Chapter 312

Hearing this, the man's face broke into a sneer: "I didn't expect Wei Ting's son to be in the Qi Nan Mansion. If I had known about this earlier, how could he still have the chance to recognize his relative?"

Such bold words, the subordinates naturally did not dare to reply, so they had to kneel down and continue to be quail.

Everyone knew that Uncle Guo Geng Shan and King Zhennan would not deal with it, but no one really dared to say this kind of thing publicly.

"Get Wei Ting and the others back quickly, I can't wait to join them in front of the Holy One."

"Back to the master, yes."

"Yes yes yes, it's your size, you think I don't know, you bastards, if it wasn't for the letter from the prefect of Qi Nan this time, would you know a hammer?

Qinan Mansion has long been our territory, if you report the news earlier this time, will it be possible for them to go to Liangshan to station the general army? "

A teacup was thrown from the man's hand and hit his subordinate's forehead, and the tea mixed with blood flowed down together.

The subordinate didn't dare to refute at all, and just said: "Master, please forgive me, this subordinate is guilty."

"Check! Quickly check for me, what are they doing looking for the commander-in-chief of the Liangshan Station?"

"Yes Yes!"

"Don't hurry up!"

Seeing his subordinates running away without a trace, Geng Shan rubbed his hands on his chest, still feeling puzzled after thinking about it, and smashed out the remaining tea lid in his hand.

There was a slight sound on the screen at the back, and a female voice sounded as clear as a jade stone hitting the ground: "What's the matter, master, why are you losing your temper again?"

Hearing this, Geng Shan didn't lose his temper as before, but turned around with a smile on his face.

"Why is Madam here? If you want to come, don't tell me directly, so that I can go to the Princess Mansion to welcome you."

The woman's temples were hanging high, her head flickered every time she took a step, and there was a trace of disdain on her beautiful face.

"What did you go to the eldest princess's mansion? Do you think my sister has not scolded you enough recently?"

Hearing this, Geng Shan showed embarrassment on his face: "Ma'am, the eldest princess's opinion of me hasn't improved at all?"

"Improve? How do you want to improve?" The woman's voice suddenly rose.

"You know that the eldest princess doesn't like you taking advantage of Concubine Geng's momentum to slander Her Majesty, why don't you listen?"

"What is slander? Concubine Geng and I are also brothers and sisters. How come a few words I said to His Majesty count as slander?"

"You still dare to talk back, and you pretend that I don't know that you have contacted the Qinan Mansion again? Are you afraid that people will not know about your scandal back then?"

Hearing this, Geng Shan's face collapsed: "Ma'am, it's been so long, why are you still mentioning him? You don't have to worry about it now that the prefect of Qi Nan Prefecture belongs to me."

"Why do I mention this? Now that you are in contact with the prefect of Qi Nan Prefecture again, you are not worried about the old incident being brought up, are you? The eldest princess is very dissatisfied with this matter, so you should take care of it yourself."

"So what about the eldest princess? Wasn't it still us..."

The woman's voice suddenly rose: "Geng Shan! Be careful!"

Hearing this, Geng Shan's voice paused, and then he took the woman's hand.

"Ma'am, it's not that you have no name or distinction. Why do you keep following the eldest princess? Although the two of us are not under one person and above ten thousand people in the court, we are almost the same. We always follow the princess." She doesn't look good to me."

"What do you know, no matter how favored Concubine Geng is, she is a woman in the harem after all, no matter how much the Holy Majesty loves Concubine Geng, it is impossible to tell her what he really wants from the bottom of his heart.

But the Eldest Princess is different. The Eldest Princess grew up with the same mother of the Holy One, and the Eldest Princess was so tolerant for the Holy Majesty, and the Elder Princess always believed in the Eldest Princess.

I am by her side, if the Holy Majesty has any news or thoughts on weekdays, we can naturally make plans in advance. "

Hearing this, Geng Shan curled his lips: "Ma'am, I think you are overthinking. How could the Holy One have the intention to hide it from my sister? Now that my sister has given birth to two fat boys for the Holy Majesty, His Majesty naturally loves me more." sister."

Thinking of his stunning younger sister and the two princes whom His Majesty loves quite a lot, Geng Shan felt complacent.

How many people in the court hate him and envy him but dare not offend him easily?Isn't it all because he has a younger sister who is the most favored in Liugong?
"Geng Shan, you were so conceited 13 years ago, have you forgotten what almost happened at that time?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, madam, how long will you stay here this time?"

"Don't be busy, I'll be back in a while."

"It's like this again, ma'am, what do you think? Why do we have to pretend to be at odds when our husband and wife are on good terms? In my opinion, aren't the eldest princess and Xu Fang also on good terms? It's just that our husband and wife are suffering. indivual."

The eldest princess of the dynasty was the eldest princess of Changyue, and she was put together with Xu, the current son-in-law, Guozijian, after she divorced.

To say that Princess Changyue was disgusted with Wei Shihao, the third son of the previous consort Yongningbo's family, Wei Shihao, but now she is with the Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine, Xu put it together, it is a pity for each other.

Apart from having no children, the relationship between the two is very good. I don't know how many people in Beijing are spreading the good talk between the two.

The woman's voice was cold: "Shut up, what you said sounds good. Why didn't I see you deal with the pile of kites and swallows in the backyard? I heard that you went to Cuiyu Pavilion a few days ago."

"Madam, I have already said that as long as you are willing to go back to live in the mansion, I will deal with these women one by one."

"Then you have so many women in your back house, why do you still have to go to Cuiyu Pavilion to find them? Geng Shan, did you do it on purpose?"

The beauty is angry, even if her eyebrows are lightly frowned, Geng Shan is not annoyed, but smiles.

"Ma'am, it's really not true. Don't you know who I am? The reason why I went was just to put on a show for others to see. Your Majesty must be happy to see this side of me."

"Geng Shan, all the faults on your body have become a sieve, do you need to do more?"

"Ma'am, you know, I'm just..."

Before she finished speaking, the woman turned around and stepped over the broken teacup on the ground and went out: "I don't want to tell you this, Geng Shan, if you want a son, you should ask for it earlier, and I won't interfere."

"Ah! Madame, madam!"

Geng Shan strode forward a few steps and did not give up until two guards in armor stopped him.

Looking at the woman's graceful and luxurious back, Geng Shan felt annoyed in his heart, but he couldn't express his temper.

For so many years in Gengshan, there were only two things that satisfied him.One is to fulfill his wish to make his younger sister the favorite of the Holy Majesty, and the other is to marry Wei Ting's former fiancée Princess Ning Le.

It's a pity that heaven failed to fulfill people's wishes. The union between Gengshan and Princess Ningle has only given birth to a daughter for many years, but the son he wanted has been longing for many years but he didn't get it.

Seeing that his daughter was about to get married, how could he not be in a hurry?
He hammered the handle of the chair bitterly, and then called in a subordinate.

"Write a letter to the prefect of Qi Nan. Be sure to show me the people, and don't let them play any tricks."

"Yes, sir."

"Go back!"


(End of this chapter)

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