Chapter 295 Finding a Good Family
At this time, the old village chief looked at the two people on the donkey cart with a smile on his face: "Everyone who comes is a guest, and everyone who comes is a guest, since you are here, you can go to the village to rest for a night!
They are all peasants, and I understand your love for animals.Oh, I think when we first had two donkeys in our village, the whole village cherished them very much. "

A Xing thanked: "If that's the case, then I will trouble the old man."

Big Tiger said:
"Old man, I heard that what you said just now is interesting. Isn't it true? As us farmers, we would rather be sick than that animal. Why does what the old man just said sound different?"

Yo!It sounds like he is here to inquire!The old village chief felt refreshed.

"What's the difference?"

Du Hu sneered and said: "Hehe, it's not that there is any difference, I just heard that the situation in your village is better than before, old man."

Hearing Dug's voice, Ah Xing frowned slightly, and stretched out her hand to pull the shirt on his back without any trace.

Faced with all this, the old village chief seemed unaware.

He stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, not bad, you are very discerning, young man."

"Our village is called Baijia Village. To tell you the truth, life in our village has been better since last year, and it will be even better in the future. Now our Baijia Village has become the first village in our Meishan Town. Why are you fighting? Where did it come from? Have you never heard of it?"

Upon hearing this, Du Hu hurriedly said: "Our village is not in Meishan Town, and we are here because a relative is in Meishan Town. To tell you the truth, we are here to visit relatives this time, and we haven't been here for many years. This is Meishan Town."

"So that's the case, no wonder you haven't heard of our Baijia Village."

The old village chief smiled and looked at the two people opposite him, with an undisguised pride on his face: "You two brothers and sisters are at the right age. When the time comes, our village will recruit workers. You can come and try your luck. The wages are not low."

After finishing speaking, the old village head glanced at the sky and then touched his head in frustration:
"Look at me, I forgot to welcome you in first. Come on, since it is fate that we met today, the little old man still has a house, so we can still let you stay overnight tonight."

Dui hurriedly thanked: "Well, then thank you, old man. Where is your home, old man? How about you get in the car and sit with us for a while?"

The old village head waved his hand: "That's unnecessary, my house is very close, you see, the house in front belongs to my house."

As he spoke, he pointed to his own house not far away, and then smiled and said: "The little old man's house is close to the entrance of the village, and he comes to the village entrance from time to time to have a look. It just so happens that some young people in our village are playing outside. Welcome."

Hearing this, Du Hu and A Xing looked at each other calmly, and then Du Hu said: "Why are there still villagers outside after this is over? Are they working outside?"

"That's not it!"

The old village chief stroked his beard and smiled: "Didn't you just say that we are recruiting workers in our village? Of course, this work is given priority to our village. But wasn't it the begging festival a few days ago? A few girls in our village Thinking about going to the city for a stroll, why don’t I go now.”

"Speaking of which, these girls are also playful. They haven't come back for a few days. They really don't have any money in their hands. If they have money, they will lose it all. When they come back, talk about them."

Du Hu and A Xing looked at each other again, confirming in their hearts that this was the village where the sisters lived.

It's just that they don't seem to have discovered the disappearance of the pair of sisters now?That would be great.

A Xing deliberately showed a look of envy on his face: "Old man, I didn't expect the girls in your village to be like this? It seems that life in your village is indeed much better than ours."

"Damn, that is, the girls' families can be so prodigal, but the boys in our village dare not do this. They have to save their money to marry their own wives."

After finishing speaking, the old village head looked back at A Xing and said with a smile: "Girl, I don't think you are too old, so you must not be married to someone else? If you want, I can help you find a girl in our village. A nice family."

Seeing that the other party turned the topic around to A Xing's marriage, Du Hu hurriedly said: "Old man, look at what you said, how can you give someone a visit just after seeing each other? The parents at home are already paying attention My sister is seeing someone else."

"Young man, don't think that the little old man is meddling in his own business."

The old village head snorted softly, and then said: "I don't know how many young girls in Meishan Town want to marry into our Baijia Village! If it weren't for the beauty of your girl, I wouldn't think so."

Seeing that the old village chief was a little angry, Ah Xing hastily pulled Dahu's clothes again, and then said to the old village chief with a smile: "Old man, you misunderstood, my elder brother is also worried about me."

Along the way, Ah Xing and Du Hu talked to the old village chief from time to time, and the old village chief also smoothly brought people into his house.

Looking at the blue bricks and large tiles in the house, Du Hu and A Xing nodded secretly in their hearts.

It seems that the life of every household in this village is really easy as the old man said, just look at this house.

The old village chief first asked the two to sit down, and then he asked his daughter-in-law to add two dishes for the evening while walking to the kitchen.

"There are guests tonight, remember to fry two more dishes."

"Guest? What kind of guest is here? Dad, is there someone from my mother's house?"

"What are you thinking about! No, let's get ready to eat! By the way, there is still rice at home? Steam a catty tonight, so that our guests can try it too."

In the main room, Duo Hu and A Xing looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

This seems to be right, but it seems not right.

They knew about the rice, it was made from the rice that the woman said, let alone eating it, they had never even seen it.

But they are just people who meet by chance and come to stay for the night, so why do they entertain them with such precious things?
While the two were wondering, they heard a woman's soft voice from the kitchen: "Father, steam a catty? The rice is running out. Didn't Hong say to keep it until August [-]th?" ?"

"You foolish woman, what do you know? You can borrow from other families when you run out of rice, won't our family have it next year?"

"But... Dad, this..."

"Does the family listen to you or to me?"

At this time, the two heard a voice from the east chamber outside the door: "What's the matter? Damn, why are you making dad unhappy?"

The woman's voice was very aggrieved: "I don't have the head of the house. But Dad just said that there are guests and he wants to steam a catty of rice..."

"Steam a catty of rice? Dad, didn't you agree to keep this rice for August [-]th?"

"There are guests here today, and I eat as soon as I say. Besides, isn't it just a day's wages to buy it? You two are so stubborn, don't you think I don't know? Do you want to visit relatives on August [-]th? When is it time to use the family's food to subsidize the mother's family?"

The woman's aggrieved voice came again: "Father, I didn't..."

"Okay, okay! Daddy, calm down, isn't it just a catty of rice, you're right, if you want to eat it, let's steam it."

"Go to the village and buy me half a catty of wine!"

"Father, do you want to drink again?"


(End of this chapter)

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