Chapter 311 The Luckiest is Sister Yin

"How many of them? What do these people do? What's the relationship with Mr. Wu's family?"

"Yeah, Ziying, do these people come to our village to live or what? Could it be that they want to settle in our village?"

Since their Baijia Village has a workshop, I don't know how many people want to settle in their Baijia Village!
Therefore, upon hearing Yin Ziying's words, the old village head thought that Wu Ling was someone under his command who wanted to settle in Baijia Village.

"How can it be, Grandpa the village chief, if it is really Wu Ling's people, how can they come to our village to settle down? You people just live in our village temporarily, they are useful to Wu Dong's family, I don't know anything else gone."

Everyone thought about it, if it is true that Wu Ling's subordinates need to settle in their village?

"Then Ziying, how many people are there in total? Those who can eat and live..."

"Come here with a few girls who are about my age, the rest should be children, with enough food and shelter..."

Yin Ziying thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Is the new workshop completed? Just let those girls follow along to work."

She definitely doesn't support idle people here, so many people can exhaust her to death just by cooking every day, since they are useful to Wu Ling, let them support themselves!

As for whether they would run away, Yin Ziying had worried about it before, but Wu Ling said that it was impossible for them to run away, so there was no need to worry about it.

Uncle Gu couldn't help but said: "Ziying, what do you mean, these people will be given places to enter the workshop? Then you are not afraid..."

The old village head interrupted: "Jing Yun, what are you talking about? Can people under Wu Dong's family still do that kind of thing?"

"But Master Wu's family has a big business, wouldn't that be easier..."

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Uncle, don't worry, what you are worried about won't happen. If you want to get involved in this business, Mr. Wu's family has already mentioned it to me."

"That's right, Ziying already said that, besides, Dong Wu's family has just rescued Ziying and sister Xuan, so what if you really learn it?"

"Okay, uncle, grandpa of the village chief, don't worry, just let them learn some superficial things. These people don't know what will happen in the future, maybe they will become our village."

"What? Became from our village? No way?"

"Ziying, what's going on?"

Yin Ziying shook her head, but she didn't say anything. Seeing this, several people didn't ask any more questions, but they all thought about going to see those old houses in the village.

Since the beginning of spring this year, many people have built new houses. This is all due to the work in the workshop and the greenhouse in the village.

Not to mention, there are still quite a few houses in the village now!
At the same time, a carriage wobbled to the gate of Shangshan County.

Listening to the bustling noise outside, the girls in the carriage looked very excited, which was too difficult for them.

"We're finally back!"

"Yeah! And this time I don't need to go to the government, so I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing!"

"Sister Wu, what are you doing there? It's been so long..."

A voice sounded from the corner: "It's okay, I'll go back with her first, I'm a doctor."

"In my opinion, it may not be useful for you to be a doctor, but this time you were tied up by Pat Huazi along with us."

Hu Yin couldn't help but said, "Sister Gu, what are you talking about!"

Gu Yuelan stuck out her tongue: "I'm not telling the truth. Even if Miss Wei is a doctor, what she says now is not credible. If you don't believe me, go back and try."

In the corner, Wu Yingying's face darkened, with a look of sadness on her face.

She has a marriage contract, and the other party is her cousin. If this hadn't happened, she would marry her cousin soon.

But this time she lost such a big thing, even if the family wanted to hide it from her cousin, she probably couldn't hide it from her cousin. After all, the two families have been moving frequently.

In this era, women's reputation is so important, she can imagine what will happen to her aunt and cousin who were so satisfied and pleasing to her eyes before this time.

Hu Yin said tentatively: "Why don't we hire another female doctor besides Sister Wei?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Yingying's face turned even paler. If it was Wei Mingxiang who went back with her, it was to prove it.

But if another female doctor is invited, it will be a physical examination, and the woman who has had the physical examination...

Wei Mingxiang patted Wu Yingying's shoulder: "Forget it, let's go back and try first, in case all these worries are unnecessary!"

The next moment, the guard's voice sounded outside: "Sister Man, your home is here."

When Sister Man heard this, she was overjoyed, and she was about to go out in a hurry, and several people urged her.

"Sister Man, you have to listen to your family when you go home in the future!"

"Sister Man, go back! Come and play with me when you have time!"

Hearing this, Hu Yin patted Gu Yuelan next to her again.

In fact, everyone knew that these were just words, as if they had experienced such an experience, it was absolutely impossible for them to play together again in the future.

Don't say it's just for fun, I'm afraid they will avoid suspicion when they meet from now on, otherwise they will think of such encounters when they meet.

Gu Yuelan curled her lips: "I'm serious. You all know the address of my home. If you want to find me to play in the future, go there. My family members are naturally welcome."

Seeing the people in the carriage getting off one by one, only Hu Yin and Gu Yuelan were left in the end.

Gu Yuelan giggled and said: "Sister Hu, it's no wonder the two of us hit it off so well, so we live in the same alley."

Seeing her heartless appearance, Hu Yin shook her head: "You girl is so heartless, you don't have to worry about going home in the future..."

"My parents only have me as a girl, even if they want me, it's impossible.

Sister Hu, I'm serious, if you are bored then, remember to come and play with me.Don't think that I don't understand anything, after this experience, the former friends may not be easy to communicate with..."

Hearing this, Hu Yin's face was also a little disappointed: "Who said no! Speaking of it, the luckiest one is Sister Yin, who would dare to say no to the adult who came to pick her up in person?"

"That's right! Ziying is a formidable person, and I hit her off the most. When the time comes, I will find an opportunity to play with Ziying."

Hu Yin shook her head and said, "You don't even think about it, even if you want to find Sister Yin, she doesn't necessarily want you to go."

"Who said that, Ziying said, when the time comes, you can find her if you want to play, I will definitely go and see it.

Coincidentally, I remember that there seemed to be a maid in our mansion who belonged to that village, so I went back and asked my mother, but I can go there after a while. "

At this time, a voice came from outside: "The Hu family has arrived."

When Hu Yin saw it, she nodded to Gu Yuelan, opened the curtain and got out of the car.

At the same time, in the capital.

In a luxurious mansion, the middle-aged man was blowing the tea in his hand and looking at the kneeling attendant in front of him, he asked after a long while.

"What's the news from Qinan Mansion? Have Wei Ting and the others come back?"

"Master, I received the news that their family of three is preparing to come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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