Chapter 309
Thinking of this, Lu Xiuyu's eyes lit up.

Nowadays, many people in the village don't know that Yin Ziying is lost if she hasn't come back for such a long time. If she spreads the news, what will the villagers think of her?

Gu Yunyan didn't notice the strangeness of Lu Xiuyu next to him. At this moment, all his thoughts were on the relationship between Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi.

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels depressed. If this is the case, the relationship between Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi is getting closer. Doesn't this mean that the variable Yin Ziying is going out of his sight?

Will the emergence of variables make things go differently from the previous life?What has happened so far that is different from the previous life?

It’s okay if you don’t think about it, the more you think about it, the more frightened Gu Yunyan becomes. Yin Ziying was already dead when he came back in his previous life, and Wei Lingyi was found by Zhennan King several years later. What will happen after that?
In the courtyard of the Gu family, the two were thinking about things with evil intentions. In Yin's house over there, in the study, Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi were sitting opposite each other.

"Ziying, it's probably these things, so if those people come over next, I'll trouble you to help me arrange them."

Seeing that Yin Ziying did not answer, Wei Lingyi added another sentence: "Don't worry, the details of these people are not limited to this, and I will continue to investigate the rest. Even if the people from back then were really found out, I will definitely not treat you have an impact."

Yin Ziying shook her head: "That's not what I mean, of course I'm willing to help you. It's just that, Wu Ling, you've got involved in these officialdoms, you..."

She wanted to be caring and remind one or two, but she felt that something was wrong, so she couldn't help but shut up.

Although he only spoke half a sentence, Wei Lingyi could still hear her concern, he curled his lips and looked at the woman opposite: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Actually, you don't have to work so hard, Wu Ling, what I mean is, now that your business is doing well, and you have a close friend like Jiang Chuan, it may not necessarily be a good thing for you to get involved in the officialdom."

Hearing her explanation, Wei Lingyi became more and more happy. He wanted to tell her his identity as soon as he opened his mouth.

But thinking that she didn't like it too much, she changed her words: "Don't worry about me, I have a chance to protect myself, Ziying, I promise, one day I am here, I will protect you and everything you have. Those who want to keep safe."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying was startled, and when she raised her eyes, she happened to meet his pair of slightly lingering eyes.

Perhaps his gaze was too hot, and Yin Ziying unconsciously looked away for a moment.

She nodded in a panic: "So, thank you very much. Don't worry, I will make arrangements for them when they come over, and it won't disrupt your plan."

"There are a lot of people here today, and the kitchen is a bit busy, so I'll cook first."

After speaking, she left the study as if fleeing.

Seeing her leave in a panic, Wei Lingyi's eyes flashed with annoyance, he blamed him for talking too much just now, he must have scared her.

He sat on the chair in a daze, but his thoughts drifted to the distance. Sister Xuan's milky words in the morning suddenly woke him up.

He... likes her?The anxiety, panic, and remorse and self-reproach after her accident, he had never appeared at the same time in this life.

He was worried about what danger she encountered outside, and it was because of her that he was willing to admit his identity.

So, he likes her, yes, he likes her!At this moment, Wei Lingyi was extremely sure of his thoughts.

But what if you like it?

He likes her, but she doesn't necessarily like him. For a woman like her who is indifferent to fame and wealth, would she like to have the status of the son of the Prince of Zhennan?

If he was just Wu Ling, there might still be a possibility between them, but their identities now...

Wei Lingyi stretched out his hand and pinched his eyebrows, feeling heavy in his heart.

I don't know when Yin Ruilin and the others came back from the outside, even in the study, I could hear the boy crying, followed by the woman's gentle comforting sound.

Wei Lingyi couldn't help but think of the woman's eyes that she had looked away in a panic just now, allowed, she was also interested in him?
In the living room, looking at Yin Ruilin who was crying with tears and snot in her arms, Yin Ziying also felt a little emotional.

"Woooooo, big sister, I miss you so much! Big sister, woooooo..."

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, you are a boy, how can you cry like this? Didn't I come back!"

"Big sister, woo woo woo, next time you go to play, be sure to take me with you. I'm a man, and I will protect you."

"Okay, okay, you are a man, you are a man, let's stop crying!"

Even Gu Yunxuan couldn't help but said: "Brother Lin, don't cry, I don't cry, what a big deal!"

"Sister Xuan, woo woo woo, I thought I'd never see you again in this life!"

After finally getting Yin Ruilin to lean towards Gu Yunxuan, Yin Ziying looked at Gu Yunrui and Gu Yunxian who were following behind Yin Ruilin.

At this moment, both of them looked at her with red eyes.

"Sister Ziying, it's good that you're fine."

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, you are back from leave today? Didn't it affect your studies during this time?"

Gu Yunxian nodded: "It was Uncle Li who told us just now, sister Ziying, don't worry, we listen to your husband very much in the private school."

"It's good that it's okay, all right, talk to Sister Xuan, and I'll go to the kitchen to get you some food."

Watching Yin Ziying walk into the kitchen, Gu Yunxian, Gu Yunrui and others pulled aside Gu Yunxuan who was hugged and crying by Yin Ruilin and carefully asked what happened.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Yu was busy with work. When she saw Yin Ziying coming in, she hurriedly waved her hands: "Ziying, what are you doing here? These kids miss you so much, you can talk to them outside!"

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "There are so many people eating at noon, where can I not come?"

"You child, you still see outsiders like this. Come on, we happen to be in the kitchen, and you tell your auntie, you haven't suffered outside, have you?"

Yin Ziying was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and shook her head: "Don't worry, Auntie, sister Xuan and I are safe, and we haven't suffered any grievances."

"That's good, that's good, tell me what's going on."

Yin Ziying said while fiddling with the work in hand: "Actually, we were watching a juggling troupe that day, and then the fire ring on the juggling troupe rolled down."

"That's right, that's right, I know this, that's what Gu Laosan told us when he came back, and what else? Just taking advantage of the chaos at that time..."

Yin Ziying shook her head: "No, auntie, Pai Huazi is actually those people from the juggling troupe. When the fire circle came down, I turned around and told them to go out quickly.

I led Sister Xuan to follow, and then I felt that my head was being held, and a veil with a smell was covering my mouth and nose..."

Yu shi shed tears while listening, and even patted her thigh bitterly.

"These goddamned pampers are still doing this kind of trickery. Fortunately, you and sister Xuan are fine. By the way, Ziying, since this matter is clear now, you don't have to go Is it the government?"

(End of this chapter)

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