Chapter 290 My father is still alive?
A Xing and the old man looked at each other, then helplessly squatted down and patted A Tao's back: "A Tao, calm down and listen to me carefully."

A Tao moved to the side and cried, ignoring her sister at all. At this time, she was really sad and wanted to vent by crying.

What happened in the past few days really collapsed her worldview, and she couldn't think that the family and friends who were kind to her in normal times were playing the role of demons in others.

Seeing her like this, Elder Sun sighed, and said, "A Tao, do you know why Grandpa did this?"

A Tao's crying stagnated, and then she continued to cry sadly. She was indeed a little curious about why they did this.

In her opinion, this is not necessary, and they can survive without doing these jobs.

When they were in the village before, they didn't do this kind of business. Didn't they live well then?Weren't everyone happy at that time?

"For survival, for us all to live, for your parents, do you understand?"

Elder Sun's voice was mixed with emotion at this moment, as if he was getting older.

But A Tao was stunned when he heard this answer: "In order to survive, Grandpa, even if the harvest of the cultivated land is not good, can't we do other jobs?"

"In this village, what kind of work do you think you can do?"

A Tao sobbed and said: "Selling fish and goods, how beautiful the baskets made by Uncle Tao are! And... Brother Dahu is hunting like this, wouldn't it be okay to let Brother Dahu go hunting in the mountains?"


Elder Sun raised his voice slightly, then looked at A Tao and said, "A Tao, do you still remember your Uncle Niu?"

Uncle Niu?
A Tao had passed this name in her mind. Uncle Niu is a very powerful person. Every time he saw her, he would bring her something, either a grasshopper on the roadside or a small wild flower.

When she was a child, she liked this uncle very much.

"Could it be..."

Old Sun nodded: "That's right, it's what you think. Your Uncle Niu used to be the most powerful hunter in our village. Why did you die as his?"

Speaking of this, his tone suddenly raised:
"Your Uncle Niu was bitten to death by a ferocious beast! Your Uncle Niu died a miserable death! When we went up to find him, his body was gnawed by wild beasts and his bones protruded. And a pheasant!

Why did your uncle Niu die?Isn't it for us to have a bite of meat?When we went up that day, we saw many wolves. If we hadn't been so many and had torches in our hands, we would have died on the mountain long ago. "

Hearing Mr. Sun mentioning this heavy past, the eyes of the men in the room were all red, and Ah Xing even shed tears.

A Tao was stunned. In his memory, Uncle Niu had indeed passed away very early.At that time, she was still young and thought that Uncle Niu died of illness.

Because she remembered that one day everyone in the village was looking for a doctor, and several people went down to look for a doctor, but Uncle Niu passed away before the doctor came back.

She didn't expect that Uncle Niu died in such a miserable way, nor did she expect that there were so many beasts in the back mountain.

Seeing the little girl's pensive look, Elder Sun said again: "You follow your aunts in the village every day, do you know how much the arable land we will develop later? Do you know how many catties of grain are enough for our population? eat?"

A Tao was stunned, and then she said: "How much... how much?"

"The yield per mu of a normal family's field can be 350 catties, but the yield per mu of our land is less than 150 catties. There are 42 people in our village, old and young, and we have to eat nearly ten catties of grain a day. We still need to save food. of.

A Tao, if you were me, how would I support these people?I can't go back to the village, I don't want to find money, what do we eat?Eat grass roots and bark? "

A Tao was stunned, she didn't expect her grandfather, who was always reticent, to say so many heart-to-heart words to her, and she also didn't expect the situation in the village to be so difficult.

But thinking of those innocent girls, she still couldn't help saying: "Then...then we can't treat them like this! We can find other ways..."

Having said that, thinking of Uncle Niu's death, she paused again.

Elder Sun smiled, with a trace of helplessness on his face:
"A Tao, if you don't do this, how much money do you really think we can get by doing juggling? A show costs tens of pennies, and we will do this a few times. People will stop watching when they get tired of it. What can you do? ?”

Seeing that A Tao was about to talk again, he said loudly: "If you don't do this, how can you feed the people in the village if you don't do this? If you don't do this, how can you raise money to get your father out?"

"My father?"

A Tao was surprised, and then a dazzling light flashed in his eyes: "Grandpa, is my father still alive?"

As long as she can remember, she has no parents, she only has her sister and grandpa. Grandpa said that all the uncles and aunts in the village are her parents.

She didn't understand it when she was a child, but she also knew that everyone's parents are different, how could she believe it?
Later, when she grew up, great changes took place in the village, and they moved to the village...

Later, she didn't dare to mention these things anymore.Because at that time, no matter whether it was grandpa or uncles and aunts, everyone was very busy, building a house today and opening up wasteland tomorrow.

Hearing A Tao's question, Elder Sun's eyes were slightly startled, and then he smiled wryly: "If you're alive, how can you not be alive? It's just..."

He didn't continue talking, but half bent over and put his hands on A Tao's shoulders, his eyes looked directly at the little granddaughter:

"A Tao, all my mistakes are my fault. If you want to blame, blame your grandpa! By the way, there is one more thing you need to know."

"What...what's the matter?"

"Don't blame your aunts, it's us men who know about this in the village."

"Then sister why..."

"A Tao, do you still remember where Granny Yu came from?"

A Tao thought for a while, then nodded.

She remembered that her aunts had said that Granny Yu used to be a girl in a rich family.

"Since we have brought people back, it is natural for women to take care of them. Your mother-in-law is one of them, and the other is your sister."

There was a silence in the room, and no one spoke again.

After a while, A Tao said: "I know, so if I hadn't sneaked out with the car this time, wouldn't you have let me know?"

Grandpa and the others didn't plan to bring her when they went out to perform this Qiqiao Festival. It was she who sneaked into the box because she wanted to see the outside world.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would uncover these embarrassing things single-handedly.

Elder Sun was silent, then nodded:
"That's right, I thought, you should be sensible. A Tao, Granny Yu is getting old, and your sister will feel uncomfortable by herself, so you can learn from your sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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