Chapter 284 Is there poison in the water?

At this time, Wei Mingxiang on the ground said, "Among you have sunstroke? It's a pity that although your medicinal materials are correct, the dosage is too much. This may be able to relieve the heat stroke, but it also hurts the vitality. .”

Granny Yu said, "What did you say?"

"Isn't it? The medicinal materials of Jieshu powder are three cents each of fennel and poria cocos, one cent each of licorice and coptis, one tael of Atractylodes macrocephala, one cent of white lentils, and one grain of white cardamom. Look at your dosage, is it right?"

Hearing this, the complexions of Granny Yu and the old man changed drastically, but Wei Mingxiang just smiled and remained silent.

The big man said anxiously: "Grandma Yu, then..."

"To shut up."

Granny Yu pointed to Wu Yingying who was lying on the ground crying, and then looked at Wei Mingxiang: "Is there something wrong with her? How should I treat it?"

"I stopped it in time, nothing serious, but the spleen is still bleeding, if you want to stop the bleeding, give her some nourishing soup. Don't worry, it won't cost any money."

Granny Yu snorted coldly when she heard the words, and then said: "If that's the case, then you can prescribe a pair for her!"

"I need to determine how the trauma is on her body to judge the extent of the bleeding."

"Da Rong, untie her!"

The man was dissatisfied and said, "Mother Yu!"

This time, not only Granny Yu, but even Elder Sun sternly said, "Go! Can she still run away?"

Seeing this, the man named Darong took a dissatisfied look at Wei Mingxiang, and then slowly stepped forward to untie Wei Mingxiang.

Next, Wei Mingxiang stepped forward and pulled Wu Ying to a place further inside to avoid the light, and then started to move.

Seeing her actions like this, Darong couldn't help shouting: "Old Sun, Granny Yu, she is untying that woman's rope."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Mingxiang's voice came over: "How can you see her trauma if you don't take off your clothes? Do you think that kick you just kicked was for nothing?"


"Okay, Darong, it's none of your business, keep quiet."

The big man closed his mouth angrily.

Over there, after Wei Mingxiang's actions, she clapped her hands lightly and said to Granny Yu, "There are some bruises from the trauma, but it's not a serious problem. I'd better look for what Zhao Zhao said just now, and use nourishing soup."

Listen well, the medicinal materials are five qian of Dashudi, three qian each of Ludangshen, black Burnet, roasted licorice, roasted astragalus, heart-removed dried Ophiopogon japonicus, ground ripe jujube kernels, one qian of ground Schisandra chinensis, and Dashu Three ebony plums and three lotus pods each, and two jujubes.Decoct in water and take it twice. "

After finishing speaking, she turned to look at the two of them: "I've already said what needs to be said, tie her up!" She put her hands behind her back in cooperation as she spoke, motioning for them to tie her up.

Granny Yu's complexion turned pale, and finally she snorted coldly: "Hmph, the little girl is so courageous."

Wei Mingxiang didn't speak, and everyone in the room fell silent.

After a while, Elder Sun nodded and said to Wei Mingxiang, "Okay, come with us!"

Then he said to the man: "Da Rong, clean up here."

Seeing that Wei Mingxiang went out with Granny Yu and Elder Sun, Wu Yingying was also tied up by the big man, and they were the only ones left in the room.

One of the little girls named Sister Fang couldn't help crying: "Sister Wei, what happened to Sister Wei? Sister Wei was taken away, woo woo woo..."

Before Wei Mingxiang was taken away, Wei Mingxiang was beside Sister Fang.

For Sister Fang, Wei Mingxiang was someone who was very close to her, at least compared to the people present.

Gu Yuelan couldn't help but said: "She's doing well! She's free now, you two brats should worry about you!"

Seeing what Gu Yuelan said, the girl named Sister Fang became more and more worried.

"Hey, Ziying, what do you mean by Wei Mingxiang?" Gu Yuelan couldn't help but look at Yin Ziying.

Before Yin Ziying could reply, Hu Yin on the side said, "What else do you mean? Maybe the people here happened to be sick, so they sent Sister Wei to see a doctor."

Gu Yuelan curled her lips: "It's true to invite her to see a doctor. I'm afraid she will also be able to avoid being sold out. This Wei Mingxiang is smart."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

An abrupt voice sounded, and Gu Yuelan took a closer look only to realize that it was Yin Ziying who was speaking. She couldn't help but widen her eyes:
"Ziying, you actually said that? You have to know that once Wei Mingxiang regains his freedom, it won't do us any good!"

"There's no harm in what you said, isn't it? Besides, what if there are unexpected surprises in it!"

As women, Wei Mingxiang has the means and ability to restore freedom by himself. Although it is not a good thing for them, there is no need to be angry.

After all, she really has mastered the medical skills in her hands, and Yin Ziying is really looking forward to Wei Mingxiang's help with this medicine.

Gu Yuelan didn't understand Yin Ziying's meaning, but she was a big-hearted person, so she didn't care about it after thinking about it: "Forget it, the left and right are already like this, Wei Mingxiang's ability to go out is due to her ability, who told me I didn't study medicine! "

In the cave, no one spoke, only sister Yu Fang and Wu Yingying in the distance were crying.

And Wei Mingxiang hasn't appeared since he was taken away by Granny Yu and others.

During this period, that A Xing came again at noon, in order to let them go to the corner to solve Gong's problem, and then left.

Ah Xing didn't bring lunch, and everyone who didn't have enough for breakfast stayed up until night hungry.

This time, Ah Xing first poured water for everyone, and Yin Ziying noticed that the amount of water in front of her was different from that in front of Gu Yunxuan.

There is a problem with this water.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ah Xing said slowly: "Is it painful to be tied up today? After a while, you can untie the knot after drinking water."


Yin Ziying spied in her heart, but she felt more at ease when she thought that she had a spiritual spring. Her spiritual spring should be able to cure the medicine.

After hearing A Xing's words, everyone was overjoyed at first, and then gradually realized that Gu Yuelan said, "Is this water poisonous?"

Hearing her words, Hu Yin, Sister Fang and the others on the side all had a look of fear and fear on their faces, and even wanted to kick the cup in front of them with their bodies.

"Kick it. If you kick it, you'll be gone. You'll be tied up with ropes all the time. I won't come to help you if you go out. Let Brother Rong, who is guarding outside, do it for you."

Upon hearing this, several people immediately turned pale.

This is a blatant threat, it's fine if they are tied up, and when the time comes, a man will support them, what about their reputation?
This was even worse than killing them. At that moment, Hu Yin and Wu Yingying, who were about to stretch their legs desperately to reach the teacup, were too frightened to move.

Seeing this, Ah Xing smiled, and then stepped forward, she walked in front of Gu Yunxuan as usual, and when she raised the cup, Yin Ziying couldn't help but speak.

"That... I want to know, is the poison serious? Will it affect her in the future?"

Although she has a spiritual spring, she is still a little worried about the poison in the water.Even though she speculated in her heart that it was just those drugs that made her body weak, it was still speculation after all.

Once Gu Yunxuan really took some poison, it would be irreversible. She is still so young, and it will affect all kinds of growth.

(End of this chapter)

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