the Zhenya to ask for the one that goes back to the Zhenya.

At that time, I would go to the bank to take out the harvest of these years. Before these people reached their age, Uncle Gu, Yin Ziying and the old village head, holding paperwork in their hands, could help the three of them deposit their annual dividends into the bank.

After finishing all this work, Yin Ziying's mind was settled, she pretended to put it in her bosom, and put the paperwork for her into the space together.

Next, several people went to Cuixian Tower with a basket of fresh vegetables. The old shopkeeper was very surprised and delighted to see Yin Ziying.

"Mistress Yin, I really didn't expect you to come, today this is..."

Before the old shopkeeper finished speaking, he looked straight at the vegetable basket Yin Ziying put aside. Although the top of the basket was covered with hay, there was a lot of green underneath.

"That, that is..."

Yin Ziying smiled, and blinked at the old shopkeeper: "Old shopkeeper, go in and tell me, it's cold here."

"Okay, okay, that's what it should be, please hurry up."

Uncle Gu and Gu Yunxian had seen this kind of battle, but the old village head had never seen it, so they were a little flattered to see it at this time.

Uncle Gu waved his hand, took Gu Yunxian's hand aside and said, "Ziying, that, we won't go in, it's almost Chinese New Year and your aunt came to the town today and asked me to buy something, you now Look, let's go shopping first."

Yin Ziying glanced at the snow that was getting bigger and bigger and frowned: "Uncle, why don't you come in first and sit down later, I'm going to buy some things to go back today anyway, let's go together later!"

With such heavy snow, it's better to wait for a while to rest and drink a cup of hot tea to warm up before going. Anyway, Yin Ziying thinks that she has dealt with the old shopkeeper so many times, and this time it should be settled soon.

Unexpectedly, when Uncle Gu heard this, he immediately shook his head: "Your aunt said that the things you want to buy are far away, we will go back first, and then we will pick you up to buy other things together."

The old village head also nodded: "Your uncle is right, Ziying, I also want to buy some things this time, so you can go in first, we won't go in."

Seeing that the two of them were like this, Yin Ziying thought about it in her heart, and immediately understood what the old village chief and Uncle Gu meant.

I'm afraid these two people think that she has nothing to do with Gu Yunyan and Li Li now, so they don't want to come in to listen.

The thoughts of these two elders are really true, Yin Ziying shook her head and smiled, then tightly held Gu Yunxuan's hand and said:

"That's okay, uncle, grandpa of the village head, you go, I'll take Sister Xuan in, it's too cold outside, she can't do much with her."

Uncle Gu thought about it, Gu Yunxuan is only five years old now, and has always been the best friend with Yin Ziying, and is very dependent on Yin Ziying, so he nodded.

However, Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui who were on the side were dragged away by the two of them. Seeing this, Yin Ziying led Gu Yunxuan's little hand into Cuixian Tower.

Seeing this scene at the door, the old shopkeeper's eyes flashed with interest. This time when Mrs. Yin came, it was a little different from before.

However, he didn't ask anything, but looked at the bamboo basket in Yin Ziying's hand and said with a smile: "Ms. Yin is really amazing, I admire, admire."

Yin Ziying shook her head and smiled, followed the old shopkeeper to a quieter place and sat down, then put down the bamboo basket in her hand, and when she saw her put down the bamboo basket, the old shopkeeper looked over immediately.

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile: "The old shopkeeper can do his own thing, I will wait here for the old shopkeeper's tea."

"Okay! Madam Yin is very generous."

The old shopkeeper nodded happily, and then greeted the guy over there: "Bring hot tea to Mrs. Yin."

After speaking, he glanced at Gu Yunxuan who was obediently sitting next to Yin Ziying, and said, "I want another pot with sugar."

The clerk at the side responded, and Yin Ziying secretly lamented in her heart that this shopkeeper knows how to be a man, and white sugar is very expensive in this era.

That is to say, only people with better conditions will drink sugar water when they come to the guests. Generally, it is only low-quality brown sugar. How can anyone directly serve white sugar like the old shopkeeper?
But she didn't say anything, but patted Gu Yunxuan's head, and then smiled as she watched the old shopkeeper reach out and uncover the hay on the bamboo basket.

When he saw the fresh vegetables in the bamboo basket, the old shopkeeper's heart was pounding nervously. He looked back at Yin Ziying, and after getting her approval, he reached out and touched one of the vegetables.

It's a bit cold to start with, but the touch, without a doubt, is the real touch of fresh vegetables, it's winter!There is still heavy snow falling outside!
Lady Yin's hand really shocked him.

He then flipped down with his hand, and found that it wasn't just one of the vegetables, there were even loofahs and so on, and there were several kinds of vegetables in the forest.

Smelling the sweet smell of fresh vegetables at the tip of his nose, the old shopkeeper took a deep breath before turning around and sitting down.

He looked at Yin Ziying with a smile and shock on his face: "Miss Yin, you really surprised me."

That's right, this happened again and again, he couldn't remember how many times he was so surprised, all of this was thanks to Yin Ziying.

And the reason why Yin Ziying brought these dishes here today is that he can imagine that next time his restaurant will definitely welcome another wave of favors from wealthy families.

Yin Ziying shook her head and smiled lightly: "Don't be surprised, shopkeeper. In fact, I tried this by accident, but I didn't expect it to work. How? Are you interested in accepting today's shopkeeper?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Of course there is."

The old shopkeeper nodded again and again, with wrinkles on his face.

Yin Ziying went to Cuixianlou as soon as such a good thing happened, which gave them more benefits from Cuixianlou. He could already imagine how the restaurants in the town would be furious in the future.

Yin Ziying nodded: "Shopkeeper, you can randomly pick some vegetables and go to the kitchen to taste them. The taste of these vegetables is not as good as last time, but it's not bad."

After all, the fresh vegetables she sent to Cuixianlou before were all irrigated with the spiritual spring water of the space, and they also received the real photosynthesis of the sun and rain.

Although the current vegetables have been watered with spiritual spring water, they have been kept out of the sun in the greenhouse, and the taste is indeed not as good as the previous ones.

The old shopkeeper nodded and shook his head again: "I still can't trust Lady Yin's behavior, these..."

Unexpectedly, Yin Ziying on the opposite side shook her head: "The taste is indeed discounted, the shopkeeper should choose some to try! Otherwise, it will be difficult to determine the price."

Seeing her insistence, the old shopkeeper nodded: "Since Mrs. Yin said so, then I will try."

After finishing speaking, he waved to the waiter to bring the small vegetable basket that he used in the restaurant, picked two vegetables into it, and then sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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