Chapter 171 Everyone Makes a New Schoolbag
Seeing this, Yin Ruilin, who was following Yin Ziying, rolled his eyes and was about to speak. Yin Ziying patted his head quickly: "Sister will take you to buy candied haws later."

It was Yin Ruilin who recited the ninety-nine multiplication formula in that private school just now, so he must not be exposed again here, so as not to be targeted by unnecessary people.

Sure enough, when he heard that there was something to eat, Yin Ruilin immediately forgot what he was going to say just now, but looked at Yin Ziying in surprise: "Big sister, is it true? Are you going to buy candied haws later?"

After getting Yin Ziying's affirmative reply, he happily turned his head to look at Gu Yunxuan who was beside him and said:

"Sister Xuan, big sister said to buy me candied haws later, don't be sad, even if big sister doesn't buy it for you, I will give you half of it."

Seeing him like this, neither Yin Ziying nor Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui brothers had the heart to hit him. As we all know, who is Yin Ziying's most beloved child?

That must be Sister Xuan. It can be said that if Yin Ziying makes something on weekdays, the first one to eat is Gu Yunxuan, and Gu Yunxuan is indispensable to buy any good things.

Many times, even Yin Ziying's younger sisters, Yin Jingjing, would be jealous. Now that Yin Ruilin said this, it undoubtedly made everyone find it funny.

But little Gu Yunxuan did not make fun of Yin Ruilin, but nodded her head and said seriously:

"Okay, then brother Lin, you have to share half of the food with me. Sister Ziying said, you can't eat too much sweet things, or you will get tooth decay if you eat too much."

"Yeah! Okay, half of mine will be given to Sister Xuan." Yin Ruilin said to Gu Yunxuan earnestly, patting her small breasts.

Yin Ziying, Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui on the side couldn't help laughing, children are children, funny and serious at the same time, but also serious and cute.

At this moment, the guy over there greeted: "Little lady, come here and have a look, I have already calculated the number for you."

Yin Ziying and the others walked over quickly. Over there, the young man fiddled with the abacus and said to Yin Ziying:

"Look, little lady, there are three copies of the Three Character Classic, one hundred surnames and one thousand character texts, which add up to nine taels of silver. In addition, you ordered five copies of pen, ink, paper and inkstone. The rough ink and the brush are five taels of silver.

Adding twenty knives of paper is four taels of silver, and the total is 18 taels of silver. Miss, can you see if there are any omissions? "

Yin Ziying shook her head, she had already calculated the number in her heart, and it happened to be 18 taels of silver, this young man was not lying.

She thought for a while and said to the boy: "Look, little brother, the three younger brothers in our family are all just going to private schools, do you have anything else to recommend? Or what do other people buy when they are just getting started?"

"Hey little lady, then you are asking the right person. Although we say that entry-level things are all these things here, there is another little lady that you didn't buy just now."


"Bookbag." The boy said with a smile on his face.

"Book bag?"

Yin Ziying was surprised, there are schoolbags in modern times, but couldn't they be in ancient times?Instead, let her have a look. If it is suitable, she can buy it. If it is not suitable, it is better for her to make those schoolbags for them, which are more durable and beautiful!

"That's right, little lady, it's a book bag. Look, it's just like this one. This book bag is stylish and beautiful. It can fit all the books issued by the private school. It's very convenient. Now it's a must-have for every student. .”

While talking, the young man took out a blue book bag from the basement counter. It looked...Yin Ziying felt that it was similar to a modern messenger bag, but the design was too stretchy.

"How much is this silver?"

When the little boy heard Yin Ziying's asking price, he was even more happy immediately: "Little lady, this bookbag only costs 200 Wen each, which is cost-effective and practical. Your three younger brothers go to school, and one for each of them is just right."

Yin Ziying stretched out her hand to touch the book bag that was handed to her, then turned her head to look at the two brothers Gu Yunxian and Yin Ruilin, then shook her head and retracted her hand.

"Forget it, just those things just now, little brother, we bought so many things, why don't you give us some other things to put them in?"

Seeing that Yin Ziying didn't buy the book bag, the boy was not annoyed, and said with a smile:
"That's impossible. Although I can't give you a book bag, I can indeed give you one of this kind of test basket. Little lady, what do you think of this? It's strong and easy to use."

Yin Ziying nodded, and after paying the money, she took the test basket and led everyone out of the study. When they got on the donkey cart, she said to Gu Yunxian and the others:

"Those schoolbags are not made of very good fabric, and they don't look good. It's better to buy a piece of cloth and make a new schoolbag for each of you. It will look better and be more affordable."

You must know that the unsightly book bag just now costs 200 Wen a piece, while a piece of fine cotton cloth in the cloth shop is only 150 a piece, and a piece of coarse cloth is only 100 Wen a piece.

There is no need for her to buy this book bag in this study, and the hip-pull design is not practical. Although the fabric is better, it is soft. It is better to use some harder fabrics for books, which are more stylish and stiff.

Gu Yunxian said: "Sister Ziying, there is no need to spend so much money, that book bag doesn't look practical."

Yin Ziying couldn't stop laughing: "It's because the one in the study is not practical, so I want to make a practical and beautiful one for you."

Seeing the strange expressions on the faces of several people, Yin Ziying certainly knew what they were thinking, so she made a book bag...

Everyone knows that she doesn't know how to needlework, and now that she mentions it in front of Gu Yunxian and others, it's normal for them not to believe it.

She smiled and pursed her lips and said, "When the time comes, I will ask Aunt Gu to come and do it with me. Isn't this simple!"

Seeing how relieved they were, she felt both helpless and funny.

The donkey cart was driving on the road to Cuixianlou, Gu Yunxian on the side was a little worried and said: "Sister Ziying, what is it that Mr. Wu's family from Cuixianlou invited you to?"

Yin Ziying shook her head and smiled lightly: "I don't know, but I guess, there is a high probability that it has something to do with the greenhouse. After all, this is the latest deal with them now."

"Then sister-in-law, will Mr. Wu's family..." Gu Yunxian had a worried look on his face. He knew that his sister-in-law was very capable, but compared to Mr. Wu's family, he was a little uncertain.

Although the owner Wu's family seemed to be a good person and had cooperated with them several times in business, but inexplicably, Gu Yunxian felt that Wu Ling was not what he appeared on the surface.

Especially, today at the private school, when Brother Lin was talking to the old gentleman about the nine-nine multiplication formula, the two of Wu Ling were right behind him.

Gu Yunxian felt that it might be necessary to tell Yin Ziying about this matter, so that his sister-in-law could be more vigilant.

After listening to what Gu Yunxian said, Yin Ziying didn't have any other feelings. She might have thought about what Gu Yunxian was worried about when she knew Wu Ling and the old gentleman who tested Gu Yunxian and others.

But isn't that the same thing about left and right?Besides, not only Wuling, but also the old owner of Cuixianlou already knew about her plan.

Perhaps, this time, for Wu Ling, his previous doubts were also resolved.

Anyway, as a rural woman, she had such good planning skills before, and she didn't make up a reason, did she?
(End of this chapter)

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