Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 174 Do you still want to marry in this life?

Chapter 174 Do you still want to marry in this life?
Seeing the woman leading the two children down, Jiang Chuan looked at his friend:
"A Ling, what's going on here? By the way, why did you ask her about the method of planning just now? Isn't the old man very caring about this matter?"

Wu Ling said calmly, "I'm asking for the old man."

"Ask for the old man! I mean, it's just that the little lady doesn't seem to want to be famous. Why is that? You know, if this method of planning is really implemented in the Great Yan Dynasty, it will be difficult for her. It's famous."

"Do you think she looks like she wants to be famous?"

Jiang Chuan nodded clearly:

"That's right, that woman doesn't look like she wants to be famous. Could it be because of the woman? No, there are no women like her in the capital."

Wu Ling got up and walked to the corner, ignoring the chattering of his friends, who seemed to him to be ignorant.

However, Yin Ziying was willing to hand over the method of growing green vegetables in winter, but it was still beyond his expectation.

"I think you'd better go back and talk to your father about it, and then ask the court for a name, so that starting next year, even the capital will be able to eat green leaves in the winter."

Hearing what his friend said, Jiang Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "A Ling, don't you really plan to admit it..."

Before the words were finished, Wu Ling shouted coldly: "Jiang Chuan, be careful!"

Being yelled at by his friend, Jiang Chuan didn't feel wronged, but just shook his head and looked at Wu Ling and said:
"A Ling, you are a smart person. You know better than me why the old man came to this remote place. It's not because of you. As their only flesh and blood, you have to recognize them. Taking this opportunity, it just so happens Why not make a name for yourself?"

Recognize them?

A cold look appeared on Wu Ling's face: "I'm a member of the Wu family, why should I borrow someone else's manpower."

Jiang Chuan couldn't help becoming anxious: "A Ling, you should know that they have been looking for you recently. I heard that many students in many places have accepted their verification."

"What does it have to do with me!"

Wu Ling shouted for the guards outside the door to be safe, and they entered in response, Jiang Chuan's words also stopped abruptly.

At the same time, within Baijia Village.

Old Lu's house, Father Lu took a look outside and turned around to look at his daughter Lu Xiuyu:
"Xiuyu! You talk about your marriage, you talk about that brother Yan, is that plausible? This year is the Chinese New Year when I came to give a New Year's gift, how is that plausible?"

Lu Xiuyu, who was sitting on a chair doing needlework, said with a slight smile on her face, "Father, he said that after he wins the exam, he will marry me."

Mrs. Lu on the side quit after hearing this:
"Choice? Oh, my mother's Xiuyu! That's how the Gu family kid lied to you? After passing the exam, if that kid from the Gu family doesn't win the exam for the rest of his life, you won't get married, right?"

Lu Xiuyu frowned: "Mother, what are you talking about? He doesn't have any money now, so how can he marry me if he doesn't win?"

After speaking, she showed a happy smile on her face:

"Besides, he has always been smart. I heard that he ranked very high in the last imperial examination. How could he fail this time? This will also make me a beautiful woman!"

Mrs. Lu poked her daughter's forehead with a finger: "You silly girl, how did mother teach you in the first place? Just being manipulated by a few words from the Gu family?

If he doesn't have money on hand, isn't that just because he doesn't have money on hand?Can his uncle's house not have it?I've heard that the little girl Yin Ziying gave the land she bought earlier to his two younger brothers when she reconciled with Li, so you wouldn't let him ask for it?
Brother Xian and Brother Rui are so young, what can they do with the fields?Their eldest brother is not yet married, so it is only natural that they should be sold to his elder brother to marry him.

If it doesn't help the Gu family, if that kid really has a heart, wouldn't he go find his uncle to give you a face?He also said that he must be able to pass the exam.

You don't even think about it, now that he didn't pass the exam, he is still nostalgic for you with the affection he used to have in the past. After he got the exam, there are so many girls in the county, do you think he really wants you? "

After these words, Lu Xiuyu's complexion changed slightly, and Mrs. Lu snorted coldly when she saw this:
"In short, you have to think about it yourself. Tell me, no matter how good Brother Yan is, he can always see you, okay? Let's change our thinking. Now that he is talking about loving you to death, the New Year's rituals add up to a total Not enough for a tael of silver.

Also, I heard that on New Year's Eve, the little girl Yin Ziying followed her to the Gu family's big room for dinner, so just wait if you don't pay attention!
Tell me that although they have divorced now, to be honest, the little girl Yin Ziying is not ugly, and the little girl Xuan Xuan follows Yin Ziying every day, and Uncle Gu and the others are in front of Brother Yan every day. What do you think he thinks? "

After Gu Yunrui, Gu Yunyan and Yin Ziying reconciled, Lu Xiuyu knew that the land was in the hands of Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui, and Gu Yunyan had greeted her before.

But she didn't know that Yin Ziying ate the New Year's Eve dinner with the eldest family of the Gu family, so when she heard about it at this time, she immediately raised her heart.

If it's really nothing, why didn't Brother Yan tell her about it?Could it be that brother Yan really had that kind of thought about Yin Ziying again?
No, it's impossible. Brother Yan said that he will definitely marry her in this life, so how could he turn his back on her?
"You, you, you silly girl, to put it bluntly, it's reasonable to find a way to force him to show an attitude now.

Right now, people from all over the world know that Gu Yunyan is a person who values ​​love and righteousness and has fallen in love with you deeply. His reputation spread outside is good.You never thought about what would happen to your reputation if he didn't want you?Do you still want to get married in your life? "

"Mother! But he said..." Lu Xiuyu's complexion turned pale, and she felt worried and moved when she heard her old mother's words.

What Niang said was not unreasonable. If she could get married with Brother Yan now, it would indeed be a good thing for her, at least her reputation would be relieved.

But, will Brother Yan agree to this matter?

"Girls always have to think about themselves. You don't want to think about it. Do you expect Brother Yan to remember it by himself? Men are all the same..."

When Mrs. Lu said this, Father Lu coughed in the corner, and she hurriedly put on a smiling face and walked over to chat with her.

Lu Xiuyu, who was in the same place, was spinning a thousand times in her heart, and her mind was already spinning rapidly.

At this time, Yin Ziying was outside the car dealership, and the villagers glanced at the bustling car dealership inside, and then at Yin Ziying:

"Mistress Yin, shall I go back now?"

The reason why he came out with Yin Ziying today is because Yin Ziying paid the silver to rent his people with the cart, and now Mrs. Yin is going to buy a carriage herself, so naturally she won't be able to use his donkey cart when she goes back. There is no need here either.

(End of this chapter)

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