Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 296 Are you afraid that you are too drunk?

Chapter 296 Are you afraid that you are too drunk?

The sound of the kitchen gradually died down.

In the main room, Ah Xing and Du Hu looked at each other and understood at the same time.

No wonder this happened, it turned out that the old man slapped his swollen face to pretend to be fat.

They still think this old man is kind. Seeing that he treats his family members like this, how good can he treat them?
At this time, Duan was secretly anxious, he had to pay attention to this old man tonight.

Now Duo has made up his mind that the reason why the old man treats them so well is to put on face, and the other is to marry Sister A Xing.

This can't be avoided, he knows how many brothers in the village like sister A Xing.

Besides, they couldn't do without Sister A Xing in their village.The old man must never let this old man play against A Xing's sister, no matter which junior the old man said he married or what.

There was a sound outside the door, and the old man walked in with a smile.

The two of Du Hu hurriedly stood up, and said to the old man, "Old man."

The old village head smiled and waved his hands: "I made you two laugh."

"Where is it, the old man is serious."

A Xing also nodded and said: "Yes! Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, so don't worry about it, old man."

"That's a good point, that's a good point! Little girl, what you said is very reasonable. It's not bad to live like our family in the village, but there are too many bad things in it. Come."

Speaking of which, the old village head touched his tears vainly, and then said: "I think my son was not allowed to marry this daughter-in-law when my wife was still there. That's it, it's decided..."

Du Hu listened to it with trepidation in his heart. Could this be the old man's idea of ​​falling in love with Sister A Xing?No wonder he hasn't noticed the hostess of this house since he just entered the door.

At the door of the old village head's house, as soon as the door was closed, the village head's son, carrying a jug, walked quickly towards the old Gu's house.

Uncle Gu was very surprised when he learned that it was from the old village chief's family, but he opened the door immediately when he thought of a possibility.


At the old village chief's house, while eating, the old village chief poured wine for himself and the opposite Duhu while talking.

"Come on, boy, drink!"

Duo didn't want to drink at first, but couldn't stand what sister A Xing said privately just now, so he had to raise the bowl:
"Old man, come on, let's make this bowl!"

"Haha, you kid is really climbing up the pole, you are a wink, it seems that half a catty of baijiu is not enough for the two of us today."

"What is the old man talking about? Just now, I was full after eating the white rice from you. Now drinking some wine is just a sip. But to be honest, old man, your rice here is really fragrant and fragrant. "

The old village chief said complacently: "Of course, these rices are sold for twenty yuan a catty at the rice shop outside."

"Twenty cents a catty? How did that happen? Old man, we didn't bring any money here..."

"Ham, how can I ask you to pay money? Although this rice is not a specialty of our village this year, it will be next year. At that time, other villages will grow wheat, but our village will grow this fragrant rice. Hehe, don't mention the taste. How wonderful."

Hearing that he finally turned the topic to rice, Duo hurriedly said: "Oh? Why did the old man say that? I heard that these rices are all from the south. Where can we grow them in the north? "

"You can't grow it, but our village can grow it."

The old village chief glanced around, and then walked up to Dahu's ear and said, "I can tell you, young man, last year we planted rice in our village. Guess how much rice is produced per mu? It's several hundred catties, enough It is several times more productive than wheat."

After he finished speaking, he sat down with a smile on his face: "Don't think that we can't grow rice in the Northland. It's up to people. As long as you master the right method and meet the conditions, it's not difficult to grow rice."

"This... old man, are you afraid that you are too drunk?"

Duo murmured in his heart, is this true or not?What he said was the same as what the woman said, but is there really such a thing in the world?
The old village chief stared at him immediately: "How could it be? I drink every day, boy, and I never get drunk. It's just a good drink."

After finishing speaking, the old village chief said: "But young man, let me tell you that it is not easy to grow rice, and you have to be able to grow it.

In our village, there is a person who is very good at growing these things, not only rice, but also chili peppers.Our Baijia Village can achieve today's achievements, and she must have contributed a lot. "

Duhu was very excited when he heard that, could it really be that woman?He tentatively said cautiously: "Please tell the old man clearly."

"You kid is so caring, don't you want to steal the teacher?" The old village chief looked at the other party vigilantly.

Dumb hurriedly waved his hands to defend himself: "How come, old man, you think too much, so I just listened to the excitement. Didn't you say that this thing can be done if you want to, it requires both conditions and methods. I don’t understand these things.”

The old village head nodded: "You are right, come on, let me tell you, our village..."

At night, Duo fell asleep beside the old village head's son, while A Xing in the guest room of the old village head's house was tossing and turning.

After thinking for a long time, Ah Xing stood up and went to the window to listen carefully to the movement outside. The summer night was silent, and the sound of cicadas could be heard from time to time.

The whole Baijia Village was in silence. After standing for a long time, Ah Xing went to the window and sat down quietly. He made up his mind that he would go to Meishan Town tomorrow to investigate again.

Although the old man said that after drinking too much, he poured beans out of a bamboo tube, but she didn't believe it.

All of this seemed reasonable, but there was something strange about it. She always felt that it all went too smoothly.

But after thinking about it, I didn't find any other abnormalities, so I just let it go. In short, half of the information was obtained.

Since the old man said so decisively, he would be able to find out some tricks outside this village.


The next day, when the sky was bright, Du Hu and A Xing were in a hurry to leave.

However, when they opened the door and found that there were carriages going back and forth at the entrance of the village from time to time, their faces froze at the same time.

Who are these people?

Why are you here?

Did you come here specifically to wait for them?

Before the two of them could react, they heard the old village chief behind him say: "Hey, you guys came so early today? Have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, do you want to come to my house to eat?"

"Lao Li, I've eaten, don't be so busy, our restaurant is out of stock, so hurry to get it!"

"That's all right, remember to come to eat later! I promised to have a drink last time, but I haven't had it yet!"

"Don't worry, I remember it!"

Seeing the old man who came to say hello to the old village chief go away, Duo asked: "Old man, why are there so many horses and horses in your village so early in the morning?"

The old village chief chuckled, didn't he think to avoid your eyes and ears?Otherwise, why don't we walk to the town at night to find the shopkeeper of Cuixian Tower for help?
Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't show it on his face: "Young man, didn't I tell you yesterday that our village has more than one income besides rice?

Hahaha, there are workshops in our village.The one just now was the steward of Cuixianlou Restaurant, who came here specially to get the goods.

By the way, aren't you going to visit relatives?Go ahead, just walk along the road they came from just now. If you are afraid that you don't know the way, you can wait for the people in Cuixianlou, and they will go to the town. "

(End of this chapter)

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