Chapter 286 Eating meat is a big deal
After that, everyone didn't talk any more. As the sky outside became dark, there was no light in the cave.

Although it was hot in July, fortunately they were not too hot in the cave, and it was even a little cold at night.

Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan crawled to the innermost part of the wooden bed in the dark, and then groped for a piece of quilt to cover themselves and sister Xuan.

Gu Yunxuan curled up in Yin Ziying's arms and did not fall asleep. After a while, she whispered, "Sister Ziying, I want to brush my teeth and take a bath."

Although she is young, Yin Ziying is very strict when she is at home. No matter morning or evening, brushing her teeth and washing her face is necessary, and taking a bath once a day is also necessary.

It's July now, and the weather is hot. Although they didn't go out in the cave and didn't sweat, Gu Yunxuan felt uncomfortable thinking about not taking a bath.

Gu Yuelan, who was lying beside Yin Ziying, laughed with a "chi": "Sister Xuan, don't even think about brushing your teeth and taking a bath, it's even hard to drink water here."

Hu Yin's voice came from the side: "Sister Xuan, I think the girl who delivered the food likes you the most. Will you beg her to give us more money tomorrow?"

Before Gu Yunxuan could speak, Yin Ziying said:
"Don't think about it, why do you think that the water that the girl brought is enough for one mouthful per person? This is not poison we are taking, it must be that if we drink too much water, the medicine will become less powerful, otherwise why would they not Give?"

Gu Yuelan replied: "Yes, I see the same reason, don't embarrass Sister Xuan. At least that girl looks at Sister Xuan a little bit now, maybe it will be better for us. If she also hates If we lose Sister Xuan, then we are really finished."

After speaking, everyone said a few more words, and then closed their eyes.

The whole day was in a state of nervous tension, and after taking the medicine, everyone was a little sleepy, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Listening to everyone's sleeping breathing, and feeling that Gu Yunxuan was also fast asleep, Yin Ziying flashed into the space with a thought.

As soon as she came in, she was baptized by the breath in the space, and she didn't feel uncomfortable all of a sudden.But she still went to the Lingquan and drank several mouthfuls of Lingquan water.

Feeling a sense of relief on her body, she lazily stood up and rummaged for food.

Fortunately, she put a lot of food into the space before, after searching for a while, besides fresh ingredients, there are also many ready-made foods.

Yin Ziying used to use this place as a refrigerator before, so there is a small area in the space for ready-made food.

After such a search, there are all kinds of steamed buns, dumplings, and steamed buns. More importantly, I haven't finished eating the stewed pork that I made in the village before.

There are even pots, pans and pans that she bought when she was in the county seat, but it's a pity that there is no firewood in the space, otherwise Yin Ziying would have absolutely no problem even if she wanted to make it now.

Fortunately, the space can not only keep fresh, but also maintain the temperature as it was just put in.

Yin Ziying picked some food at random and started to eat. After drinking enough water, she took out a plate of dumplings and a glass of water and put them in the most obvious position.

Gu Yunxuan is not full today, the child must not be hungry when he is young, not only must he be full, but also must eat meat, this dumpling is the most suitable thing.

After preparing these, she washed herself and dried her face, and then she flashed out of the space with a thought.The cave was still dark, but there was a ray of light coming in from the cave entrance.

Yin Ziying didn't take out all the dumplings at once, but took out only one and put her arms around Gu Yunxuan, and then put her hand into Gu Yunxuan's mouth.

Xu was extremely hungry, but even when Gu Yunxuan fell asleep, she subconsciously opened her mouth and bit the dumpling, then she yelled "Ah" as if she was frightened.

Gu Yuelan beside her muttered, "Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night!"

Yin Ziying patted Gu Yunxuan's back lightly and said: "It's nothing, sister Xuan is a little scared, you go to sleep, I will coax her."

As soon as Yin Ziying spoke, Gu Yunxuan woke up, and when she realized that she really had something in her mouth, she wanted to turn around and talk to Yin Ziying.

"Eat it, and move gently." Yin Ziying leaned close to her ear and whispered.

With Yin Ziying's words, Gu Yunxuan didn't care so much, and slowly chewed the food in her mouth.

Seeing that Gu Yunxuan was about to finish eating, another dumpling appeared in Yin Ziying's hand and stuffed it into her mouth. At this time, Gu Yunxuan didn't know whether her sister Ziying got the dumpling or it was filled with meat.

It's just that she didn't ask if she had something to eat, and just ate cooperatively.When Gu Yunxuan was full and drank water, Yin Ziying whispered something into her ear, and then the two fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, everyone in the cave got up very early.

Gu Yuelan sniffed and looked at the crowd and asked, "Did you smell anything? Why do I seem to smell meat?"

Hu Yin on the side smiled and said: "It still tastes like meat. I think you want to eat meat and think about the magic barrier. What kind of meat is there here? It would be good to expect them to give us a meal with meat."

"That's right! I don't know when I can eat a meal with meat. It's fine to be a vegetarian every day, and the amount is not enough. It's really a search."

Yin Ziying shook her head and said, "Just be content with it, I'd rather be a vegetarian. If you really want to eat meat, then it's really a big deal."

If they are still vegetarians, it proves that they haven't found a suitable buyer, so it doesn't matter if they look good or not.

But if a buyer is found, their food will definitely improve in the days before they are sold.

Just like the condemned prisoners were given a good meal before they left, they must have had something luscious for a few days when they were sold.Only in this way can their faces have complexion, and then they can be sold at a high price.

Hearing what Yin Ziying said, Hu Yin and Wu Yingying were silent, while Gu Yuelan who was at the side wanted to refute, but then she also fell silent after listening.

"Miss Ziying..."

While talking, Gu Yunxuan threw herself into Yin Ziying's arms, and Yin Ziying embraced her, then patted her head: "Sister Xuan, are you hungry?"

"No..." Gu Yunxuan originally wanted to say that she wasn't hungry, but after thinking about it, she said, "I'm hungry, and I don't know what to eat today."

Sister Ziying made an agreement with her about what happened last night, so it must be treated as if it never happened.

If the other sisters find out that there is something hidden on Ziying's body that has not been given to them, I don't know how those sisters will treat her and Miss Ziying.

Gu Yuelan smiled and said: "Sister Xuan, that girl sees that you like it so much, maybe you will have more food today, and then you will share half with me!"

Just as he was talking, there was movement in the cave outside, and someone walked in: "It's time to eat."

It was still the woman named A Xing.

After everyone heard this, they hurried towards the low table, like Sister Fang and Sister Man, who hadn't had enough to eat last night, had already sat at the table when they just woke up.

Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan also walked behind the crowd. The medicine in their bodies has been removed now, so this walking posture and so on are all staged.

(End of this chapter)

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