Chapter 178 The Great Sin

Seeing the enthusiasm of several people, Yin Ziying sat in the carriage and laughed without saying a word. Of course, she knew the reason why the horse became lively immediately.

But she can't say it all the time. Now that someone has found a reasonable excuse for her, that's it, and it will save her from finding excuses to prevaricate.

The carriage and donkey cart rushed all the way to the gate of the town. When they got here, Yin Ziying didn't leave, but let the villagers and Gu Yunxian drive the cart to the open space beside her.

Today is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month. Since we have led them out, we must have a good time tonight.

Besides, it was already noon when they left Suining Academy at noon, and they went to Cuixianlou for dinner and then went to the car and horse dealership, and now the time is about three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

This area is already colder, although it is this time period, the sky is actually already dark.

The way they came out just now, you can see that the flow of people on the street has not decreased but increased. Obviously, the lantern festival at night will be very lively.

"Sister Ziying, should Uncle Liu stay here alone? How about that..."

Gu Yunxian was a little worried. Although sister Ziying had paid the villagers money, the news that they went to play and made the villagers wait outside was a bit unpleasant.

Especially since Sister Ziying followed her eldest brother and left, her reputation in the village has suddenly changed. Some people think that Sister Ziying is very good, while others think that Sister Ziying is not good.

Yin Ziying glanced at the sky before saying:

"It's okay, let's pack a small wonton for my uncle's dinner in a while. Doesn't my uncle have a daughter? Just buy some candies and give some to my uncle to take home."

When Gu Yunxuan heard this, she immediately nodded cheerfully, and several people walked around happily.

Watching the Lantern Festival and guessing lantern riddles during the Lantern Festival has been a tradition since ancient times, and this dynasty was no exception. Yin Ziying was shocked by far more than that. Although the ancient craftsmen did not have advanced technology, the lanterns were really beautiful.

Although it is not necessarily lifelike, it is indeed very delicate, which is much better than those produced by modern machines.

That night, Gu Yunxian led Gu Yunrui and Yin Ruilin into the shop to guess lantern riddles, while Yin Ziying led Gu Yunxuan outside the shop to look at the things on the stall.

Facts have proved that Gu Yunxian's talent is no worse than that of Gu Yunyan who passed the examination of scholar. He entered three shops to guess lantern riddles and won several lantern riddles in a row.

At this moment, those lanterns are in the hands of Yin Ziying, Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin!

When Yin Ziying was talking to Gu Yunxuan, she suddenly heard Gu Yunxian say: "Sister Ziying, that..."

She raised her head and saw that it was indeed Gu Yunxian. She raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong, I didn't guess right? It doesn't matter, let's just change to another one. Besides, these lanterns are enough, we won't be able to take any more."

Gu Yunxian shook his head, with a look of hesitation on his face: "Sister Ziying, it's not like this, but inside, there is someone inside who wants to see you."

"Someone wants to see me? Who is it?"

Yin Ziying was extremely surprised, she really didn't know many people in this town, if she really counted them, they would be the old shopkeeper of Cuixianlou and others.

"Sister Ziying, it's the old gentleman I met at Suining Academy this morning, the one I mentioned to you."

An old gentleman from Suining Academy?Yin Ziying suddenly remembered that they had indeed stayed in Suining Academy for a long time after they went to Suining Academy this morning, and said that an old master specially met them.

He also said that the old master was also the husband of Wu Ling and Jiang Chuan. Reminiscent of Yin Ruilin's accidental recitation of the ninety-nine multiplication formula at that time, Yin Ziying immediately thought of the reason for this.

"Sister Ziying, then this..."

Gu Yunxian looked at Yin Ziying with a bit of embarrassment on his face. He didn't want to agree to the old man just now, but the young man Jiang next to Wu Dong's family said that he saw Miss Ziying outside.

"It's okay, since he invited everyone, it's natural to go and have a look." Yin Ziying smiled lightly and took Gu Yunxuan's hand:

"Let's go, Sister Xuan, let's go in and see what's going on in these shops."

Under the dim lights, Yin Ziying followed Gu Yunxian into the shop, the further inside Yin Ziying felt something was wrong.

It turned out that the place where they stopped just now happened to be in front of a shop around Cuixian Tower, and the direction they were walking now was heading towards Cuixian Tower.

No wonder the old man was able to see them. The old man had a close relationship with Wu Ling, and Wu Ling opened the Cuixian Tower, and there was a second floor above the Cuixian Tower, so it was normal for him to see them.

When they arrived at Cuixianlou, following the lead of the staff, Yin Ziying soon arrived at the private room where she had lunch.

Seeing the little guy knocking on the door and talking to the people inside, Yin Ziying sighed in her heart, this matter is urgent, can't she be a salted fish?
The door of the private room was opened from the inside, and a familiar face appeared in front of Yin Ziying. It was Jiang Chuan who had lunch together.

Seeing Yin Ziying, Jiang Chuan was obviously very happy. He grinned and said, "Miss Yin, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. This time it is our husband who wants to see you."

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile. After following Jiang Chuan into the private room, she realized that Gu Yunrui and Yin Ruilin, who hadn't seen anyone just now, were also here.

An old man was standing at the table holding Yin Ruilin's hand and writing something. Hearing the voice, the old man let go of Yin Ruilin's hand and looked over.

"Are you the woman who taught my younger brother the calculation formula?"

Yin Ziying nodded, with a slight smile on her face: "I don't know why the old man called me here."

"What's the matter, of course it's because of the method of planning. The little lady's method is really special and wonderful. I have calculated it carefully many times, and there is really no omission. It is all right. I don't know what you are, little lady. How did you come up with this idea?"

"It turned out to be this."

Yin Ziying nodded and said with a bit of embarrassment on her face:

"It's just a fluke. At the beginning, I just wanted to find a way to remember how much these are equal to. Later, after summing up, I found that it was so catchy, so I handed it over to my brother."

At this time, she silently confessed the crime in her heart. She pretended to claim it for something that wasn't her fault. It was indeed a great crime, but at this time there was no other way, and this was the only way to go.

Otherwise, she can't tell others that the reason why she knows this method is because she is not from this world, but a ghost from another world who traveled from the 21st century, right?

If this is the case, these people might want to lock her up and think about it!It's better to have the cheek to admit it.

"Is it just like that? The little lady is amazing. Did the little lady go to school before? Is there a basis for planning this?" the old man asked.

(End of this chapter)

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