Chapter 170
"Sister Ziying, here we are. This is the study in the town that sells pens, inks, papers and inkstones." Looking at the shop ahead, Gu Yunxian said.

Yin Ziying nodded, and the villagers on the side also stopped their carriages, perhaps because today happened to be the day when the private school in the town enrolls students, perhaps because today was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and there were quite a lot of guests in the study.

However, when Yin Ziying and the others entered, they were warmly received by the young man:

"Hey, a few guest officials are going inside. What do you want to read in our study today? Pen, ink, paper and inkstone, or some famous copybook? Or what kind of book?"

Gu Yunxian said: "We want some of the most basic entry-level pens, inks, papers and inkstones."

Hearing this, the boy showed a smile on his face: "So that's how it is. A few of you are also the students who went to the town to sign up for Suining Academy today, right? I think the result is pretty good."

Hearing this, several young people who were selecting books in the side study also looked back at them with surprise on their faces.

Looking at this scene, Yin Ziying felt a strange feeling in her heart. Suining Academy is a good private school that just recruited students, but the eyes of these students are not limited to this?
As far as she knew, although this Suining Academy was said to be the best private school in Meishan Town, it was far from being that good, right?
After all, it is just better than the private schools opened by those scholars or children in other villages, so how good can it be?

Facing the boy's question, Gu Yunxian nodded with a smile on his face but didn't say anything.

With the boy's more enthusiastic expression and the disbelieving gazes of the students beside him, Yin Ziying felt a little weird.

But soon she had no time to pay attention to these, because she was frightened by the price of ancient pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

One of the most common writing brushes costs [-] Wen, one of the most common rough ink costs [-] Wen, five knives of paper costs one tael of silver, and one of the most common three-character classics and hundreds of surnames costs one tael of silver.

No wonder it is said that the things of scholars are expensive, which is really not cheap, except that the thick ink can last a little longer, the brush, and the paper don't look like they will last long.

Especially this piece of paper, which is said to cost one tael of silver and five knives, is actually only 25 pieces per knives. Yin Ziying thought that one knives worth 100 pieces at least.

Moreover, the quality of this paper is the roughest. It does not feel the delicate and smooth feel of modern times, but the graininess inside the paper can be clearly felt.

Seeing Yin Ziying's expression, Gu Yunxian withdrew his hand silently, while Gu Yunrui at the side didn't even extend his hand.

Seeing this, the little fellow thought that Yin Ziying thought it was too expensive, and hurriedly said: "Little lady, don't think that this paper is more expensive than it is, it is the price for scholars' things. This paper is thick, when this side is used up, turn it over and return it." can write."

Yin Ziying also noticed Gu Yunxian's move of withdrawing her hand just now, she knew that her expression might have hurt Gu Yunxian, so she hurriedly smiled:

"No, I'm just curious. Are these papers sold at the same price throughout the Great Yan Dynasty? Or are the prices different because of different places? Are all these papers made by the government?"

The little guy nodded: "What the little lady said is, that's right, no matter how good these papers are, they are all at the same price in the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

This paper is not all made by the government, but most of the paper we sell is privately made. The price of the government-made paper is cheaper, but it is not easy to buy!

To be honest, I heard that the government-made paper is not enough for the imperial examinations every year, and sometimes they also buy privately-made paper to fill the vacancy! "

Some scholars on the side also nodded and said:

"That's right, I heard that the quality of the government-made paper is more delicate, but the amount of paper produced is small. Every time it comes out, it is snatched up by the dignitaries. Where can I wait for ordinary people?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows:
"But little brother, since the price of the government-made and privately-made paper is different, why do you say that this is the unified price of the whole Great Yan Dynasty? Could it be that the privately-made paper in the whole Great Yan Dynasty is at the same price?"

If this is the case, then the government-made and private-made are a bit unreasonable. You know, how can there be less government-made but better and cheaper paper?

After all, the government is a government, so it belongs to the imperial court. Does the imperial court still lack craftsmen or something?Besides, if the quality is better, the quantity cannot be reached, so why are they still sold at a lower price?

Yin Ziying would not believe that there was no big hand controlling it.

However, after all, these are not what she should consider now, and at the same time, she also dispelled the thoughts that had just arisen in her heart.

It's better to just farm the land honestly. If you make paper, you suffer and attract people's attention. If you are still being watched, it will be bad.

The boy smiled when he heard her question, and then said:

"Isn't it the first time for the young lady to come to the study to experience such things as pens, ink, paper and inkstones? The young lady does not know that the price of the government-made paper is different, and it can be much cheaper than the privately-made paper.

But as the two sons said just now, the supply of goods is hard to find!As for the private papermaking, it is the same, and the price is the same throughout the Great Yan Dynasty.

There are not many study halls where you can buy official paper, so I said that the price of this Great Yanchao is unified. "

The two scholars on the side nodded, Yin Ziying also nodded, smiled at the young man, and said:

"Then trouble you, help me wrap the twenty-dollar paper, plus four copies of the pen, ink and inkstone, no, five copies! In addition, three copies of the three-character scriptures, one hundred surnames and one thousand characters. , do you have any other recommendations?"

The boy didn't expect that a little lady like Yin Ziying, who looked hesitant, would suddenly say that he wanted to buy so much, and he froze in place.

Yin Ziying's operation scared even Gu Yunxian and his brothers just now: "Sister Ziying, why do you need to buy so much?"

Yin Ziying turned her head and smiled comfortingly at the two of them before saying:
"You have a copy of the pen and ink, and when you go back, sister Xuan will also have the extra copy. I want you sister Jingjing and the others to learn these things, so you can't act like an illiterate."

In fact, she also needs a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, not to mention why, she always needs it.

But so far, she is still not used to that kind of brush, and now she is used to making charcoal pencils by herself.

But this can only be used to communicate with the old village head and the others, and it is still a bit inappropriate to write that when she is required to communicate with others, so she still has to learn.

Hearing what she said, Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui immediately stopped talking, while the boy was overjoyed: "Okay, wait a minute, little lady, I'll calculate the money for you."

Although his place is called a study, he has never received such a large order at once.

Although it is said that things for scholars are expensive, those who are of a certain grade will ask someone to bring back better paper, ink, pens and inkstones from the county. As for ordinary students, they are naturally reluctant to buy so much.

(End of this chapter)

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