Chapter 308

"Yes, Sister Ziying said, this time I have to thank Boss Wu's family. This time, Boss Wu's family saved us!"


Gu Yunxuan looked at her elder brother in confusion, only to see that his face was a bit ugly, and she was even more surprised at the moment: "What's wrong with elder brother, does this mean that you don't want me and Sister Ziying to come back?"

"No, how could it be! Eldest brother is just curious about why Dong Wu's family is with you guys. Sister Xuan, tell elder brother how Dong Wu's family saved you, okay?"

Gu Yunyan squatted down and looked straight into her sister's eyes, but her heart was in turmoil.

If he still cared so much about that woman after he had awakened the identity of Mr. Wu's family, would it be detrimental to him?
Although the woman has not done anything against him so far, her existence itself is a variable.

"Brother wants to know this! It's like this. We heard the sound of horseshoes in the stockade last night, and then the people in the stockade wanted to drag us up the mountain. Finally, when we were on the mountain..."

Hearing Gu Yunxuan tell what happened yesterday, and hearing Gu Yunxuan say that Dong Wu's family led troops there, Gu Yunyan's heart is sure.

That Mr. Wu's family was the one he was looking for, otherwise he wouldn't have changed from the original Mr. Cuixianlou to Mr. Wu's family who could lead soldiers and horses to find people.

The development of things was not in line with his imagination, and he was even more surprised that his son was not prohibited from associating with country girls.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yunxuan made him even more terrified: "Brother, are you really not going? Wu Dong's family is amazing, and I think Wu Dong's family likes sister Ziying."


Lu Xiuyu and Gu Yunyan exclaimed in unison.

Gu Yunxuan glanced at her elder brother, then at Lu Xiuyu, then curled her lips and said, "My sister Ziying is beautiful and smart, it's normal for Master Wu to like her."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and patted her eldest brother on the shoulder lightly: "Brother, don't be sad, sister Ziying is very good, but you don't like sister Ziying, and sister Ziying doesn't like you either, we all understand !"

Gu Yunyan only felt that his throat was tight, and he managed to suppress his emotions before he said: "Sister Xuan, who told you this?"

Gu Yunxuan's big eyes rolled around, and she wanted to say that it was Brother Ping'an who said it, but thinking of what Sister Ziying said this morning, she changed her words when she was on the verge of speaking.

"Nobody said it! I guessed it, otherwise why did Dong Wu's family come to rescue us when we were so far away? I heard from my uncle that this kind of thing should go first by the government. This time, Dong Wu's family is faster than the government!"

Gu Yunyan's heart sank!
Yes, that's right, he said something was wrong.

That Wu Dong's family, no, it's Wei Lingyi, he has already recognized his ancestors, why should he help rescue that woman with such a high status?
It's just because he fell in love with that woman!This is the difference from the previous life!

In the previous life, Wei Lingyi didn't have any favorite women until he became famous. At that time, how many big families in Beijing wanted to stuff their own girls into the Zhennan Palace!

And Lu Xiuyu on the side looked extremely ugly at this time, she didn't like that woman Yin Ziying in the first place.

Now I heard that after Yin Ziying reconciled with Gu Yunyan, there is Wu Dong's family who climbed up the Cuixian Tower, how can he be happy at this moment?
It's just that if she's not happy, she's not happy, her eyes are still fixed on her fiancé Gu Yunyan who is squatting on the ground.

My mother said before, men eat what's in the bowl and think about what's in the pot, but she wants to see what this man is like.

Seeing that no one spoke for a long time, Gu Yunxuan shook her elder brother's hand.

"Brother, do you really not want to go and have a look? If you don't, then I'll go home. Sister Ziying said, I'm going to cook something delicious for me today."

After regaining consciousness, Gu Yunyan shook his head, stretched out his hand to touch his sister's face, and said with a smile: "Okay, big brother won't go, and your sister Ziying is not happy if I go, you can eat yours!"

Gu Yunxuan also thought about it: "Oh! That's fine! Then I'll go back first, brother, I'll come to see you later!"

Seeing Gu Yunyan rejecting Gu Yunxuan flatly, Lu Xiuyu felt a little bit of irony in her heart.

However, when she saw that Gu Yunyan was still frowning, she was still a little dissatisfied.

She turned around and found a table to put down the tray in her hand, and then looked at Gu Yunyan who was squatting in the yard with some taste and spoke.

"Brother Yan is like this, but you want to see Yin Ziying? If that's the case, why did you reject Sister Xuan just now?"

Gu Yunyan was thinking about Wei Lingyi, how could he hear what Lu Xiuyu said?
It wasn't until Lu Xiuyu repeated it a second time that Gu Yunyan came back to his senses: "What did sister Xiuyu say? I was just thinking about something else."

"Thinking about something? Thinking about something? I look at you because I still have feelings for Yin Ziying."

Gu Yunyan was a little helpless: "I only had a relationship with her in name, so what kind of affection can I have? Sister Xiuyu, don't think too much, okay?"

Seeing him like this, Lu Xiuyu bent her lips: "That's good, since sister Xuan has been found, then you don't need to worry about her. The most important thing is to prepare for the exam."

Gu Yunyan nodded: "Sister Xiuyu is right. Sister Xuan has been found this time, and I really feel relieved a lot."

As for the preparation for the next exam, in fact, there is no need to prepare much. The memory of his previous life is extremely clear, and he still remembers the autumn that changed his fate.

"Then drink the soup soon and see if you like it. If you don't like it, I'll make it different tomorrow."

"As long as it's made by you, I like it, but it's too expensive, sister Xiuyu, I think it's still..."

Lu Xiuyu's eyes were foggy: "Didn't Brother Yan say before that he would marry me after the autumn? Don't you count this time?"

"Of course it's counting!"

Lu Xiuyu raised the corner of her mouth, "Then I'll wait! Don't say whether it will cost you money or not. If you think it will cost you money, then you should study harder and don't let me down."

For a moment, Gu Yunyan was deeply moved. He knew that he would definitely pass the exam, but sister Xiuyu was not.

"Don't worry! Sister Xiuyu, after the Qiu Wei Zhongju is over, I will definitely marry you in."

"Drink your soup quickly."

Seeing Gu Yunyan scooping up soup in his hand but still dazed, Lu Xiuyu's heart sank even more.

It's all like this, and she said that she doesn't care about Yin Ziying, mother is right, men just eat what's in the bowl and think about what's in the pot.

But thinking about what Gu Yunxuan said just now, it seems that Dong Wu's family has taken a fancy to Yin Ziying. Thinking about it this way, is it good news?

Lu Xiuyu twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling a little mocking and a little resentful in her heart, obviously Yin Ziying and that woman had already divorced, why did Boss Wu still fall in love with her now?

Obviously she has disappeared, her reputation...

(End of this chapter)

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