Chapter 302
Yin Ziying sneered in her heart, she said why!It turned out that the idea came here.

She thought about it for a while before she nodded: "So you have already gone to inquire, so I'll just say it, our village is really good, and it's true that the neighbors are envious.

There are workshops in our village, as well as farming, which is well-known in Shili Baxiang.In order to show my sincerity, I would also like to teach you how to build a greenhouse in our village. "

"Greenhouse? You think beautifully! Where is that thing worth in summer?"

Granny Yu crossed her hips and looked at Yin Ziying below. Judging from her years of experience in reading people, this little girl is definitely not someone to be fooled with.

I guess I'm still pretending to be stupid with them!

Yin Ziying shrugged her shoulders with an innocent face: "I don't quite understand what this mother-in-law said. I'm just a farmer, and that's all I can do, so what else should I do?"

"Don't tell the truth? Don't you have a vermicelli workshop in your village? Think we don't know?"

It really is for this!
Yin Ziying sneered inwardly, with a trace of surprise on her face: "Of course I know, is there any problem?"

"Since you are so good at farming in your village, I'm afraid your status will not be low, so you must know how to get the vermicelli?"

"I do not know."

"You don't know? You lied!"

Yin Ziying sneered:
"Why am I lying? If I, Yin Ziying, change my name or surname, do I need to lie? Ever since I told you, A Xing girl, that I know how to farm, I haven't told a single lie!
Although I am from Baijia Village, do I have to know how to make sweet potato vermicelli?Those things are all made in the workshop. I am obsessed with farming, how can I enter the workshop? "

She is not lying, she has never worked in a workshop, and she is indeed obsessed with farming.

But listening to Granny Yu's words, I thought that the news they went there to investigate was not accurate enough, otherwise they would not stab her like this at this moment, but said that the workshop was created by her in the first place.


Granny Yu and Elder Sun looked at each other, and then continued to look at Yin Ziying: "You really don't know how the vermicelli in the workshop are produced? You are so important in the village, did no one tell you?"

"This... Of course, it's not that no one told me, but our village head wanted me to learn when the workshop was short of people. I'm lazy, so I didn't go."

"Then have you ever heard of how to make those sweet potato vermicelli? You live in the village, so you must have heard of some steps, right?"

Yin Ziying shook her head hastily: "You are wrong. The first workshop in our village has to sign a non-disclosure agreement when they enter. Even if they do, they dare not say it. Of course I don't know."

snort!Just bite to death I don't know, what can you do to me?Yin Ziying snorted coldly in her heart.

This group of people keep saying that they only do flower making for a living, but these calculations are bang bang, do you really think she is a fool?
Now she is very confident, even if the people they go to inquire about are not found by the village, since these people believe that she can grow rice, they will not easily touch her.

At this time, Elder Sun spoke.

"Miss Yin, I'm sorry, we thought too much, please don't mind, it's true that we didn't think carefully about this matter."

"Old Sun, how could you..."

Elder Sun ignored Granny Yu, but said to A Xing: "A Xing, you take Miss Yin to pick up her younger sister and send her to the yard first."

Seeing Yin Ziying going out with A Xing, Granny Yu was dissatisfied and said: "Old Sun, you clearly know that what the woman said must be a lie, why didn't you expose her?"

She has seen people for so many years, and she has never had any troubles. Although this girl Yin looks innocent in front of her, just by looking into her eyes, you can tell that she knows a lot.

But this woman actually pretended not to know anything in front of them, how could she not be angry?

"What are you in a hurry for? I've said it all. This woman is different from ordinary people. We want to influence her."

Granny Yu curled her lips, probation?You can pull it down!

She would have believed it if she said she was influenced before she had seen this woman, but after today's scene, she was determined not to believe that woman could influence her!

Does this look like a person who can be rounded and flattened by them?I'm afraid I don't know how many small ninety-nines I have in my heart!

"Believe it or not, this woman does look different from other women, she is even lying to us, but she also has weaknesses."

"Didn't you say you can't do anything to that child?"

"Who said we're going to do it?"

A hint of deep meaning flashed in Sun Lao's eyes. The woman didn't seem to be the kind of person who believed their words easily, but she still had weaknesses.

Since she is so soft-hearted towards her sister, and she is so determined to be addicted to farming, maybe seeing their daily life will be affected, right?
For the moment, he decided to do nothing.

At this time, Yin Ziying had followed A Xing back to the cave, Gu Yunxuan was very happy to see her back, and rushed forward.

On the other hand, Gu Yuelan and the others looked at her with curiosity and scrutiny, and none of them took the initiative to talk to her.

With Ah Xing watching, Yin Ziying couldn't take the initiative to say anything to them, she just sighed in her heart, but because of a few words before, this small group fell apart so quickly.

But thinking about it, since she, Gu Yunxuan and Wei Mingxiang are all free, they are considered traitors in their eyes.

It's just that, in the hearts of these few people, she is probably even more hateful than Wei Mingxiang. After all, Wei Mingxiang came back with a topographical map.

Thinking of this, her heart moved. In order to prevent these people from making hasty decisions, why not leave the topographical map behind?

Anyway, she had already copied that picture in the space, and it was much clearer than the one that Wei Mingxiang brought back last time.

However, under Ah Xing's nose, there seems to be no chance?
"Okay, let's go!"

A Xing's voice was faint, once she entered this cave, her complexion was different from before.

"Sister Ziying, are we leaving? Where are we going?" Gu Yunxuan tightly hugged Yin Ziying's waist, her eyes filled with worry.

Yin Ziying patted Gu Yunxuan's head pityingly: "It doesn't matter, sister Xuan, you have been following me!"

Gu Yunxuan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that she could follow Yin Ziying.

On the other side, when Yin Ziying said that they were going to take Gu Yunxuan with them, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

The most obvious ones are the two children, Sister Man and Sister Fang.After Yin Ziying helped them wash their hair when they went to the river to wash their hair last time, the two have become quite dependent on Yin Ziying.

Now that Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan heard that they were leaving, both of them looked aggrieved and even wanted to cry.

Seeing this, Yin Ziying let go of Gu Yunxuan and took a step towards the place where the two were: "Sister Man, Sister Fang, you two don't cry, you have to be obedient here, you know?"

"Woooo! Sister Ziying, don't leave, okay?"

Sister Man was the first to reflect. She tried her best to get up and ran towards Yin Ziying, but halfway she staggered and almost fell.

Yin Ziying quickly stepped forward to support her, and put her arms around Sister Fang who was walking by.

A Xing, who was standing aside, looked at this scene and wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, she didn't say anything.

"You two listen carefully to the words of your sisters. Do you hear me? Don't be afraid to wash your hair next time."

Hearing Yin Ziying say to wash their hair, the two of them were even more sad, and they both burst into tears.

"Woooooo, sister Ziying, why are you leaving if sister Wei wants to leave? Wuwuwu, sister Ziying, I'm afraid."

"Sister Ziying, can you take me with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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