Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 304 I'm afraid I can't have this subordinate!

Chapter 304 I'm afraid I can't have this subordinate!

"Don't worry, someone went up after you came down just now, and they should be able to find them."

Wei Ling said thoughtfully, how could he let go of the person who tied her up?They must be tortured well, even if they died on the mountain, it would be a light mercy on them.

"Don't you think there is something strange about it? Their village is very unusual."

Recalling the differences in this village, Yin Ziying was still a little worried, she always felt that things were not that simple.

Perhaps, they got into big trouble by accident.

Wei Lingyi looked at the woman's slightly frowning brows, and felt a little uncomfortable: "Don't worry about those who write idle things, I will find out."

He didn't want to see her look so tired, she just had to do what she wanted to do, and let him do the rest.

Hearing Wu Ling's words, Yin Ziying smiled, and then solemnly thanked him again.

What happened this time is really due to Wu Ling's credit, otherwise, when she goes out by her own ability, she doesn't know how long she will have to wait!

Wei Lingyi couldn't bear the way she kept seeing her again and again, so he frowned and said, "Okay, it's already dark, don't go back tonight, you and Sister Xuan first rest, I will take you back to Baijia Village tomorrow."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying nodded immediately: "If it's possible, it would be the best. By the way, Shangshan County..."

"Don't worry, I will write to your sisters, and I will send you back tomorrow."

"So, thank you very much."

Seeing Wu Ling's frown, Yin Ziying waved her hands hastily: "In this case, I will go to rest with Sister Xuan first. Wu Ling, you should also rest earlier."


Wei Lingyi beckoned, and Ping An not far away immediately led Sister Xuan forward: "Master."

"Send Miss Yin and Miss Xuan to rest, remember to send someone to guard them."

"Eh! Good!"

Yin Ziying nodded to Wu Ling, turned her head and saw Wei Mingxiang, A Xing and others, and then walked over.

After listening to her, A Xing and A Tao bowed solemnly to Yin Ziying: "Miss Yin, thank you."

Yin Ziying hooked the corners of her lips: "Don't thank me in a hurry, even if they are all safe and sound, they will not be relieved of the blame they deserve."

Looking at Yin Ziying's back, A Xing hurriedly said: "Miss Yin, no matter what, I still want to thank you!"

Hearing this, Yin Ziying's footsteps paused, but she didn't stop.


Even though the door was tightly guarded by soldiers, and Sister Xuan's shallow breathing was beside her, Yin Ziying still couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

Too many things happened today, she was very sleepy and exhausted, but she also raised all her mind to deal with it.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered that it was Wu Ling's hug that just came down the mountain, and in an instant, she felt her face and ears were burning hot.

She reached out and touched her face. In the darkness, she silently twitched the corners of her mouth, Wu Ling, what does this mean?Is that what she meant?

But haven't the two been just friends?
For a moment, she thought of the way Wu Ling ran away in the middle of talking to her last time.Thinking about it this way, it seems that she can really see some clues from it.

However, people like her and Wu Ling are people from two worlds after all.

Yin Ziying didn't think about whether she was suitable to be with Wu Ling, because she didn't dare to think about this topic in depth.

It was late at night, and Yin Ziying was as upset as she was, and fell asleep after repeated tossing and turning.

On the other hand, after interrogating the villagers who had been chased back from the mountain, Wei Lingyi was in a very good mood.

Without him, after asking this question, he unexpectedly gained something unexpected. These people may be useful to him in the future.

After explaining the matter, Wei Lingyi walked on the path of the cottage, followed closely by Ping An.

After walking a few steps, Wei Lingyi suddenly asked, "Where does she live?"

Ping An was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized who Wei Lingyi asked who she was, and he immediately responded:

"Miss Yin lives in the front house. I heard that it happened to be where these people arranged for Miss Yin to stay."

"Well, lead me to have a look."

"Yes, Master!"

Ping An responded, and then walked in front with a low eyebrow. He now understood that his master was in love.

At this time, it is not easy for anyone to speak in front of the master, even the master and wife, but if it is Miss Yin who speaks, maybe it is another matter.

The door of the small courtyard was not closed, Wei Lingyi stopped the guards who wanted to say hello, and then walked into the courtyard lightly.

At this time, without anyone reminding him, he could clearly hear which room her breathing came from.

He didn't go in, afraid that the sound of opening the door would disturb her, so he just took a chair from the other side of the yard and sat down gently.

Ping An outside the door saw this scene and wanted to stop it, but was scared away by his eyes.

Ping An shrinks his head, thinking silently in his heart.

Alright alright!Anyway, the master has practiced martial arts for many years, and it is impossible to get sick after being exposed to the dew this night. The master can stay in the yard for as long as he wants!
Wei Lingyi closed his eyes, leaned on the chair and listened to the sound coming from inside the room, breathing lightly. The moment he heard the woman breathing, he felt that all distracting thoughts in his heart were gone.

As for Yin Ziying inside the door, she didn't know that there was a door god guarding her outside her room throughout the night.

On the other side, in the largest yard in the village.

Seeing the scratches on Sun Lao and the others, Ah Xing and the others were crying non-stop. Just before, they thought it was a farewell.

Elder Sun patted Ah Xing's shoulder, and there was a sense of relief in his voice: "Okay, okay, don't cry, what happened just now? Tell me quickly."

Ah Xing wiped away her tears, and then told the whole story of what happened just after she went down the mountain.

When he heard Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi embracing each other, Elder Sun said with emotion: "I didn't expect that Miss Yin to be so secretive that she married such a master."

It's no wonder she dared to say that she would save A Xing and the others.

The next day, when Yin Ziying opened the door, she saw Wu Ling outside.

"Woke up?"

For some reason, Yin Ziying always felt that the color of his snow clothes was a bit darker, so she asked out of nowhere, "You've been here all night?"

Wei Lingyi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I just came over from there, those people have already finished their interrogation."

"Oh I got it."

Yin Ziying nodded clearly, and then said: "When do you want to leave? Do you want to eat before going back? What do you want to eat?"

She thought that even if Wu Ling didn't eat it, Sister Xuan would still want to eat it. Aunt Liao didn't have much food at home, but luckily she still had it in her space.

Wei Lingyi raised his eyebrows: "You want to do it?"

"You want to eat?"

Seeing that he didn't deny it, Yin Ziying curled her lips into a smile, and just about to nod, she saw Ping An with shining eyes at the courtyard gate, and couldn't help saying: "Then I'll make more, Ping An hasn't had breakfast yet, right?"

Just as Wei Lingyi was about to deny it, he heard Ping An answer loudly.

"Okay! Thank you, Miss Yin!"

Wei Lingyi's expression froze, this subordinate might not be able to take it!

(End of this chapter)

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