Chapter 285 I know how to farm
A Xing was taken aback, then asked: "Are you her sister?"

Seeing Yin Ziying nodding, she had a smile on her face, and it was rare for her to soften her expression towards Yin Ziying.

"Don't worry, this is just medicine to make you weak, not poison."

Yin Ziying was determined, she thanked her and then turned to look at Gu Yunxuan: "Sister Xuan, don't be afraid, drink it, you won't be tied with a rope after drinking it."

Once she spoke, Gu Yunxuan naturally couldn't refuse to agree, and drank gulp from the water cup that A Xing stretched out.

Seeing the Yin Ziying and sisters who cooperated so well, a complex look flashed in A Xing's eyes, and then continued to go in the direction of Gu Yuelan.

With the example of Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan in front, and Ah Xing himself ensured that it was a medicine that made people feel weak and not poisonous, everyone drank it without any resistance.

The effect of this medicine evaporated quickly, but after a while, Yin Ziying felt light and light all over her body, a bit like the feeling of being drunk.

Gu Yunxuan on the side couldn't help but said: "Sister Ziying, I have no strength, I want to sleep, but I'm hungry."

Before Yin Ziying opened her mouth to comfort, A Xing, who did not know when she came to them, said:
"Okay, let me untie the rope for you, the food is on the table, go over and eat by yourself."

The moment the rope was loosened, Yin Ziying instinctively opened her arms to hug Gu Yunxuan who was rushing towards her, but her reaction was a bit slow.

A Xing glanced at it, and then said lightly: "It's okay, this is a normal reaction, you will gain some strength if you move more."

What do you mean when you move more, you will gain strength?Yin Ziying couldn't help cursing in her heart, as if she could move now.

In the end, she still worked hard, and Gu Yunxuan supported each other to the low table.

They were the first to come, and the first to start eating. They each ate a pancake, and immediately felt a lot more at ease.

Gu Yunxuan wanted to take another pancake after eating it, but Yin Ziying held her hand.

Without him, when she was just taking the pancakes, she glanced at the pancakes in the food box, and there were only seven pancakes in total.

In other words, this is counted one for each person. If they eat more of one of them, one of them will not be able to eat.

It's not that Yin Ziying pretends to keep these people with good intentions, but because she doesn't want to offend them.

Otherwise, if they join forces to deal with her and Sister Xuan, with so many people, it will be her and Sister Xuan who will suffer.

Of course, the most important thing is that although Yin Ziying grows a lot of things in her space, she also stores a lot of ready-made food.

Even the snacks that I bought too much and didn't eat when I went shopping in the county are now placed in Yin Ziying's space.

If there is space, she can find a chance to have a secret affair with sister Xuan, there is no need to offend these people in a big way.

Sure enough, the next moment Ah Xing said: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to eat, everything is rationed, and whoever arrives late will have nothing to eat."

After saying this, Hu Yin and Wu Yingying, who were still leaning aside, suddenly stood up.

They were all worried that Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan who arrived first would take their share.

But when they came to the table and saw that there were still two pancakes left, their expressions were a bit complicated.

Gu Yuelan muttered while eating the pancakes in her mouth: "This is the first time I have eaten such unpalatable pancakes. These pancakes are in my house, and the servants don't eat them."

After finishing speaking, she turned to look at A Xing: "Hey, let me say, can you put me back? I can ask my father to give you money, a lot of money."

Seeing that A Xing's face was not moving, she continued to mutter: "Even if you sell me, if you sell me into a building, how much money will you get? Send me back to me, and if you change hands, it will bring a lot of money. Come on, you don't have to do harm to others in your life."

A Xing ignored Gu Yuelan, instead she looked at Yin Ziying who was full and hugged Gu Yunxuan leaning in the corner, she couldn't help but sarcastically said:
"You obviously have the opportunity to feed you and your sister, why are you starving? Is there anyone like you who is a sister?"

There was a trace of anger in her tone, which made Yin Ziying stunned for a moment.

Yin Ziying reached out and touched Gu Yunxuan's hair, then looked at A Xing and said:
"No reason, because we have to coexist in the group. Of course I can feed my sister and me, but the price is that they will turn against us and even kill us. What I have to do is to make my best live with my sister."

As if she didn't expect her to say these words, Ah Xing was stunned, then turned around and went out without even taking the food box on the table.

Seeing her go out, Gu Yuelan moved over while nibbling on pancakes:
"I don't think you said anything. Why did she run away? You didn't even take the food box. What will you bring us to eat tomorrow?"

Yin Ziying sighed, thinking to herself, who knows!Maybe he touched something sad!
However, she found that the girl Gu Yuelan looked more and more like a treasure, she was always so out of tune.

It's time to worry about tomorrow's meal. It seems that the girl who grew up pampered by the merchant's family is a little rough and quick-witted.

At this time, Hu Yin, who was still eating at the dinner table, said: "I think what Ziying said just now is very good. If they give each meal a fixed amount, then we will be like Ziying. Everyone only takes Everyone's share, don't take too much."

Gu Yuelan nodded: "Yes, that's how it should be! Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope, and we are all on the same stand. If anyone takes more, then he will be excluded by all of us."

"Yes, we have to establish a rule. I believe everyone must want to escape. If we can leave, we will leave together. Even if we really can't..."

Hu Yin said, reaching out to the corner of her eyes to wipe away her tears: "Even if we can't leave, we will be sisters when we go to the building."

Speaking of this, everyone felt a little sad, especially the young sisters Fang and Man, who burst into tears.

Wu Yingying said bitterly: "I don't want to go to any building, I want to go home, I want to go back! My cousin is still waiting for me!"

Hu Yin couldn't help retorting: "Sister Wu, don't think about running away again, although we don't have that rope on us right now. But how far can you run with this appearance? And didn't you go outside this morning to see it? But there are many people who are holding hands."

Yin Ziying didn't say much. In fact, the plan of escaping is very slim now. For the sake of her life, she can't take Gu Yunxuan with her.

Gu Yuelan on the side poked Yin Ziying's arm: "Hey, Ziying, why don't you talk? I think you must have a way to get out, so tell me!"

Hearing Gu Yuelan's words, Hu Yin and Wu Yingying all looked over, including Sister Fang and Sister Man.

Yin Ziying said: "What can I do? I'm just thinking of a possibility."

"What's possible?" Three voices spoke in unison.

"I was thinking, since Wei Mingxiang can go out by his own ability, can we also go out by our own ability?"

"What? What is it?"

Gu Yuelan looked at Yin Ziying, and said with interest: "Ziying, what do you know?"



"I said, I will farm."

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the corners of Yin Ziying's lips curled up slightly, and she didn't explain anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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