Chapter 167 Peach Blossom Debt

When the little boy left, Gu Yunrui at the side glanced at his elder brother. Just as he was about to say something, Gu Yunxian said, "Since we came in together, we should go out together."

Among these few people, he was the oldest, and of course he guessed the reason why the little bookboy came to invite him and Brother Rui just now.

Maybe it's because there is only one word difference between their names and the eldest brother's name, otherwise there are so many people queuing up there, why did you call them two in?
If this is the case, the old master must also want to meet the two of them to know the eldest brother, right?Then it shouldn't be difficult to bring brother Lin along.

If they accidentally offended the old master because of this incident... His eyes darkened.

At this time, Yin Ruilin who was on the side pinched his palm, and he was relieved, so what if he offended that old master?The big deal is to change to a private school.

The eldest brother was only able to pass the exam as a scholar just because of his father's teaching and later self-study. He didn't believe that he couldn't, and besides, the old master must not be such an unreasonable person.

At this time, in another courtyard, the old man raised his eyebrows listening to the little book boy: "What did you say? That student named Gu Yunxian doesn't want to come in?"

The little bookboy stomped his feet and said, "Sir, it's not that he doesn't want to come in, he just wants to bring one more person in, saying that his youngest brother Balabala..."

Hearing this, the old man lowered his eyes, and thought flashed in his eyes: "Oh? The youngest brother in their family? Why doesn't he have the same name as them?"

"I don't know that! Sir, you can't indulge them, this is simply too disrespectful to you."

Thinking of the relationship between the newly promoted scholar Gu Yunyan and that family, the old man smiled and waved his hands: "Forget it, you should invite him in and let me have a look. Didn't he say that he is the youngest brother of their family? Then bring him along with him." Come in and have a look!"

"Sir, what's the matter? If you get used to them like this, where will your reputation be in the future?"

The child stomped his feet.

The old man waved his hand with a smile on his face:
"It's all right, isn't it just one more person? Please come in and let me see, what if this kid is smarter than his brothers? By the way, you go and ask the kid's name, and he will pass his test paper later." Bring it to me too."

Xiaotong was helpless and led the order to go out.

When he heard the news, Gu Yunxian breathed a sigh of relief, as expected, the other party really invited them in.

Now, he was even more sure about the opponent's purpose.


At the same time, Yin Ziying also saw an acquaintance outside the private school—Ping An, the guard next to Wu Ling, the owner of Cuixianlou.

The guard named Ping An rushed over with the carriage, but did not see his master Wu Ling, but Yin Ziying guessed that Wu Ling might be in the carriage.

However, what is Wu Ling doing in this private school at this time?At Wu Ling's age, he doesn't seem like a scholar, does he?

Moreover, scholars in the Great Yan Dynasty were not allowed to engage in business, so it was even more strange that Wu Ling came here.

Yin Ziying shook her head to get rid of the strange thoughts in her head, and she didn't go up to say hello, after all, they didn't find them either, so maybe they thought she was going up to make friends when they went up to say hello!

Little did they know, her actions had caught the attention of the one in the carriage.

The man looked at the woman looking at the carriage through the gap in the curtain and shook her head. He shook his head and said to his friend beside him: "A Ling, did you get into some kind of love debt in this small place?"

Hearing the man's words, Wu Ling didn't raise his eyes, he didn't want to answer his friend's teasing at all.

Seeing that he ignored him, the man couldn't help laughing and said:

"Why, Ah Ling, don't you believe me? There is a little lady over there who has been looking at your carriage. I think she knows you by looking at her. Are you here..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Ling interrupted him: "Jiang Chuan, shut up."

"Don't you believe it? I didn't lie to you. Look, isn't that little girl looking at you all the time?"

The man named Jiang Chuan opened the curtain of the car when he heard his friend's words, pointed to Yin Ziying who was sitting on the donkey cart and said to Wu Ling.

Facing his friend's ridicule, Wu Ling didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but he accidentally glanced and saw a familiar figure.

is her?Why is she here?Shouldn't she be in her little village?Wu Ling was puzzled for a moment.

Seeing his expression, Jiang Chuan chuckled:
"Look! It's obviously a peach blossom debt, and you still say you don't have it. Take a look, do you dare to say that you don't know that little lady with your look?"

Wu Ling glared at his friend angrily, and then said in a low voice: "No, that's not the case. This woman just happened to have cooperated with me, and it's not the kind of relationship you think."

"Oh~ So it's not!"

Jiang Chuan looked at his friend and then at the woman, and after a breath, he heard his friend say: "It's safe, go over there and tell Mrs. Yin, and invite her to Cuixianlou for tea later."

The guard's peaceful and steady voice came from outside the door. Jiang Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then he yelled strangely: "Oh my God! Ah Ling, are you serious?"

Seeing that his friend ignored him, he yelled strangely again: "Lady Yin! Lady? Isn't that already a married woman? Ah Ling, you..."

Before I finished speaking, my friend said coldly: "I remember you like eating those green vegetables and vermicelli, right? Guess who figured out those things?"

Jiang Chuan's voice stopped abruptly. He glanced at his friend, then opened the curtain to look at the woman who was nodding and smiling with Ping An, and said:

"A Ling, you, you wouldn't say that those things were made by that woman, right?"

Wu Ling didn't answer, but closed his eyes.

"Hey, Ah Ling, don't take you like this, is it really made by that little lady? No way! Is she so powerful?"

"I don't think you should think about these things now, you should think about how the old man will scold you when he sees you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chuan's excited face froze for a moment. He lifted the curtain and glanced outside, and then said to Wu Ling:
"A Ling, why don't we go?"

The only answer was a cold snort, Jiang Chuan grimaced, and the carriage was ushered in at the side door of the private school.

On the other side, Gu Yunxuan looked at the carriage and said to Yin Ziying: "Sister Ziying, I see, is that the owner of Cuixianlou?"

Yin Ziying patted Gu Yunxuan's head:
"Sister Xuan is really smart, but the brother who just came over is not the owner of Cuixianlou, he is the guard next to the owner, and the owner should have been in the carriage just now!"

The villager who was driving the car sighed: "Miss Yin, you are so amazing, you can actually make the owner of Cuixianlou come over and invite you to drink tea in Cuixianlou."

Yin Ziying didn't know that after today, her status in the hearts of the villagers would be higher, so she just shook her head and smiled:
"Maybe it's because of the friendly cooperation between the workshop in our village and their Cuixianlou. I just met that owner once by chance."

(End of this chapter)

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