Chapter 316 We meet again
Seeing her asking about it, Gu Yunliu didn't hide anything, and directly told everything about Yin Ziying's disappearance.

At the end, Gu Yunliu sighed:
"Before we heard that Big Brother Yan meant that the county magistrate didn't want to move because he couldn't find it in the city. But we heard that Mr. Wei lost his temper, which made the county magistrate search the city again.

None of us expected that the last news would come from the village to Mr. Wei, Ziying!Mr. Wei helped a lot this time, you have to thank him very much. "

Yin Ziying nodded: "Of course, I will always remember his kindness, and I will try to repay him."

As for Wu Ling's true identity, Gu Yunliu and the others were actually not clear about it, so Yin Ziying didn't ask in depth.

It's just that she vaguely felt that maybe Wu Ling fell into the officialdom not because of seeking something.

Perhaps, he himself is not necessarily a member of the officialdom.

With this understanding, Yin Ziying immediately dissipated the shameful charm of Wu Ling in her heart.

Once again, she clearly realized that she and Wu Ling were not from the same world.

Soon, she turned to the previous topic.

"I think that doll is very feasible. Don't worry about the specifics. You are responsible for the production. I will tell you when I contact the person."

"Ziying, don't you really plan to find Mr. Wei? If Mr. Wei intervenes in this matter, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

From Gu Yunliu's point of view, since Wei Lingyi has already helped them so much, this kind of business in the mall is even easier.

As long as Yin Ziying talks to him, it is impossible not to fail.

Yin Ziying shook her head: "If I don't look for him, I owe too much, I can't owe any more."

Gu Yunliu thought about it, so he stopped talking, and several people were cooking in the kitchen while discussing the prospect of the doll.

Just when Yin Ziying and the others were about to serve dinner, they heard a door calling from outside: "Excuse me, is this Miss Yin's house?"

Everyone was taken aback, and the old village head said, "Ziying, but those people you mentioned are coming?"

Now the workshop in the village is fully on the right track. Generally speaking, those who come to the workshop to seek cooperation will be guided by a special person and then go to the old village chief's house to wait.

The ones who came directly to Yin Ziying, apart from the previous farmer Mr. Zhou and Jiang Chuan, were Wu Ling and Wu Ling who said they wanted to help a few days ago.

Yin Ziying thinks so too, Wuling has been away for a day, and it is normal for A Xing and A Tao to come here.

She put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands and said to everyone: "You guys eat first! I'll go out and see if it's right."

Sure enough, as she expected, there were three carriages outside the door, and the man Yin Ziying at the head looked a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, it was the person who followed Ping An in the cottage that day.

"Miss Yin, I have sent these people here by the master's order."

When the curtain moved, Ah Xing's face appeared in front of Yin Ziying: "Miss Yin, we meet again."

Yin Ziying praised secretly in her heart, this woman is really different from ordinary people, even if she is under the eaves now, she is neither humble nor overbearing, and has a strong character.

"Are you here? It just so happens that the house has been cleaned up. I'll lead you there in a while. Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, if Miss Yin can have food here, please share a few catties, and we will pay it back in the future."

It seemed that Wu Ling had asked them to tell them her plan, and Yin Ziying was not annoyed, she said to them, "It just so happens that I just made lunch here, let's come down and have some together!"

After all, sooner or later, I will meet Uncle Gu, the old village head and others, and today is also a coincidence.

Hearing this, Ah Xing felt a bit embarrassed: "Miss Yin, is this appropriate?"

She knew very well that her identity and Yin Ziying's identity were on opposite sides, so she didn't know what would happen after all this!

"It's okay, come in, they don't know."

Yin Ziying beckoned, and with Yin Ziying's words, the man in the lead naturally didn't care whether A Xing and the others were willing or not. As soon as the curtain was lifted, the people in the carriage walked down spontaneously.

Obviously, they were all afraid of this man.

Among these people, there were not too many and not too many, and they happened to be the ten people that Elder Sun pointed out that day to go down the mountain with her.

They are A Xing, A Tao, A Mei and several children, both boys and girls.

At this time, the old village head and others from the house also came out to welcome them. They immediately laughed and said, "You are the people under Wu Dong's family, aren't you? Come in quickly, we just cooked a meal, let's eat together."

"Yes, yes, Dong Wu's family has helped us a lot. Don't worry, you can tell me if there is any hospitality in our village."

Among the crowd, everyone's eyes were on A Xing, but at this moment, A Xing was looking at Yin Ziying.

Seeing Yin Ziying nodding her head, she instantly responded with a smile to the old village chief and the others, and then walked into Yin Ziying's house.

Fortunately, Yin Ziying prepared a lot for this meal, and went to Uncle Gu's house to bring a lot of steamed buns, otherwise it would definitely not be enough.

Yin Ziying was a little surprised by how the children who came out of the cottage ate.

Obviously every child is very eager to see the meat, but they only dare to pick up the food in front of them, and eat very carefully.

Come to think of it, they had all been taught by many adults before they came, otherwise it would be impossible.

After the meal, Yin Ziying and the old village head sent the people to the big house specially prepared for them in the village, and told A Xing, A Tao and A Mei that they should get used to working in the workshop in two days. Only then did they turn back together.

On the way, the old village chief asked Yin Ziying while stroking his beard.

"Ziying, don't hide it from my old man, I don't look like the people under Wu Dong's family with all these people here today!"

"Where does the village head grandpa look different?"

"The clothes, the words and deeds don't look the same, and Ziying, have you seen them before? I look at the little girl at the head and look at you from time to time."

Yin Ziying smiled and said: "Grandpa, the village chief, you are too worried. These people were arranged by Wuling before. Now that they are arranged for me, I naturally want to tell them about my existence. Why is it strange that they know about me?"

Regarding the background of A Xing and others, Yin Ziying didn't want to tell the old village chief and others, and she had told Gu Yunxuan early on not to tell her.

Naturally, the tasks Wu Ling entrusted to her had to be done well. If their identities were revealed halfway through, they would definitely be ostracized in the village.

Yin Ziying was even more worried that these things would be spread by people in the village. After all, since Wu Ling had arranged for her, she definitely didn't want people to notice.

Seeing that the old village chief was still in deep thought, Yin Ziying interrupted:

"Grandpa, the village chief, let's not talk about this for now. I will arrange these things. I heard that Gu Yunyan is going to Fucheng to participate in Qiu Wei recently. Is it true?"

"Ziying, are you paying attention to this too? That's right, Brother Yan is going to Fucheng to participate in the Qiu Wei this time. If this is over, Brother Yan will be a candidate."

(End of this chapter)

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