Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 168 What are you trying to figure out?

Chapter 168 What are you trying to figure out?
In fact, she knew in her heart that the reason why Wu Ling invited her over this time was probably because of the greenhouse.

After all, their village has cooperated with Cuixianlou many times, and it has always been stable. Only the nearest greenhouse is a new thing.

To be honest, the greenhouse is not troublesome. Ever since she was going to bring the whole village to do this, she knew that this method would be targeted sooner or later.

After all, in the winter, when everyone can only live on cabbage and radishes, your village is transporting tons of fresh green vegetables outside, and that designation is eye-catching.

But Yin Ziying didn't want to give this method to others casually. What she thought was that if someone from the court came to ask for or give something in exchange, that would be fine.

If it was Wu Ling who set his sights on this piece of cake and wanted to take it all for himself, then it really needs to be discussed carefully.

At the same time, in the private school, Wu Ling and Jiang Chuan stood outside the door listening to a childish voice talking inside, and both of them raised their brows with interest.

Inside the room, the old man stroked his beard and looked at Yin Ruilin and said, "Well, not bad, boy, who taught you these things?"

It was the first time he heard such an argument, and it was also the first time he heard such a statement, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that it was as good as the kid said.

Interesting, this is really interesting, who taught this little milk baby how to plan?
And when he heard Yin Ruilin recite those ninety-nine multiplication formulas fluently, Gu Yunxian secretly regretted that he had brought Brother Lin into this room.

Now I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing for Sister Ziying, Gu Yunxian knows that this kind of limelight is definitely not what Yin Ziying wants to see.

However, now that things have become a foregone conclusion, so what?Could it be that he can still cover Brother Lin's mouth in public?
Hearing the old man's question, Yin Ruilin lost the arrogance and dominance he had when he was at home, but said proudly: "My sister taught us this."

Hearing this, Gu Yunxian felt even worse in his heart.

The old man at the side said with great interest, "Oh? Your sister taught it? Who is your sister?"

He has been studying for decades and has read many books. He has never seen such a calculation method, but what the child said just now, after he calculated it in his heart, he was not bad at a penny.

What kind of woman can come up with such a way to unify this calculation technique?With this method of planning, if it is extended to all parts of the Great Yan Dynasty, will more scholars benefit from it?

No, it's not just the scholars who benefit, but also the peddlers who do business, the clerks of each county government, and the old men in the household department.

"My sister is outside. Her name is Yin Ziying. She is amazing." Yin Ruilin had a look of pride on his waist.

"Yin Ziying? Which family are you from? Where do you live?" the old man couldn't help asking.

The little book boy on the side reminded: "Sir, this is from Baijia Village, the younger brother of that scholar..."

"What kind of scholar is the master, she is clearly a little girl, but I heard..."

The old man was stunned at this point, and then looked at Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui: "Are you two brothers of the talented master Gu Yunyan of Baijia Village?"

Seeing the old man's question, Gu Yunxian and the two brothers nodded: "Mr. Hui, that is my brother."

"Oh! Let me just say it! The name is so similar, what about him, who is he? Does your Gu family still have a surname Yin?"

The old man changed the subject, pointed at Yin Ruilin who was at the side, looked at Gu Yunxian and asked, he is not a fool, just looking at the look in the young man's eyes, he knew he must know.

Gu Yunxian hesitated for a moment before saying, "This is my sister's younger brother."

"Oh? Your sister's brother? Then why not your brother? No, you have different surnames, so Yin Ziying is your sister? Is it your cousin?"

Under the aggressiveness of the old man chasing after him, thick beads of sweat appeared on Gu Yunxian's forehead, but he already knew that he couldn't hide it. Which one, who is this "sister".

Yin Ruilin on the side said: "This is brother Xian, the younger brother of my elder brother-in-law, but my sister and elder brother-in-law have reconciled. My sister said that we can be called brothers."

After speaking, he looked at the old man above with a trace of vigilance on his face and said:

"Old man, my sister said that it's not a good person to ask about our family history in such detail. They are either trying to figure out my sister's money, or trying to figure out some of my sisters. What are you looking for?"

The old man choked on Yin Ruilin's words and coughed violently.

Outside the door, Wu Ling and Jiang Chuan, who had heard enough of the corner of the wall, also pushed the door in. Wu Ling glanced at the room, the little boy was patting the old man's back, and the ones standing aside were indeed the two who had followed Mrs. Yin before. A little uncle.

And the little guy who just talked straight and choked the old man was looking at the old man in surprise, with a surprised and puzzled look on his face.

"What are you talking about, kid? Can I still cheat on your sister at my age?" The old man pointed at Yin Ruilin, dumbfounded.

Yin Ruilin nodded clearly: "Oh, that's for my sister's money."

After finishing speaking, he put his hips on his hips and said to the old man, "Don't even think about it. After my sister and my elder brother-in-law reconciled, all the money was distributed to Brother Xian and Sister Xuan. Don't think about it."

"Hey! You kid!" The old man pointed at Yin Ruilin, dumbfounded. Who taught this kid?It's really... indescribable.

Seeing this, Yin Ruilin murmured in a low voice: "My sister said that the old man is very bad. Could it be that you are an old man who wants money and my sisters?"

"Pfft...hahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Jiang Chuan, who was on the side, was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately slapped his thigh with a smile, and the old man glared at him.

"It's so interesting, it's really very interesting, kid, your sister's words are really interesting, hahahahaha!"

Facing Jiang Chuan's approach, Yin Ruilin took a look, and then hid behind Gu Yunxian. Gu Yunxian protected him behind him with a wry smile on his face.

This... He really didn't expect Brother Lin to come so suddenly!
I heard before that brother Lin is a bully at home, and everyone has to coax him, but every time I see him in Baijia Village these days, I think he is a shy child.

It's good now, unexpectedly, the child actually thinks this way in his heart, among other things, he absolutely believes that the old man is so bad that this is what Sister Ziying said.

Because he also heard it from Sister Xuan a few days ago, but Sister Xuan said that Sister Ziying said it to teach Sister Jingjing, Brother Lin didn't know if he heard the whole picture, but he actually said that.

(End of this chapter)

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