Chapter 173 Seeking a Protector
Seeing this, Yin Ziying didn't ask any more questions, and after she nodded, she said to Gu Yunxuan and the others:

"Turn the plate to grab whatever you want to eat. Be polite. Don't turn around when others are picking it up. Do you understand?"

Although it seemed that she was talking to Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin, Yin Ruilin knew that her sister was talking to him.

He nodded: "Sister, I see."

On the other hand, Jiang Chuan looked at his friend Wu Ling with surprise on his face. He had just learned about the functions of the tables in this restaurant, and he didn't expect that ordinary women in this area could understand it very well.

Wu Ling glanced at his friend, and then said: "This table is the idea of ​​Mrs. Yin, you can't think of it!"

"This, this..." Jiang Chuan was even more astonished, while Yin Ziying nodded when she heard the conversation between the two.

The one who talked the most during the meal was naturally Jiang Chuan, the noble young man who looked so precious. He asked this question and that question, and he didn't want to stop at all.

Fortunately, soon, everyone was already full. Yin Ziying not only ate by herself, but also took a look at what Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin ate from time to time.

Gu Yunxuan is not worried, she knows how much she should eat when she eats on weekdays, but Yin Ruilin doesn't know if she didn't eat many good things when she was at home. Difficult to digest stomach pain.

But today Yin Ruilin is obviously very well-behaved. Although he still wants to eat after eating, he still puts down his chopsticks.

Seeing this, Yin Ziying breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mistress Yin, there is something I still have to thank you for." Wu Ling's abrupt voice sounded.

Yin Ziying didn't need to listen to what he was going to say. Yin Ziying already knew that it was about vegetables in the greenhouse.

Sure enough, the next moment Wu Ling spoke:

"Lady Yin is really extraordinary. In this winter, she can actually get fresh green vegetables out."

Jiang Chuan on the side was startled when he heard it, and he stared dumbfounded at the woman with a calm expression in front of him. Just now, his friend said that many of the things he likes to eat were made by this woman, and he was not so surprised at that time.

But until his friend talked about the method on the table and the green vegetables in winter, he was really shocked.

He thought that his friend was a vegetable grown from something specially made, but he didn't expect that this vegetable was actually made by the woman in front of him?
Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled:
"It's just speculation. Don't worry, Mr. Wu's family. Now we have another ten acres of land in our village. Before the spring comes, we can grow vegetables three more times. I just don't know if Mr. Wu's family can eat it here."

Wu Ling thought for a while before saying, "How much did Lady Yin say? I remember, the ones that Lady Yin sent last time were planted on two acres of land?"


"Well, I shouldn't be able to eat up the other ten acres of land. When the time comes, I'll ask the shopkeeper to estimate the number, and how about talking with Mrs. Yin about the details?"

Yin Ziying nodded, she admired Wu Ling's attitude very much, if she could eat it, she could eat it, if she couldn't eat it, she couldn't eat it, she didn't mean to waste them for face or money.

After chatting with Wu Ling, Wu Ling finally put forward his own idea: "Ms. Yin's method of growing vegetables, is it necessary for you to do it?"

Yin Ziying was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what Wu Ling said:
"Are you asking if this method can be copied? It can be copied, but Boss Wu, if you want to do this, it is impossible for me to give you the exclusive right."

"Exclusivity? What's that?"

Jiang Chuan, who was on the side, was very curious watching the two of them coming and going. Some of the words he understood, some he didn't understand.

For example, what can be copied, what exclusive rights, these are all new words, and this is the first time he has heard of them!

The next moment, two voices answered him at the same time: "It is the exclusive management and exercise of this right. After confirmation, go to the Yamen to write a document, and other people can no longer participate in it."

Jiang Chuan was stunned, Yin Ziying and Wu Ling were also stunned, Yin Ziying quickly said:

"I think this thing is a good thing. It is the same as the previous sweet potato vermicelli. If there is a chance, it can be vigorously promoted, whether it is good for ordinary people or people of other classes."

Wu Ling was surprised: "Lady Yin, you mean, you are willing to spread this method?"

Originally, he thought that this woman's method would be the same as the sweet potato vermicelli and other methods before, but now it seems that it is not always the case?

Some things were beyond his expectation.

However, looking at the woman's smiling face, he suddenly realized that he was willing, but this did not mean that he would agree easily.

Among them, there must be conditions.

"Lady Yin, if you have something to say, just say it. How can you find out about this method? Just be honest!"

Yin Ziying looked up at Wu Ling, and then said:
"Wu Dongjia, as an ordinary peasant girl, of course I know how much this technology has improved the agricultural development of our Great Yan Dynasty for me, so I am also willing to bring people from our village to play this project for free .

But you know that being too eye-catching will inevitably cause some unnecessary troubles, and you also know that my family is young and I don't have any rights so I can't bear these troubles. "

That's all she said, and she didn't fully name them, but Wu Ling understood what she meant.

Wu Ling stared fixedly at the woman in front of him for a long time, and after a while he chuckled lightly: "Lady Yin is so brave."

Yin Ziying was the first person who dared to make such a request to him, but it was undeniable that although what she asked was beyond the imagination of ordinary people, it was indeed the safest thing for her.

Hearing Wu Ling's laugh, the stone in Yin Ziying's heart fell to the ground. Fortunately, it seems that we can still talk.

What she expected was right, Wu Ling's background was not simple, and he was able to handle all the government's tricks.

Wu Ling pulled over his friend who couldn't understand their riddles, and whispered a few words in his ear, Jiang Chuan's eyes couldn't help but widen.

"This, really? Really? No way!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chuan looked at Yin Ziying:

"Ms. Yin, I have a way to ask you for a protective talisman and a name for the way of the greenhouse, so this way..."

Yin Ziying nodded: "Such a good thing for the country and the people, of course I have no reason to keep it private."

Although she guessed that Wu Ling's identity might not be a simple merchant, but it seems that this Mr. Jiang Chuan's identity is better than Wu Ling's?
But these have nothing to do with her, before leaving, Wu Ling thought about asking about the method of calculation, and there was nothing else.

(End of this chapter)

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