Chapter 291 Today Is An Opportunity?

At this moment, it's hard to comprehend all kinds of feelings in A Tao's heart.

She didn't expect the truth to be like this, but even if they had no choice, could it be considered good?This is also wrong!

However, facing her grandfather's expectant eyes, as well as the eyes of her brothers and sister, she couldn't say anything to refuse.

Seeing her like this, Elder Sun stretched out his hand and patted the little girl's head: "A Tao, besides these, Grandpa will not sell all those people."

Meeting A Tao's expectant eyes, Elder Sun said: "We will also keep those who are useful, A Tao, don't you know? There are doctors in our village."

"Is there a doctor?"

The days went on like this for a few days. There is no doubt that Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan are undoubtedly very difficult in the cave.

But if compared with Gu Yuelan and Hu Yin, the two of them are much better.

After all, the medicines on their bodies have been taken off for the past few days, and even in the middle of the night, Yin Ziying would desert Gu Yunxuan and herself to eat and drink well.

Yin Ziying thought that anyway, now that Gu Yunxuan already knew that she had a secret in her hands, she would simply dip a towel in the space and wash Gu Yunxuan's face every night.

All I have to do is to brush my teeth. Although there is a toothbrush in the space, it is only Yin Ziying who brushes it well in the space, Gu Yunxuan does not.

There is no way, the toothbrush was made by Yin Ziying herself, the movement of brushing teeth is not small, it would be bad if they accidentally wake up other people in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, Ah Xing has been conscientious in the past few days. One day, she asked someone to bring warm water for them to wash their bodies briefly, and then asked them to change into the clothes she brought.

After all, after so many days, if they don't wash, they will definitely stink.

As for Wei Mingxiang, they haven't seen her since the last time they saw her bring back the map.

But what is certain is that the fact that Wei Mingxiang brought the map must not have been discovered, otherwise someone would have found them here long ago.

This day, Gu Yunxuan leaned against the wall and looked at Yin Ziying: "Sister Ziying, I really want to wash my hair! My hair stinks."

Yin Ziying heard the words and patted Gu Yunxuan's head affectionately, thinking that she would come out tonight to wipe Gu Yunxuan's hair with a towel.

In fact, it's not just Gu Yunxuan who is troubled by this, but even herself.In the space, she could take a bath, wash her face and brush her teeth, but she couldn't wash her hair.

After all, we are all under the same roof, so it can't be that all the hair is dirty and oily, and hers is smooth and moist, right?
She doesn't want to be too outrageous.

She secretly regretted that next time someone brought water over, she would use her bucket of water to wash her hair with Sister Xuan.

Anyway, she can take a shower every night in the space, the dirt is only superficial.

However, like this time, she had to expose the space to Gu Yunxuan, knowing that Yin Ziying also made a trade-off.

Although Gu Yunxuan knew there would be risks, Yin Ziying couldn't help but watch Gu Yunxuan starve all the time.

Moreover, in her heart, she also believed that Gu Yunxuan would never tell anyone about this matter.

Hearing Gu Yunxuan's words, Gu Yuelan, who was hiding inside to enjoy the cool air, couldn't help saying: "Sister Xuan, just think about it, whoever brought water over the past two days, now I don't know how many days it will take to deliver water next time!"

Hu Yin on the side said: "Oh, I can't stand myself anymore, I feel my hair has a bad smell, I want to wash my hair too, woo woo woo..."

Everyone was talking, and they couldn't help sighing again. Sitting in the corner, Sister Man said, "But last time, Sister Ziying said that it would be bad for us to wash it up earlier?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent again.

Of course they understood the meaning of this sentence, if one day they ate and drank and dressed up, then they must not be far away from the day when they were sold.

Admittedly, life is very difficult now, and there is no hope for them.But being sold is the real purgatory for them.

Thinking that they were about to be sold into those filthy Qin Lou Chu Pavilions, and what would happen to them, they felt a burst of fear in their hearts.

Everyone was thinking this way, when they suddenly heard the guard outside say: "Sister A Xing, Sister A Tao, why are you here?"

A Xing's voice sounded: "The girls inside haven't washed their hair for a long time, I'll take them to the river to wash their hair."

"Just the two of you? That won't work. What if there are so many people running away? Sister Axing, shall I go with you?"

Before Ah Xing could answer, everyone heard another younger girl's voice:

"No, you can't go and see a woman washing her hair, Brother Rong, you can't follow her!"

"A Tao, why did you talk to Brother Rong?"


In the cave, Yin Ziying's lips twitched when she heard the voice, she remembered this girl.

Perhaps, today is an opportunity?
Regardless of whether you can run away or not, it is always right to go out and have a look at the terrain.

Not long after, Axing and Atao walked in.

Seeing a few people sitting apart, A Xing immediately said: "Get up, I'll take you to wash your hair."

When everyone heard the words, their eyes were a little excited. They all thought the same as Yin Ziying. No matter if they could escape or not, it would be good to go out and have a look.

They have been staying here for the past few days, and only a little bit of the sun will shine in every morning, and they will be stared at by the big man when they go to the entrance of the cave. They have long been tired of it.

Not long after, A Xing and A Tao led a few people out of the cave smoothly.

This is not the first time Yin Ziying has seen the scenery at the entrance of the cave, but she hasn't seen such bright colors for a long time, and her eyes still feel a little stinging.

It's like a person who has adapted to the environment in the dark and is suddenly pulled out of the light or pulled into the sun, he will naturally feel uncomfortable.

She hastily stretched out her hands to cover her and Gu Yunxuan's eyes, and at the same time said to everyone: "First use your fingers to block the light, and slowly let in a little light to get used to it."

After Ah Xing and A Tao who had heard the words came back, A Tao stared at Yin Ziying for a long time, then saw Gu Yunxuan who was holding her hand, and said involuntarily: "I know you."

At this moment, Yin Ziying had already removed her hand from her eyes.

Hearing what A Tao said, she pursed her lips: "I never expected to see the girl here again."

In the past few days, she had a thought in her mind, if she didn't give this little girl more coppers that night, wouldn't it be her and sister Xuan's turn not to be arrested?

After all, what she heard on the first day of her arrival was that they said she had money, so it was conceivable that they were eyeing her money bag.

It's just that it's useless to think about it, and she didn't think about it later, but she didn't expect that she would see this little girl again today.

Although she had heard the dispute between the little girl and the old Sun in the carriage a long time ago, and knew that she might not know it, she couldn't help but slightly mock A Tao at this time.

A Tao is not a fool, how could she not hear the irony in Yin Ziying's words?

It's just that, thinking that after receiving the girl's reward that day, she really said something redundant to tell grandpa, otherwise they wouldn't have been caught here, so she was speechless right away.

(End of this chapter)

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