Chapter 177 Such a Good Horse

Yin Ziying glanced at Gu Yunxian reassuringly, then patted the heads of Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin, then stepped forward and said to the old man:

"I see that the carriage behind you is also new. Did you sell it or make it yourself?"

Seeing Yin Ziying's question, the old man wiped his tears and forced a smile:
"Little lady has good eyesight. Although the body of this carriage is not as good as the ones outside, it also took a lot of work and wood. How about this, little lady, if you buy this horse today, I will give you the body. How about not charging a penny?"

Yin Ziying looked at the body of the carriage, and said to the old man, "Can I go up and pet this horse? If this horse doesn't understand human nature, then I won't be able to handle it."

"Of course, of course, little lady, in fact, you just took a look at it and you knew that this horse is of good blood and docile. Not to mention you, it must not be difficult for these little brothers to control it. "

Seeing Yin Ziying answering the call, the old man was obviously very happy, and hastily stepped aside to let Yin Ziying walk in.

But at this moment, Yin Ziying released a little air of space after approaching the horse, and saw that the horse looked at it with eyes that were still somewhat moist, and there seemed to be some surprise and eagerness in the eyes.

It seems to work!

With a thought, Yin Ziying stretched out her hand to touch the horse's head, and the horse began to rub against her as soon as it touched her hand, obviously wanting to get close to her.

Seeing this scene, the old man on the side was very happy: "Look, little lady, it seems that this horse likes you more than me, you see, when it saw me, it didn't look up like this. "

When Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui at the side saw this scene, they thought of the time when they had no money and their sister-in-law followed them up the mountain every day.

At that time, my sister-in-law also attracted those pheasants like this, otherwise they would not have been able to catch pheasants so easily.

But Yin Ziying breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Since it is still useful for small animals, the spirit spring water must also be useful for this horse. At worst, when she puts the horse into the space at night, the horse will definitely be alive and kicking again in a few days. up.

At the beginning, she didn't know how to release this energy of space. She thought that as long as she still had the spirit spring space in her body, the little animals would like it.

Fortunately, she figured out the trick when she was feeding chickens and ducks on weekdays, and now she can control the air in the space by herself.

She smiled, and then said to the old man:

"This horse is really related to me. Just now you said eight taels of silver plus the bodywork, right? If it is really the price, then I will buy it."

The old man obviously didn't expect it to be so simple, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said loudly: "Really, really?"

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile and then patted the horse's head: "I look quite suitable, with a docile temperament, suitable for our family."

Let alone the bloodline of this horse, its temperament is really docile and humane. Compared with those fierce horses, this horse is more reassuring for Gu Yunxian and the others to drive her.

Gu Yunxian exclaimed: "Sister Ziying, no way! This horse..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the horse looking at him with a pair of big spectacle frames, and there was still wet mist in it, and he looked aggrieved.

This made Gu Yunxian hold back what he wanted to say, and the horse looked at him like this, making him feel like he bullied the horse when he said it!
Yin Ziying shook her head, looked at Gu Yunxian and the others with a smile, and said, "It's rare that this horse is so human, and it is destined to be with us, so let's buy it!"

I don't know if he understood Yin Ziying's words, but the horse neighed and its head even moved closer to Yin Ziying.

The old man looked at this scene a little uncomfortable, he didn't accept the money Yin Ziying handed over, and he didn't accept it.

Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter, are you not happy? If you are not happy, it's okay, we won't buy it now, and I don't know if two taels of silver can cure the disease of this horse!"

After she finished speaking, she made a gesture to withdraw her hand, but the old man would not give in, and hurriedly took the money from Yin Ziying's hand:

"Then why would you refuse? It's not like you don't know, little lady. Although this horse is good, I don't have the money to treat it. It is a blessing for it to meet you."

Seeing this, Yin Ziying smiled with her lips curled up. The moment she saw the old man's eyes just now, she really thought that the old man was unwilling to sell it!
After the old man had set up the carriage for them, he went up and hugged the horse's head, smiled at Yin Ziying and the others, and then watched Yin Ziying and the others leave.

And Yin Ziying herself borrowed the old man's wooden bucket before she left and said she wanted to wash her hands. She poured some water to wash her hands, and she unconsciously added some spiritual spring water to the wooden bucket, and then took it to let the old man wash his hands. The horse drank.

Fortunately, after the horse drank the water in the wooden barrel, it didn't look very radiant, so the group of people left the carriage.

The villagers waiting outside saw Yin Ziying and the others coming out, and saw that the horse looked sick and was about to speak, when they saw the horse raised the premise, and the sick look just now was wiped away.

"Mistress Yin, your horse looks like a good horse, how much money did you spend to buy it?"

The appearance of the horse made Gu Yunxian and the others a little surprised. You must know that the horse was still sick just now.

Yin Ziying glanced at the carriage dealer behind her and said: "Seeing that the horse is getting better, let's see where there is a veterinarian later!"

"Ms. Yin, why did you go to the veterinarian? This horse looks healthy at first glance." The villager said in surprise.

Gu Yunxuan hurriedly said: "Uncle, didn't you notice that the horse is sick? The horse was very sick just now, and the old man almost slaughtered it and sold it for meat!"

"What? Such a good horse was slaughtered and sold for meat? No way?" The villagers immediately looked at the horse carefully after hearing Gu Yunxuan's words.

"Oh, I see, it must be because the horse is not sick at first, and it's just like this after staying in it for a long time."

Seeing the gazes of Gu Yunxian and others looking over in unison, the villagers said:

"You don't know, this horse and horse shop rents a place, and when you leave, you have to pay extra money, so many people leave their animals here at night. This horse, maybe it's not sick and has been tossing around for a long time. That's unspiritual."

"Can't it? Then they don't worry about the horse being drugged by others?" Gu Yunxian asked.

The villagers smiled and waved their hands and said, "Oh, that can't be done. Since the chariot and horse shop has collected money from these people, the chariot and horse shop is also obliged to help them take care of these horses, but the kind of animals that are sick from the beginning go in. That's not the case."

"It turns out that's the case. Then I know. Maybe this horse was almost healed before it entered this carriage and horse dealership, and then it didn't come out, so it looked sick. Now it will be fine once it comes out."

(End of this chapter)

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