Chapter 303 There is no pen and paper here

Yin Ziying turned her head and glanced at A Xing, then her eyes were full of embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Sister Man, Sister Fang, please be good."

Seeing the two of them crying, Yin Ziying really felt a little distressed in her heart.

These two children are only about the same age as Gu Yunxuan, and it is considered sensible to be arrested at such a young age and not cry a lot.

If it wasn't for worrying about her space being discovered, she would have thought about feeding the two children something in the middle of the night.

The lack of food for the past few days can be clearly seen, and the two children's chins, which were not round before, are now even more pointed.

While patting the backs of the two of them, she used her body to block her movements, and with a thought, she stuffed the topographical map in the space into Sister Man's hand.

Then, without waiting for Sister Man to speak, she continued to exhort: "You guys are so good, if I have a chance, I will come back to see you, you have to listen to what my sisters say, you know?"

A Xing's voice came: "Okay, Miss Yin, it's almost done."

"okay, I get it."

Yin Ziying nodded, then patted the backs of the two children reassuringly, and then stood up.

When she followed A Xing out of the cave, A Xing glanced at Yin Ziying in surprise: "It seems that you are really different, you metabolize that medicine so quickly."

Since the last time she washed her hair, she found that Yin Ziying walked better than others. Later, she gave her some medicine, and she also took it in front of her.

But every time she came to deliver food, she still found that this woman's movements were more agile than others, especially this morning, the steps were basically the same as hers.

Yin Ziying smiled slightly: "Maybe it's because of her extraordinary talent!"

"You're not a doctor, are you?"

Yin Ziying froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Do you think I look like me?"

A Xing pointed to Gu Yunxuan who was standing beside her: "Don't think I can't see it, she always pretends, she is like you, she metabolizes this medicine very quickly."


Yin Ziying smiled, and then said: "Miss A Xing is right, our sisters metabolize the medicine faster than others, and I let her pretend. I am worried that you will continue to drink that medicine for her."

It's medicine is three-point poisonous, although she is pregnant with the Lingquan space, but of course she doesn't want to let sister Xuan drink this thing often.

Ah Xing smiled upon hearing this, but didn't say anything.In her opinion, if she and her sister were like this, she would let her pretend.

"By the way, Miss Yin, although our village is small, there are quite a lot of people. Among them, the people you just met know how you got here. When facing other people, can you stop saying that you are How did you get here?"

Yin Ziying was taken aback for a moment, and took A Xing's words to heart several times before she realized that not everyone in this village is just flirting?
There are also good people among them?

Just like hearing A Tao talking to that old Sun in the cage that day?

Yin Ziying still remembered what she heard in the cage that day. A Tao didn't know what these people were doing, nor did she understand it.

It was also because of this that when she saw Ah Xing leading A Tao over a few days ago, she was slightly surprised in her heart. She didn't expect that other than A Tao, there were people who didn't know.

"Miss Yin?"

"Ah! Oh, of course, I will do whatever Miss A Xing says."

"So, thank you, Miss Yin."


At this moment, in the cave.

Wu Yingying spat: "I didn't expect these people to believe her. What should we do now? There are only a few of us left, and they will definitely not be able to make money."

Hu Yin's face is also a little complicated.

"I didn't expect what Sister Yin said would actually work. It's a pity that I didn't learn anything when I was at home, and I only knew how to embroider."

Gu Yuelan said: "Embroidery is also possible! There are so many people here, so not all of them know how to do it. Since one of them can help with medical treatment and the other can teach farming, then you can go out and teach embroidery, right?"

As soon as the words fell, Hu Yin shook her head.

"Sister Gu, you're thinking too much. Didn't you notice that girl A Xing? Although her collar and sleeves are not obvious, her embroidery is exquisite, better than mine."

Every time that girl A Xing came in, she would stare at her without a trace, so this was also her little discovery.

"Ah? Is that so? I really didn't pay attention."

A few people were talking when they heard Sister Man over there say: "Stop talking, Sister Ziying left something for us just now."


As soon as these words came out, both Hu Yin and Gu Yuelan and Wu Yingying were a little surprised.

Hu Yin hurriedly stood up: "What did you leave behind? How did you leave it?"

Sister Man raised her hand and whispered softly: "Sister Ziying stuffed it in my hand when she hugged us just now. I was about to scream at that time. She patted me and talked again, and I realized it."

In her petite and delicate hands, she held up a piece of well-folded paper.

Several people couldn't help being stunned the moment they walked up to the paper and opened it.

The paper in front of me was not too big, but the things drawn on it were very detailed, including the riverside they went to that day, and it was very realistic.

This painting method is different from the one that Wei Mingxiang sent back last time. How did she manage to draw these things in such a short time after going out?
"Tell me, how did she do it? Sister Wei probably didn't draw it."

Hu Yin nodded: "It really doesn't look like Sister Wei's handwriting, but how did she draw it just now?"

Only Gu Yuelan was surprised: "This is good news! What does that prove? Whether it is Ziying or Wei Mingxiang, they don't really want to obey these people in their hearts. They all want to go out just like we think."

Hearing this, both Hu Yin and Wu Yingying rolled their eyes, what's the matter?

If there is a choice, who would not want to go home?
"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Am I wrong?"

"Yes, it's just nonsense!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, let's take a closer look at the terrain above, and try to write it down in our minds, it will be useful at that time."

Everyone nodded, and then carefully remembered the picture in their hearts.During this period, Wu Yingying also took out the picture that Wei Mingxiang sent back last time for comparison.

The last few sighed.

"Sister Yin is such a great painter, she's so realistic, I recognized this picture right away."

"It contains the road and the river where we washed our hair last time and went to the river, but there is no place where Sister Yin went today. I think this picture may have been drawn by Sister Yin a long time ago."

"How is it possible, how can she draw right under our noses? And she doesn't have pen and paper!"

During this period of time, everyone ate and lived together, and never found Yin Ziying writing.

The point is, there is no pen and paper here.

After learning that Wu Ling came this time purely to save her, Yin Ziying was confused, and then she told Wu Ling about the village.

When Yin Ziying said that she promised to bring A Xing and others down before going down the mountain, Wei Lingyi felt that this woman seemed to be shining.

"Hey, Wu Ling, did you hear me?"

"Of course there is."

"Then do you think this thing is weird? Also, what should these people do?"

There was faint worry in Yin Ziying's expression. These people who participated in the photo shoot were certainly hateful, but the other old and weak women and children did not deserve to die.

If they really want to go up the mountain, they will definitely die.

(End of this chapter)

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