Chapter 169 Pen, Ink, Paper and Inkstone
"Kid, kid, don't run away, don't run away." Jiang Chuan saw that Yin Ruilin was running for fun, and he was so cute, so he couldn't help teasing him.

No, he just stretched out his hand to grab the child's hand, and he was about to grab it, but he was hit back by a straight hand from the side.

Jiang Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it was his friend Wu Ling who made the move. He blinked: "A Ling, you..."

"How old are you? You're actually playing around with a child." Wu Ling said calmly.

Jiang Chuan thought so too, this child is only five or six years old, and he is now 17 years old, it is really not suitable for playing with children.

However, when did A Ling become such a nosy person?Countless question marks flashed in Jiang Chuan's mind, and then something came back to his mind.

"Ah! I see, your sister's surname is Yin?"

He looked back at the child hiding behind the boy, saw his friend's face change slightly, and couldn't help feeling that he had caught something interesting.

"Oh! Ah Ling, it turns out to be like this! Then I know, I know!"

Wu Ling turned his head and ignored his friend, nodded to Gu Yunxian and his brother before he walked to the old man: "Sir."

When I saw the Gu Yunxian brothers again, the people outside the private school had already left one after another. It can be said that if they came out a few minutes later, Yin Ziying would rush in with others.

At that moment, there were quite a few people outside the private school who were waiting outside with them, but things got better later on, and they all went back one by one with regret or joy.

Only a few that their family sent in did not come out, and Yin Ziying and the others were waiting outside anxiously and worriedly.

Fortunately, the gate of the private school finally opened at this moment, and Gu Yunxuan, who was nestled in Yin Ziying's arms, jumped off the donkey cart and rushed over:

"Fourth brother and fifth brother, Brother Lin, you can figure it out. Sister Ziying and I are worried about you to death!"

"Be careful, see what you do if you fall!"

Gu Yunxian stepped forward to support Gu Yunxuan, and then looked at Yin Ziying with a smile: "Sister Ziying."

Seeing the expression on Gu Yunxian's face, Yin Ziying was almost sure that these people were admitted, but she still asked: "How is the result?"

"Fortunately not humiliated."

"Brother Lin also entered?"

Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows. It was understandable for brothers Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui to join her, but her younger brother Yin Ruilin, though not stupid, had no foundation after all.

Mentioning this, Gu Yunxian nodded, with a smile on his face, and then he was a little puzzled: "Speaking of which, Sister Ziying, I'm afraid there is something wrong this time."

"Why, what happened? Could it be that the gentleman inside didn't answer well in the exam?"

Gu Yunxian shook his head, walked up to Yin Ziying and whispered something in her ear, after listening, Yin Ziying's complexion changed slightly.

Sure enough, she said that although Yin Ruilin was not stupid, it was not easy to get into the No. [-] school in this town, otherwise so many people would not have left with regret just now.

It's just that you accepted it because of the ninety-nine multiplication formulas?I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Sister Ziying, will this affect you?" Gu Yunxian looked at Yin Ziying with some concern.

Ever since Yin Ziying taught them these things, he knew that if these things spread outside, it would definitely cause an uproar and bring her some unnecessary troubles.

It's just that he didn't expect this moment to come so soon. Before he left the house, he told his younger brother Brother Rui several times, but he didn't expect Brother Lin to say so.

Yin Ziying shook her head. Although she was a little nervous, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. If someone really came to tell her something about this thing, then she would say that she discovered the law by chance.

It would be even better if no one came to her to say something. I think the old gentleman in the private school wouldn't say so blatantly that she made it, right?

Isn't it said in this era that a woman's lack of talent is virtue?

Just as she was about to say something, she saw the door of the private school over there opened again, and a familiar figure appeared in her eyes. It was the guard next to Wu Ling, Ping An.

Pingan walked up to her quickly, nodded to her and said again: "Miss Yin, our boss told you to go to Cuixianlou soon, and he will wait for you there."

Yin Ziying nodded, with a smile on her face: "Okay, don't worry, we'll be there in a while."

Seeing this, Ping An breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly entered the private school, while Yin Ziying looked at Gu Yunxian and the others: "We were inside just now, did you see Wu Ling and the others?"

Gu Yunxian nodded: "I just wanted to tell you, Sister Ziying, that Mr. Wu's family seems to be a student of the old gentleman who met us."

"Oh? Wu Ling is a student who met your old gentleman? Could it be that Wu Ling is from here?"

She always thought that Wu Ling should come from some big family or something, at least he shouldn't be from here, but she didn't expect Wu Ling to know the old man here?
Is it a coincidence or is this old gentleman just happened to be Wu Ling's mentor?This is really a coincidence.

Gu Yunxian shook his head: "I don't know about that, we just heard Wu Dong's family and that young master called that old gentleman, but we didn't hear anything else."

"Well, then ignore them, left and right have nothing to do with us, you can pass the exam today, did the master tell you when to come and pay the rest, and when to start class?"

Gu Yunrui said: "The little boy next to that gentleman said that we will come to pay homage to the teacher on the second day of February when the dragon raises his head, and we will start teaching on the third day of February."

"Well, that's okay, it's not bad, that's okay, let's go, let's buy some pens, ink, paper and inkstone for you first."

Yin Ziying nodded and said to the others, they nodded and got on the cart, and the donkey cart drove towards the bustling street.

The donkey cart didn't have a shed, and although it wasn't snowing, it was still terribly cold.

Yin Ziying made a secret decision in her heart to see how much money was left after all the Gu Yunxian brothers' Shuxiu had been handed over, and even if she didn't buy furniture for the interior of the house she was putting together, she would still buy a carriage.

The weather in the north will be as cold as March and April in the lunar calendar. It is impossible for the Gu Yunxian brothers to walk to school for such a long time. If the donkey cart is frozen every day, it will be no different from not sitting.

It's better to buy a carriage, which can block the wind and pull goods. Now that Gu Yunxian is 12 years old, he can also drive a carriage by himself.

From a year ago to now, the second batch of vegetables in her hands is almost ripe, and the greenhouse in the village is growing well. Her own house is also under construction now, and everything is developing in a good direction.

(End of this chapter)

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